You planted seedlings, take care of them, water them well, but one day you found that the leaves of tomato seedlings turn yellow. This is the plant's first warning that something is wrong with it. It is worth paying attention to this if you do not want to lose most of the planned harvest in the future.

Why seedlings turn yellow
Quite often, gardeners have to deal with a variety of diseases that affect crops. However, scientists conducted a series of experiments and found that the leaves of tomato seedlings turn yellow for several reasons.
- Temperature instability, sudden changes can affect seedlings. To recover, start observing the ventilation mode.
- Lack of light can also affect the yellowing of the leaves. Sunlight is essential for photosynthesis, so increase your plant's supply of sunlight.
- Lack of important nutrients in the soil leads to stunted plants. To avoid this, simply fertilize the soil with nitrogen-containing fertilizers orcow dung (1:10 ratio).
Before planting new tomato seeds, treat them with races

solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). Even a solution of medium strength can neutralize the seeds from possible pathogens, provide additional protection, significantly reducing the risk of disease. With this solution, using a spray bottle, you can also spray young shoots of seedlings.
The "adult" seedlings turn yellow
Sometimes, even after carrying out all the necessary preventive work, after planting the plant in the ground, the leaves of the tomato seedlings turn yellow. In this case, you need to check a few more causes of yellow leaves.
If the plant sheds only the lower yellowed leaves, then this is a normal natural process. Thus, tomatoes get rid of unnecessary ballast, so that all the forces and juices go to the formation of inflorescences and fruits.
The situation is different if the leaves of the tomato seedlings turn yellow, not only the lower ones, but also the upper ones, and the whole plant looks weak and lethargic. The reason for this may be a fungal disease (fusarium). The main distinguishing feature of this disease is the stem cracked in places and its blackening.

Damaged plants can no longer be saved, so dig them up and burn them, and to prevent disease, treat the remaining seedlings with biological products. To neutralize the soil, add fertilizers rich in potassium and phosphorus.
Even the best varieties of tomatoes can be affecteddisease such as late blight. The appearance of brown spots on the leaves, yellowness and drying out indicate that the plant is infected with this disease. The virus can quite easily overwinter in the soil on parts of plants, and in spring it infects young seedlings. To avoid disease, treat tomatoes with fungicides, Bordeaux liquid, and also reduce soil moisture (use drip irrigation for irrigation).
Remember that it is better to prevent the occurrence of a disease than to eliminate it later. Timely processing of tomato seedlings with proper care will allow you to reap a rich harvest of tomatoes.