How to get rid of bats in the house?

How to get rid of bats in the house?
How to get rid of bats in the house?

Bats are mammals that are strictly nocturnal. And in the daytime they are in a hanging state, head down, in dark places. In this article, you will learn several methods on how to get rid of bats in the house.

A little about flying mammals

All bats that live in the Russian Federation have only insects in their diet. And those that feed on animal blood are found only in Latin America, in the Amazon Valley.

how to get rid of bats
how to get rid of bats

Among the tribes of the Amazon River, history has recorded deaths after being bitten by bats. The animals were infected and, accordingly, carried rabies from wild animals. Bitten locals died due to lack of proper medical care and vaccination.

Bats live in colonies. In the daytime, they sleep in secluded places upside down, tucking their muzzle under their wings. For sleep, their favorite places are attics, church domes. In residential buildings, they settle extremelyrare.

how to get rid of bats in the house
how to get rid of bats in the house

Urban type of bats nest in the attics of houses or on any other elevated surface that can shelter an individual from the sun's rays. In nature, there are many subspecies of these flying mammals, but in the natural conditions of our territories, the only and most common species is found - the suborder Chiroptera.

Neighbor role of bats

Naturally, all the nightmares that come from watching horror movies are exaggerated. Even if bats have settled in your attic or in the house itself, you will not notice anything except for squeaking and constant rustling sounds. But this noise can increase when you have not one mouse in your attic, but a whole colony of them. In this case, the owner is forced to resort to a suitable technique on how to get rid of bats in the country.

how to get rid of bats under a roof
how to get rid of bats under a roof

Often, flying creatures can settle on a balcony if there are gaps between the ceilings. In suburban real estate, the settlement of bats is not a rare occurrence. Their favorite place is under the roof in the attic, they can also choose a barn. If left undisturbed, they are not at all dangerous to the owner of the building. If you have a fear of becoming infected with something from a bat, then you should not panic - they are less likely than other animals (cats and dogs) to be carriers of any disease. For a person to become infected, a mouse must bite him. And only the anxiety of the animal can provoke a bite, they do not attack first. Thus, the presentsuch winged neighbors will not bring harm. In addition to this, you can also be protected from mosquitoes.

On the other hand, the harm of the presence of this animal is as follows: feces and urine of winged mice can spoil both wooden and other building materials, damage the integrity of the building. Therefore, homeowners are looking for ways to get rid of bats.

Recommendations before the start of extermination

• You should still familiarize yourself with the current local laws. Basically, bats are a protected species, which means that it is illegal to destroy them. But there is one humane way, and it consists in installing additional houses for the relocation of flying animals.

how to get rid of bats in the attic
how to get rid of bats in the attic

In all likelihood, when you block access to the dwelling, the mice will settle in new, previously prepared houses. And in this case, you can count on the help of bats to exterminate various insects in the suburban area.

• First of all, it's worth finding out what kind of them you are going to fight. After finding out, you can determine if this invasion depends on the breeding season of a particular species. If you are lucky enough to destroy the queen or block her access to your home, the young individuals will remain inside and die over time. And this, of course, is fraught with unpleasant odors. In this case, alas, you will have to wait a certain period for the mice to grow up, and only then start fighting them.

• Take a good look at the bats to find outentrance gate for them. Keep in mind that the bat is not alone at home, it is a whole colony, and, of course, they have more than one half-inch hotspot. So spend more than one evening to find all the holes they use.

After you have completed all the recommendations, proceed to the selection of a method for getting rid of bats in the house.

Recommendations in the post-fighter period

When there are no bats left in the room, you will have a cleaning period. It is clear that they left traces of vital activity in the form of droppings and urine at the places of stay. During the cleaning process, it is very important to use appropriate personal protective equipment: gloves, gown and respirator. It would be better if you consider inviting a professional cleaning team.

How to get rid of bats? Methods

Now let's go directly to the methods of action. For those who are looking for how to get rid of bats in the country or in the house, there are several ways to scare away bats.

1. Treat the room in which bats live with a smoker.

2. Seal the openings through which they enter. If this is a window, then it is spotted.

3. Scare off with ultrasonic waves. Special instruments are used.

4. In the case when you do not want to harm the animal, you can hang a white cloth on the balcony and immediately hang a fishing or some other net. In the dark, the mice will aim for white and fall into the net.

asget rid of bats on the balcony
asget rid of bats on the balcony

5. Hang up newspapers after soaking them in s alt water. This method will tell you how to get rid of bats on the balcony. The wetted newspapers are dried and then set on fire. With this method, you must remember the fire safety measures! A smoke screen is formed, which will scare away bats from the house. In some cases, you can use a sulfuric smoke bomb, but this option is not suitable for a balcony due to a very unpleasant smell. Usually this is how they act to scare away bats in basements and cellars. Sulfur sticks are sold in gardening stores.

6. In the attic, you can use a smoker, previously purchased from a specialized store. This method is quite effective if you want to find an effective and humane way to get rid of bats under the roof. Since then the mice will leave the room and are unlikely to return.

7. An animal found hanging upside down can be grabbed with hands in tight gloves and placed in some kind of container, and then closed. To avoid being touched, slowly cover the animal with the box, gently push the cardboard between the trap and the wall, and then carefully turn the box over. Take it outside at night and release the bat.

8. It is possible to equip each opening with a one-way valve or a mesh. These devices are usually sold in speci alty stores and pest control distributors. Such structures enable volatileit is easy for animals to fly out of the house, but they prevent a return hit. The device must be left within 3 days.

How to get rid of bats under the roof

Sometimes a colony of mice settles in hard-to-reach places at home. This algorithm, how to get rid of bats in the attic, was proposed by one of the readers of the thematic forum:

• Pre-clear a place in the attic under the roof of the building where the bats settled.

• Closer to dark, install powerful lamps in the mouse dwelling.

how to get rid of bats in the garden
how to get rid of bats in the garden

• Repeat the scaring operation the next night.

Preventive advice

After a thorough inspection of the entire dwelling, you will surely find many holes that one way or another could become entry routes for a flying creature. If there are holes, then urgently caulk them with construction foam. Animals may remember your home and return the same way again. In the case when you notice single individuals, you can simply wait until they fly away, and then immediately plug all the holes with foam. So it will be possible to prevent the re-introduction of night fliers. If you conscientiously approach the implementation of preventive recommendations, then in the future you will not have to waste time looking for ways to get rid of bats.
