Beginning home masters often naively believe that if the socket is designed for current loads up to 16 A, then the automation must comply with this parameter. In fact, things are a little different. Quite often, AB 6 A or 10 A are used to protect the home network. It all depends on the cross-section of cables and equipment that will be connected to a particular line. In addition, if a 10A automatic machine is installed, you should not think that at 11 A it will work. With a group of time-current characteristics "C", it can withstand a current load of 30 A. But first things first.

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It should be understood that by installing a more powerful AB when wiring is not designed for such currents, the home master will only make it worse. The fact is that the circuit breaker "does not care" what happens to the outlet orequipment. It is designed to protect wires from overheating due to overloads or short circuits. Of course, this is exaggerated, but it does not change the essence. That is why it is better if the AB value is lower.
10A machines are the most convenient for protecting your home network. When working with lighting groups, they behave very decently. If we talk about lines of force, then it is better to break them into rooms. More powerful protective automation justifies itself only if equipment such as an electric water heater is turned on. Even to connect a washing machine that consumes 2 kW, a 10A circuit breaker is enough. In this case, the cable cross-section should not be less than 1 mm2 for copper and 2 mm2 for aluminum. A sufficient face value of the outlet here can be considered 10 A.

Automatic switch device
If you think about it, everything is pretty simple here. Inside the plastic housing is a movable rod, around which is a static solenoid. With normal current, the device operates normally. If the indicator increases, the stem is pushed out by the magnetic field created by the solenoid, and, acting on the lever, turns off the voltage supply. Additional protection is provided by a bimetallic plate, which changes its shape when a certain temperature is exceeded and also contributes to cutoff.
The most famous vending machine manufacturers
Despite the huge range of similar products on Russian shelves, the consumeris not loyal to everyone. Some brands are more popular than others. The main confidence of buyers was won by automatic machines ABB 10A and IEK 10A. According to users, the products of these brands have the best value for money. It is worth noting that experts adhere to a similar opinion. Consider them in more detail.

Automatic machine 1p 10A VA47-29 from IEC and its features
If you compare this AB with ABB, then the main characteristics are similar. They have the same denominations, the allowable number of operations and the cost - from 90 to 150 rubles. However, IEK 1p 10 A VA47-29 has one very important feature: it is able to work not only in a vertical position, but also in a horizontal one. Not every circuit breaker can boast of this.
This AB allows you to connect fairly thick wires with a cross section of up to 25 mm2. The manufacturer guarantees the operability of the equipment for 6,000 operations in emergency mode and 10,000 in mechanical mode. However, this does not mean that they will withstand 6000 short circuits. This is only about overloads.
A little more about AB in the next video.

Residual current circuit breakers
Such devices require special attention. Their main advantage is versatility. 10A differential circuit breakers combine the functionality of conventional AB and residual current devices, which can be a very big plus in conditionslack of free space in the introductory electrical distribution cabinet. Yes, and additional protection of a person from electric shock also cannot be discounted. However, in addition to the obvious positive aspects, the RCBO also has disadvantages that cannot be kept silent about.
The disadvantage that immediately catches the eye is the cost, which is much higher than conventional AB and RCD combined. But you have to pay for convenience, especially since there are more serious shortcomings. For example, when a RCBO trips, it can be quite difficult to determine its cause: whether it was a leak, a short circuit, or an overload on the line. In addition, if one of the nodes of the automatic differential current switch fails, the entire expensive protection element will have to be replaced, while if the RCD or AV burns out, it will be much cheaper to purchase new equipment.
If we talk about differential or conventional circuit breakers IEK 10A or ABB 10 A, then their durability has been proven by time. And if the manufacturer makes certain promises on terms, then this can be trusted. Of course, this does not apply to cases of purchasing counterfeit products.

How to identify a fake when buying
When purchasing a 10A machine (like any other), you should pay attention to its appearance. From it you can instantly determine what was in your hands. It must be remembered that a fake manufacturer will never manufacture automation using expensive parts.
Looking at the side walloriginal product, you can see a small cork made of hard rubber to match the case. Under it is a bimetallic plate, which helps to cut off when overheated. It is this node that is not on counterfeit products. The specified cover will be simply drawn on the body, it will not be possible to open it. Additional features include the uneven color of the plastic with foreign inclusions or streaks and large gaps on the sides of the lever.

Some tips for choosing protective automation
When choosing AB, first of all, it is worth calculating its face value, as already mentioned. However, often home masters make a mistake in something else - distribution along lines or groups. It should be noted that it is impossible to connect part of the lighting and several sockets to one machine (for example, by room). Here is an approximate arrangement of AB along the lines in a 4-room apartment.
- Automatic 10A for the lighting group of the hallway, living room and kitchen.
- The same for 3 rooms and a bathroom.
- Kitchen power line.
- Living room and bedroom outlets.
- Remaining power points.
With such an arrangement, it will be quite convenient to carry out repairs in the event of an emergency in any of the rooms. Lighting does not have to be turned off completely, as well as de-energized all sockets in the apartment, which will allow the use of power tools.

Summarize the above information
Automation is necessary when installing a home network - you can not argue with this statement. However, its wrong selection can nullify all efforts and costs. Therefore, before you purchase it and proceed with the installation, you should carefully calculate everything and take into account all the nuances. And most importantly - be extremely careful, accurate in the production of work. After all, electric shock is dangerous to life and he alth.