In order for a suburban area to be suitable for a full-fledged life, it is necessary not only to carry out all the relevant communications (electricity and water) to it. It is also necessary to complete the installation of a septic tank, which will ensure the normal discharge of wastewater.

Types of septic tanks on the site
There are several varieties of such structures that are used on the site:
- simple drain hole;
- plastic septic tank with a certain number of chambers;
- septic tank made of concrete rings.

The last type is considered the most popular and easiest to build.
Choosing a location for a septic tank on the site
It is worth noting: in order to perform a high-quality installation of a septic tank that will be used for a long time, you need to choose the right place for it.
Firstly, the drain pit should be located as far as possible from the residential building and any outbuildings. This will protect buildings from flooding. Secondly, there should be no plantings on a plot of several meters around the septic tank. This is especially true for the garden.
Advice. Installation of a septic tank is best done closer to the entrance to the yard, so thatthe ability to clean it normally with the help of special equipment.
Work plan for installing a septic tank in a suburban area
It is worth considering that the installation of a septic tank is carried out in stages. First, you need to choose the right place for it. Secondly, make a drawing of the future design.
Important. This stage is the most important, since based on its data it is possible to correctly calculate the required amount of materials for the installation of drain wells.
Next you need to do the following:
- dig a pit;
- install concrete rings;
- lay and connect all necessary pipes;
- to seal the joints of the material;
- installation of floors;
- filling the septic tank.
This is a kind of septic installation scheme that allows you to perform all the work correctly and efficiently. At the same time, special equipment and improvised tools are used.

Note. You can easily install a septic tank with your own hands, for this you do not need to have special knowledge in this area. It will be enough just to know the principle of operation of such a design.
Digging a pit
As soon as the place for the installation of the sewer pit is chosen, you can start digging the pit. It is worth considering that the size and diameter of such a structure depends on the daily water consumption for each family member. In order to live freely on a suburban area, it is enough to make a hole up to 3 m deep. At the same time, its width (or diameter) will bemake up:
- 70cm;
- 80cm;
- 90 cm and so on.
This setting is based on the diameter of the selected concrete rings.
If the pit is dug by hand, then for the work you will need:
- hand drill or simple drilling rig;
- shovel;
- bucket.
Initially, along the perimeter of the future septic tank, with the help of a shovel and other garden tools, all vegetation is removed from the soil surface, a depression of 20-30 cm is dug. Then a drill is installed and they begin to work with it to a depth of 50 cm. depth and diameter. Excess soil is lifted to the surface with a bucket. It is also necessary to use a ladder for easier descent and ascent.
If the septic tank is dug out with the help of equipment, then a minimum amount of improvised tools is required: a shovel. A specialized machine will make the necessary recess with a bucket.
Important. You have to dig carefully. Especially if a person does not know at what level the groundwater is. They should be as far away from the septic tank as possible so that contaminated drains do not clog them.
There is one recommendation for the construction of a sewer well: you should not continue digging if water has already appeared at the bottom of the pit. It is best to fall asleep and not use this design in the future.
Installation of concrete rings
Since such products have a large mass, they need to be installed only with a special tripod, which is built independently, or with a liftingtap.

Advice. It is better to install a septic tank from concrete rings using special equipment. This will greatly facilitate the work and reduce the time and effort spent.
The first ring is installed on a special substrate. It is made from sand, crushed stone and gravel. This is a kind of natural filter that can trap harmful substances in the pit. It is necessary to ensure that the ring after installation is in a flat plane. For this reason, further installation will be simple and quick.
The second ring is mounted on top of the first, and so on. This results in a smooth construction that requires additional finishing.
Initially pipes run from the house. They are laid at a depth below the freezing level of the soil. Otherwise, you need to insulate them with the help of special materials or apply sleeve technology. It has been used for a long time and is a “pipe in pipe” design, that is, the drain pipe is insulated with mineral wool and inserted into a pipe with a large diameter. Because of this, the entire structure will not only be insulated, but also protected from moisture and soil pressure.

The pipes are brought almost to the center of the septic tank. In some cases, they can be placed at the bottom. Just keep in mind that quite often, due to the inflow of a large amount of drains, the pipes become clogged and it will not be possible to clean them on their own.
Sealing the structure
First,rings installed in the septic tank must be fastened together. To do this, use a concrete solution prepared using sand, concrete and water and with the addition of special substances to give such a tool moisture resistance and strength. It is applied to the joints and crevices of the material.
Secondly, the outer diameter of the septic tank must be overlaid with roofing material or other material to protect it from flooding with rain or melt water.
Next, they are already moving on to improving the structure and installing floor slabs on the ground surface, which are the basis for mounting the septic tank cover.
Filling up the sewer pit
The installation of a septic tank from the rings can be considered completed only when all the work on installing the material and protecting the entire structure is completed.

The final step will be to fill around the septic tank to a depth of 50 cm. Gravel or crushed stone of small fractions is used for this. They are poured along the outer diameter of the structure and covered with a layer of cleaned sand on top. Can be poured with concrete mortar.
Once all the work is done, you can use the septic tank.