Wishing to fully relax in his country house with family or friends, the owner must take care of the arrangement of an autonomous sewage system. In many areas, the supply of central communications is simply impossible. Therefore, summer residents invariably face the question of the need to dispose of waste in an acceptable way.
Earlier, the solution to this problem was the creation of a cesspool. Technology does not stand still. Septic tanks have improved performance. Today, there are many options for arranging such structures. Making a septic tank can be done by hand. To do this, the owner of suburban real estate should be familiar with the technology and all the nuances of such work.
General characteristics
Earlier, a cesspool and an outdoor shower were equipped in private and country houses. All dirty drains fell directly into the soil. For this reason, such an organization of autonomous sewage had many shortcomings. Today, a different, more advanced system is in use.
Production of a septic tank using new technologyallows you to clean the drains before they enter the soil. Moreover, such a process can take place in a sand and gravel filter, in a special field, trench or well. Additional cleaning is carried out mechanically.

The design features of the septic tank allow it to perform its functions in full. Wastewater treatment takes place in several stages. For this, the septic tank system has several compartments. They may be underground or on the surface of the site.
Manufacturing of septic tanks in Tyumen, Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of our country is carried out in accordance with sanitary standards and rules. Three-level cleaning is performed according to the generally accepted principle. First, heavy waste particles settle to the bottom, while light particles remain on the surface. Purified water is in the middle. The bacteria inside the tank also recycle human waste.
The septic tank is not designed for complete wastewater treatment. It is only able to pre-filter some types of contaminants before further effluent enters the soil or other type of disposal. The owner of a private house can purchase a container for collecting waste or build it on his own.
Types of structures
Septic tanks can be single-chamber or multi-chamber. When choosing a design, it is necessary to take into account the volume of domestic water consumption on the site. Experts say that the number of cameras plays a secondary role. It is much more important to calculate the period of passage of wastewater through the system. The more capaciousseptic tank, the longer the water will be inside. Accordingly, the quality of wastewater treatment also depends on this.

Making a septic tank too large can cause a number of unpleasant consequences. The sediment will fall to the bottom of the tank unevenly. Solids from wastewater will settle at the beginning of the septic tank. At the same time, the removal of accumulated waste will be quite difficult. To do this, the septic tank will require several additional hatches.
In order for the sediment to fall out evenly, a two-tank design is used. To avoid re-contamination of water, owners should equip a three-chamber septic tank.
The manufacture of a single-chamber septic tank in a private house is acceptable only if the daily water consumption in the country is up to 1 m³ per day. The owners stay in their country house in this case is extremely rare and not for long. One- and two-chamber septic tanks most often do not have a drainage system. Periodically, such containers need to be cleaned with a cesspool.
In a multi-chamber septic tank, water will gradually flow through the tanks over 10 days. At the same time, various bacteria will qualitatively process organic waste. From such systems it is allowed to drain water even into nearby rivers, re-use it for irrigation of the site. Such designs are acceptable for a large house or group of buildings in which a large number of people live permanently.
Working principle
A modern septic tank, which is produced in various cities of our country, may have a different principlefunctioning. There are three main groups of presented designs. The first type of septic tanks are systems with soil filtration. The second group is storage tanks. The third type includes the most modern devices. This is a sewer with deep biological treatment.

If the owners of a cottage or a private house live in it year-round, a septic tank with soil filtration of wastewater should be considered as an acceptable option. Such a unit first accumulates waste in itself, and then cleans it. Inside the container are special bacteria. Sediment cleaning is rarely done. The disadvantage of this design is the impossibility of its installation in areas with a frequent rise in the groundwater level.
Most often, a fiberglass, polyethylene or polypropylene septic tank has a storage tank type. This design is an improved version of the cesspool. Sewage is collected in the septic tank. The waste contained in them is divided into groups according to weight. Organic components are broken down naturally, and solid particles are settled. Such structures withstand high pressure, loads. However, periodically the sediment will need to be cleaned out of the tank using special equipment.
Autonomous sewage with a deep biological treatment system uses several mechanisms in its operation. First, solid waste is settled. Then the biological treatment of the liquid is performed. For this inside the septic tankare anaerobic and aerobic bacteria.
After this stage, the water is subjected to chemical disinfection. After that, it can be used for economic purposes or drained into water bodies. The cost of this equipment is quite high, but the operation of the system does not require additional costs for maintenance of the structure.
Material selection
For the manufacture of septic tanks, materials such as reinforced concrete, plastic, fiberglass, brick, monolithic concrete can be used.
Today, the manufacture of fiberglass and plastic septic tanks is very popular. These are ready-made containers that only need to be installed in a prepared pit and connected to communications. These are durable, reliable designs. Due to the fact that plastic is a material subject to ground pressure, a reinforced concrete bunker is installed above such structures.
Fiberglass containers are more durable. They are less subject to pressure on the walls. Today, fiberglass storage tanks are made in areas such as Yekaterinburg, as well as Prim. region (Yaroslavka). A plant for the production of septic tanks from this material is also located in St. Petersburg.

Prefabricated concrete structures are preferable when creating a single-chamber septic tank. The design differs in the increased durability, durability. To build such a septic tank is quick and easy. It will take only one day to install and connect the system. Construction is also very fast.brick septic tank.
If it is planned to create a two-chamber septic tank on the site, it will be cheaper and easier to choose monolithic concrete. Brick structures are also allowed to be created in this case. This builds two separate wells.
Accounting for the geological features of the site
The manufacture of septic tanks in Tyumen, Yekaterinburg, Moscow and other cities of our country should be carried out taking into account the geological features of the area. The reliability and durability of the system will depend on this. Each type of material from which a septic tank is made has a limited scope. Therefore, when choosing, it is necessary to take into account what type of terrain this or that structure is intended for.

Sandy soils are best for arranging different types of septic tanks. In such conditions, it is allowed to use almost any material. The most commonly used concrete, reinforced concrete, brick and some improvised means. There are septic tanks made from old tires, stainless steel barrels, etc. Self-made concrete, reinforced concrete structures are also well suited for soils with high water permeability.
If the soil is clayey, storage structures or biological treatment stations should be purchased. The manufacture of septic tanks from fiberglass, polypropylene in this case will be preferable. Sealed containers will not allow liquid to enter the soil. Otherwise, there is a danger of waterlogging the area.
Besides soil typegroundwater level must be taken into account. If they are close to the surface or often rise, for example, during the period of snow melting or heavy rainfall, it is better not to use a septic tank with a soil post-treatment system. In this case, a storage-type plastic container or a biological treatment design would be the best option.
Manufacturer's Choice
Wishing to purchase a purchased septic tank, the owner of a private house should consider the popular design models presented today on the plumbing equipment market. There are both foreign and domestic products. The latter option is preferable, since the quality of Russian-made septic tanks is not inferior to imported counterparts, and their cost is much less.

Capacities, as well as components for the manufacture of septic tanks today represent several popular domestic companies. These include products such as "Tank", "Triton", "Topas", "Poplar" and "Tver". These are the most popular models, the cost of which ranges from 60 to 150 thousand rubles. The price depends on the complexity and volume of the design, as well as the manufacturer.
The presented equipment is of high quality. It complies with sanitary and hygienic standards. However, not every owner of suburban real estate can afford such constructions. In this case, alternative septic tanks can be considered. Their popularity is only growing.
For example, it can be considered as a worthy option for a container fromfiberglass, which produces Prim. region (Yaroslavka). A septic tank factory has recently been built here. But the quality of this manufacturer's products is at a high level. The septic tank "Beaver" also deserves attention. It will cost less than leading brands.
Choosing the best option for your summer cottage will help a detailed review of popular and promising models of equipment for arranging autonomous sewage.
Popular models
Today's top sellers are Topas and Tank septic tanks. The features of the presented systems should be found out by the owners of a private house before buying expensive equipment.
Some builders claim that making concrete septic tanks without a bottom will be a good alternative to arranging a cesspool. However, this is not the case. A worthy option in this case would be the arrangement of a storage type septic tank. One of the best devices for autonomous sewage is the Topas model. The cost of such a septic tank, depending on the volume and type of construction, ranges from 70 to 135 thousand rubles.
"Topas" allows you to avoid the appearance of an unpleasant smell on the site, and also provides high-quality wastewater treatment. Making a septic tank with your own hands can be done using this model.
The "Tank" system is a completely autonomous sewage system for country cottages and summer cottages. The container is a durable propylene construction. The wall thickness is 10 mm, and on the ribs - 17 mm. This is a three-chamber septic tank with a powerful eco-filter inside. Solid waste is pumped out of the tank only once a year. This is made possible by the special design of the presented equipment.
The "Tank" structure is assembled using a certain number of modules. This allows you to create the optimal volume inside the containers. This is a non-volatile system, the overflow of liquid inside which is carried out due to the correct organization of internal pipes.
Alternative models
There are many alternative models of the presented equipment, which will have a lower cost. The quality of septic tanks of developing enterprises can be quite high.
You can also consider equipment options from less popular types of material. For example, it may be the manufacture of metal septic tanks. In St. Petersburg, Moscow, there are companies specializing in the production of such equipment.
The septic tanks of the Yaroslavsky Kolorit company are famous for their high quality. Their Dochista models and Dochista Profi cleaning stations are only gaining popularity. However, the fiberglass containers that this manufacturer introduces to the market are characterized by high performance and reliability.
The use of Beaver septic tanks is also becoming popular. This equipment is distinguished by an acceptable price. Turnkey installation will cost the owner of suburban real estate about 60-70 thousand rubles.
Manufacturing of the "Beaver" septic tank is carried out in accordance with new technological developments. The advantage of such a system is the need for maintenance every 7-10years. This was achieved thanks to special design solutions in the development of the presented model. When fully equipped, the Beaver septic tank has 6 degrees of purification. Thanks to this, purified water can be used to water plants and trees on the site.
Homemade septic tank
If it is expensive to purchase a ready-made system for the owners of a country house, you can equip a home-made septic tank on the site. To do this, you will need to calculate the correct volume of containers, as well as consider the design of the system. The volume of the system should be 3 times the water consumption in the house. At the same time, there should always be water inside the septic tank.

If the septic tank consists of two chambers, the first one should be larger. Its volume is 75% in the total capacity of the system. If the purifier is three-chamber, the first capacity should be 50% of the system, and the next two - 25% each. If the owners choose a system consisting of concrete rings, the volume of each section will be the same.
Next, you need to consider the location of the septic tank on the site. According to regulatory requirements, it must be at least 5 m from the house and 30 m from the well (well). An elevated place on the site is best suited for such purposes. This avoids the ingress of melt water or precipitation into the septic tank.
Sewer pipes should be brought to the system at a slight angle. They should not have bends, otherwise a blockage will form over time. The layout of the autonomous sewage system is carried out at the design stagebuilding. It is necessary to clearly correlate the location of communications inside the house in order to properly equip the septic tank.
After designing, it is necessary to purchase the right amount of materials. The manufacture of septic tanks from concrete rings involves the purchase of about 9 such structural elements. You will also need 3 manhole covers (according to the number of holes).
System design
After the preparatory work is done, you can start creating an autonomous sewer. There are methods according to which septic tank rings are made from old tires of large diameter. However, concrete structures are considered more durable.
When building a septic tank, you need to dig 3 wells in a row with a diameter of about 2.5-2.8 m (slightly larger than the diameter of the rings). Their depth should be 3 m. At the bottom of the first two pits, a concrete base must be poured. With a crane, the rings are installed in the wells. In each hole you will need to put 3 pcs. rings (one on top of the other). To do this, you need to think in advance about the passage of equipment to the place of work.
Joints are filled with liquid glass. Some owners process the walls of wells with bitumen. High-quality isolation of system elements is an important stage in the performance of work.
Further, the space from the walls of the pit to the rings is filled with the remaining earth. A filter base should be laid at the bottom of the third well. It could be gravel. If the water will drain into the pond, a chlorine cartridge must be placed at the bottom of the third well. It is also worth considering the presence inside the septic tank of specialbacteria.
In order for water to pass through the tanks unhindered, you need to bring the pipe to the first well at a slight slope. Next, you need to connect the first and second container. To do this, the sewer pipe must be 20 cm lower than the input communications. A third well without a cement base must also be connected to the second tank. This pipe will be 20 cm lower than the previous communications.
Having considered the principles according to which a septic tank is manufactured, each owner of his own home will be able to choose the best type of system for himself. This will allow you to organize an autonomous sewage system as correctly as possible. By following all the recommendations of professional builders, as well as adhering to sanitary and hygienic standards, everyone will be able to equip the structure not only durable, but also effective.