Any owner of a suburban area wants to use its functionality to the maximum. Not only a variety of landscape designs are being created, but numerous decorative devices are being built: fences, gazebos, and so on. Quite often, owners make greenhouses with their own hands from improvised materials.

The functions of such structures include the ability to grow vegetables and other plants over a certain period. Depending on this, there are different types of greenhouses.
Varieties of designs
At the moment, you can build greenhouses with your own hands from improvised materials, or you can buy ready-made ones. They can be:
- summer;
- winter.
The first option is suitable for growing crops in the warm season. It is simple in construction and arrangement. Winter greenhouses are more complex structures that require a certain finish and arrangement.
Shapes of greenhouses
To build greenhouses with your own hands from improvised materials, you need to initially determine their shape, which can be:
- arched;
- tent;
- polygonal;
- wall-mounted.
They differ in the way they are built.
Greenhouse Roofs
There are several options for roof structures:
- single slope;
- gable;
- arched;
- broken lines.
It all depends on the amount of prepared materials. The shape of the greenhouse also plays a big role. For example, arched structures have an arched roof, wall-mounted structures have a lean-to.

What is a greenhouse made of?
It's pretty easy to build any greenhouse with your own hands. Structural drawings are prepared in advance. On their basis, the correct miscalculation of materials is made. You just need to know what exactly the greenhouse consists of.
So, it is a construction that consists of:
- grounds;
- frame;
- covers.
It is for this reason that before building a greenhouse with your own hands, drawings are drawn up in advance. This will allow you to assess the load of the future structure and make the right choice of materials for the work.
There are also frameless designs today. Such a greenhouse is being built with your own hands from bottles.

Technology for building greenhouses without bottle frames
How to build a greenhouse of this type? Experienced summer residents know all the nuances of the work. So, for this you will need:
- a certain number of plastic bottles;
- handy tools;
- adhesive tape;
- mounting foam;
- sealant.
Typically, 800-1000 bottles will suffice for a small design. A brick base is preliminarily built, which goes a little deeper into the ground. Whole plastic bottles are laid out in rows on its base. Moreover, their necks should be directed inside the structure. Between themselves, such elements are fastened with adhesive tape or mounting foam. Film is used as a roof.

Note. This is a summer version of the greenhouse. It cannot be used in winter.
Choice of material for the construction of the frame
As a rule, do-it-yourself greenhouses are built from improvised materials. Especially if it is being built for personal use. Since the main structural element is the frame, it can be:
- metal;
- wooden;
- plastic.
These materials have certain specifications.
Metal is considered the most durable and reliable. In the construction of the structure, both simple thin-walled profile pipes, or round timber, and rods or large-diameter wire are used. They are quite heavy, and you need to make a certain foundation under them.

Wood frames are less practical, although they are not uncommon. This is due to the fact that the cost of wood in some cases is much lower than that of metal. Environmental indicators also play a significant role. It is only worth considering that inside the structure there will be constantly increased air humidity, and the structure of the material can be deformed under its influence. All this will cause the destruction of the greenhouse or its partial slope. But it's only over time.
Advice. Before building a greenhouse based on a wooden frame, the wood itself must be well prepared and treated with special tools.
Moreover, a wooden frame is much lighter than a metal frame, which makes it possible to save at least a little on the construction of the base for the structure. You can purchase new material, or you can use old window frames. The latter option will be more economical.
Plastic frames are also popular. They are made of dense polypropylene pipes, which are interconnected using special equipment.
Note. Wind-resistant will be wooden and metal frames made of profile pipes.
What to choose as a cover?
Today, modern manufacturers are trying to diversify their range of products of this type. Despite this, among summer residents they are very popular:
- polycarbonate;
- plastic film;
- glass;
- plastic bottles.
The first material has a specific look for it - honeycomb. It is a dense sheet of different shades, which are able to freely pass air and sunlight. It warms up well and does not allow cold to penetrate inside the structure.air masses. It is versatile, as it can be used both in winter and in summer.

The second most popular is polyethylene film, which can be:
- single layer;
- layered;
- reinforced.
The last type of film is considered the most durable.
Well, the last coating is made independently from plastic bottles. The neck and bottom are cut off from them. Then they are cut vertically and laid out under a press of bricks or bags of something. After a few days, even plastic sheets are obtained, which are fastened together to form a single piece.
Glass is considered the most expensive. Although, if a greenhouse is being built from frames, then they probably have glass in them. If they are not available, then they are replaced by film or polycarbonate.
How to make a greenhouse based on a wooden frame?
To date, the wooden greenhouse is the most common. Initially, a foundation is being built for it from:
- monolith;
- brick;
- wood.
It is imperative to make studs on the surface of the finished foundation for further installation of the frame, which is a crate. Any coating can be mounted on it. What can not be said about the metal frame.
A wooden greenhouse can also be made from old window frames. They are interconnected by guides at the bottom and at the top of the wall. Their joints are treated with sealant or mounting foam. Film is used as a roofbased on a frame made of metal rods.
Production of a greenhouse based on a metal frame
In principle, the process of building a structure is similar to the previous one. There are only differences in the choice of base. So, if the frame consists of solid metal pipes, then it is better to give preference to a monolithic base that can withstand significant mechanical and physical stress. But if a greenhouse frame is being built from rods, then the base can be made of brick.

Note. Quite often, such greenhouses are built without a specific foundation. The rods simply go deep into the ground and are covered with soil mixed with crushed stone of a fine fraction.
On the basis of such frames, you can make greenhouses from a film and at the same time use its various types. It all depends on what period of the year it is planned to use the structure.
How to choose a place for a greenhouse?
Firstly, the greenhouse must be in an open area. Near it there should not be any high plantings and fences. Secondly, it is not recommended to place structures on slopes of the ground, as all useful substances will be washed away. Yes, and the greenhouse will often be flooded with climatic precipitation.
Most importantly, you need to choose a place to which you can easily bring all the necessary communications - light and water.