If you are just starting to live in a private house, then you will probably face the question of which sewer to use in a particular case. The best option would be a system that will be inexpensive and will allow you to complete the work quickly enough. Special designs - septic tanks - are quite expensive and require careful maintenance. A cesspool made of concrete rings is also a rather labor-intensive and expensive option. In addition, the system will require pumping, as well as cleaning the well twice a year.
Pumping out involves calling a sewer and cash costs. As one of the main disadvantages here is an unpleasant smell. The most profitable solution in this situation will be the use of plastic containers, which will form the basis of the septic tank. You can use used containers for the device of the system, because they are cheaper. At the first stage, the master will have to calculate the volume of the system, and then correctly install the structure. Only then will the septic tank work without interruption. Private homeowners in recenttime for this use eurocubes. And you can follow suit too.
What are Eurocubes

These are thick polyethylene containers with steel mesh protection on the outside for reliability and durability. Inside you can hold about 1000 liters of liquid. The cube can be used for reusable storage and transportation of various substances, among them food and water should be distinguished.
Containers are quite often purchased to store water so that you can then use it to irrigate your crops. Such a cube is great for building sewers. Its benefits are:
- maximum tightness;
- quick install;
- opportunity to do installation work yourself;
- building speed;
- simple container care.
The septic tank from European cubes can withstand heavy loads, it is resistant to aggressive substances and has a low cost. If you want to save even more, then you should purchase a used eurocube. Before installing it, you do not have to carry out complex preparatory work. In addition, the system itself is quite easy to operate.
Why some consumers refuse eurocubes: reviews

Such containers, according to consumers, have their drawbacks, they are expressed in the lightness of the material. This factor contributes to the fact that in case of flooding of the sitecontainer is ejected. In addition, products, according to buyers, have rather thin walls, which sometimes cannot cope with the load, so they are deformed.

Before you arrange a septic tank from eurocubes, you must prepare. To do this, a place for installation is selected, which can be located anywhere on the site, because a sewage machine is not needed. There is no need to empty the system. It is important to determine the type of soil before starting work. This is done because some soils are not suitable for the installation of such structures. If the soil is just like that, then the bottom will need to be further strengthened, as well as the walls of the recess for installing the system.
The initial stage of work should be accompanied by a determination of the level of groundwater. To do this, in the spring, with the help of a drill, a well is dug to a depth of 2 m. After a day, its walls should be checked. If the groundwater is deep enough, the walls will remain dry. Their humidity indicates a high level of groundwater. The level can be measured at the nearest well.
A septic tank from eurocubes should have a volume that should be calculated at the initial stage. For this, the following formula is used: V=(N x 180 × 3): 1000. In it, V is the installation volume, and the number of people is denoted by the letter N. For the reason that the consumption rate per person reaches 180 liters per day, liters should be multiplied by the number of residents and by three days. During this time, the system will purify the water.
The resulting number should be divided by 1000 to get the volume of the container in cubic meters. You need to purchase a cube of a larger volume than required, because it is forbidden to install a septic tank with insufficient volume. As practice shows, for a family of 3 people, 2 containers will be enough, the volume of each of which is 800 liters.
Getting ready

When excavating, it is better to use special equipment. However, if this is not possible, you can get by with a shovel. In the process of carrying out the work, a trench is being prepared, which will go from the exit point of the sewer to the septic tank itself. The outdoor piping pipe must be located with a certain slope, which will allow the drain to move under the influence of gravity.
The slope must be correct, otherwise blockages may form in the pipe. The slope of the pipe will depend on its diameter. For an external pipeline of an autonomous sewage system for a summer house or a house, a pipe with a diameter of 110 mm should be used. In this case, the slope reaches 2 cm per meter. If the septic tank is 7 m away from the house, then the difference in level from the beginning to the end of the pipeline is 14 cm.
When making a pit for a septic tank from eurocubes, it is recommended to consider a photo for a start. Perhaps they will help you avoid mistakes. The size of the pit should be such that after installation is completed, the gap between the tank and the walls is 20 cm or more. This is necessary for easier installation of the system. It is also important to take careabout strengthening, as well as protecting the outer walls, because plastic can be deformed under the influence of soil.
Sand or soil can be poured into the bottom of the pit. Given the depth of the pit, the height of the cushion must be taken into account. After that, a screed of concrete mortar is poured to the bottom, metal embedded parts are installed. The latter are necessary for fixing eurocubes.
The inner walls of the pit for a septic tank from eurocubes, reviews of which will allow you to make the right choice, are also being strengthened. This is done by installing sheets of metal, but it is better to build a formwork and fill the walls with concrete. If these recommendations are neglected, then the septic tank may be moved from its place in the process of soil movements, which will cause the destruction of the entire system.
Issue price

For a septic tank from eurocubes, you can take two plastic containers, the volume of each of which will be equal to 800 liters. The cost of products is 2000 rubles. If required, the volume of the eurocube can be increased to 1000 liters. If everything is done correctly, the system will work properly both in summer and in winter, without causing problems with operation.
However, you will need to add bacteria regularly to eliminate the occurrence of unpleasant odors. Many users today purchase Doctor Robik, which is an American drug. You may prefer Tamir.
Installation steps

Earthworks involve preparationditches. Once the volume of the system has been calculated, and you know the size of the septic tank, you can start digging. Concrete is poured at the bottom or a pillow of crushed stone and sand is laid. This is necessary so that light cubes are not pushed to the surface in the spring when the time for flooding and floods comes.
The walls of the septic tank are also strengthened, for this you should use slate. You can simply fill the perimeter with sand. The bottom layer of concrete or sand should be 20 cm or more thick. On the sides, leave room for a layer of sand and laying a thermal insulation layer.
If you are faced with the question of how to make a septic tank from eurocubes with your own hands, then you must seal the drain hole. Round holes must be made on the sides of each container for the installation of pipes. The diameter of the holes can vary from 20 to 30 cm. A hole should be made in the upper part of the tank for a pipe that will act as ventilation.
The pipe is connected to a tee, which, in turn, must be connected to each inlet and outlet. This will give you a container with a pipe that is connected inside each of the tanks with a tee.
Work methodology

The master will have to make holes for connection. In the first container, the hole is located 15 cm below the sewer hole. Height difference should be used. The next container is set 15 or 25 cm lower than the first. Data containersinterconnected with a polypropylene sewer pipe. The device is fixed with fittings or wire. In the second container, 30 cm from the top side, it is necessary to make a hole for the drainage pipe. The seams are well sealed with sealant.
Heat insulation and anchoring
Before you make a septic tank from European cubes with your own hands, you should think about the need to insulate the system. The device itself is installed on a concrete pad, and on all sides it should be covered with foam. If it is not available, then expanded polystyrene can be used.
After the container is filled with water and poured with concrete on the sides. Instead of the latter, you can use sand. From above, the structure is closed with foam and sprinkled with soil. Only ventilation cleaning pipes are left on the surface.
Assembly recommendations
When a do-it-yourself septic tank is made from eurocubes, it is recommended to consider the photo beforehand. During operation, it is important to exclude the complete filling of the system with drains, because the container may burst from internal pressure. In order to eliminate cracks, it is necessary to make a drain tank, which will be located below the freezing point. An alternative solution would be high-quality aseptic thermal insulation.
The tanks must be connected to the ventilation pipes that are located nearby. If this solution does not suit you, then the system can be equipped with self-ventilation. When a septic tank is installed from a Eurocube for a private house, it will be necessary to additionally mount a valve, which is necessary forair suction. This is required so that discharged air does not remain in the sewer pipe, which can prevent the drain from draining into the tanks. Fecal effluent is separated using the same solution, which allows to increase the residence time of the effluent in the tank. In addition, it helps to eliminate the influence of household antiseptics on the first tank, where fecal waste ends up.
Pump out system
A septic tank from eurocubes with pumping suggests a system that does not have drainage fields. The latter are required for wastewater treatment at the final stage. The design of the drainage system can only be built if there is soil with suitable characteristics on the site. The soil must have the ability to clean runoff through a sand and gravel filter. The purified liquid will go into the ground, and then undergo additional soil post-treatment.
Septic tank maintenance
Even under the condition that a do-it-yourself septic tank made from eurocubes without pumping out does not provide for cleaning the tanks from sewage, once a year they still have to be freed from accumulated sludge. This is best done in the fall, when bacterial activity is reduced. To do this, clear the area in which the cleaning ventilation pipe is located, using improvised means. Through this pipe, unprocessed products should be obtained, which can be used as fertilizer.
For reference
When installing a septic tank, it is especially important to ensure the complete tightness of the drain from the tank. To do this, unscrew the cap and lubricatethread with sealant, and then install the cover in place. When installing a septic tank from a eurocube in a country house with your own hands, you should take into account that the size of the neck of the container does not allow you to insert a tee inside.
In order to expand the holes, you should use a grinder, with which a hole is temporarily cut out in place of the neck. After the tees are installed, the holes are closed with rivets and well sealed. A septic tank for giving from Eurocubes must be installed in such a way as to exclude the possibility of displacement of containers in relation to each other. To do this, the metal frames of the container are welded together. Use a metal rod for this.