High-quality septic tank made of concrete rings with your own hands

High-quality septic tank made of concrete rings with your own hands
High-quality septic tank made of concrete rings with your own hands
do-it-yourself septic tank made of concrete rings
do-it-yourself septic tank made of concrete rings

The septic tank acts as a sump and filter. It recycles sewage and makes it harmless to the environment. All septic tanks can be divided into four large groups:

  • plastic factory;
  • concrete factory;
  • homemade;
  • drainage pits.

So let's look at all the options.

1. Do-it-yourself septic tank made of concrete rings is not always possible. For such situations, you can purchase a plastic ready-made version. It has three compartments: in the first, water is settled from heavy particles; in the second, the fermentation process occurs under the action of bacteria; the third allows you to clean the water from s alts and make it non-hazardous to the environment.

scheme of a septic tank from concrete rings
scheme of a septic tank from concrete rings

2. If you wish, you can buy a massive factory septic tank made of concrete rings. You can also do it yourself, but for this you will need concrete, reinforcement and a lot of free time. A ready-made septic tank only needs to be installed, after which it will immediately start working.

3. Homemadeoptions. The construction of septic tanks from concrete rings requires some knowledge. First of all, you need to know the level of groundwater, so as not to turn the drain hole into a well. You should also not only make the formwork correctly (by the way, you must first provide cells for the outflow of water into the ground), but also think over the entire structure. Do not forget that the septic tank should consist of several parts, the largest of which is the sump.

4. The cheapest option is a drain pit. It is a hole in the ground, to which sewer pipes were brought. This option is the most economical only at first glance. Firstly, the pit has limited ability to absorb moisture, so you will have to periodically dig a new one or call a sewage truck to remove sewage. Secondly, by allowing sewage to soak into the soil without prior treatment, we are creating an ecological disaster in the area where we live, as we are poisoning the groundwater.

Laying a septic tank

scheme of a septic tank from concrete rings
scheme of a septic tank from concrete rings

Septic tanks are not always made of concrete. Often, brick, double-glazed windows, metal, reinforced concrete are used as the main material. If you are going to mount a septic tank made of a monolithic reinforced concrete block, then it will last a long time, despite the small financial costs. The disadvantage of such a product is the complexity of installation. However, there is still such an option: a do-it-yourself septic tank made of concrete rings. To install correctly, follow these steps:

1. Before you startdig a hole for a septic tank, you need to calculate its size. To do this, you will have to calculate the amount of water that the family uses per day. We also add to this number the amount of water that will be consumed by the guests. Having made the calculations, we get the following result (approximately): the average family with five guests consumes about 1800 liters. And since the water settles for a day, the septic tank should be a volume of 6 cubic meters.

2. Dig a hole for sewage at a distance no closer than five meters from the house. Preferred dimensions are 3x3x2 meters. To make a septic tank from concrete rings with your own hands, you need to close up all the walls of the pit with reinforcement. At the same time, it is necessary to install iron at a distance of five centimeters from the soil.

construction of septic tanks from concrete rings
construction of septic tanks from concrete rings

3. We make formwork and fill the reinforcement with concrete, after leaving room for windows through which water will be absorbed. You can also install a ready-made concrete block in the pit, which is made at the factory. For its correct installation, there is a special scheme of a septic tank made of concrete rings, which contains all the necessary details for installing the product.