How to make a fish tank with your own hands?

How to make a fish tank with your own hands?
How to make a fish tank with your own hands?

A fish tank is practically a must, especially if you plan to fish for a long time. It is impossible to keep the caught fish out of the water for a long time. It is this problem that such a device as a cage will solve.

What is this gadget?

It is worth noting here that the fish tank is used not only by amateur anglers or ordinary fishermen, but also by athletes. The main purpose of this thing is to keep the caught fish alive, during the entire period of fishing. As it may have already become clear, this is a kind of device that is under water all the time and is closed. Thus, you can leave the fish in the water, in its usual habitat, but already in the nets. In addition, this makes it possible, for example, to release part of the catch safely if a larger prey was caught. This is a pretty important factor. To date, there are several varieties of such a device.

Fish tank
Fish tank


Fish tanks differ in quite a few ways, which is why the varietiesthere are a large number. The main characteristics by which the classification is carried out are:

  • form of cage;
  • linear dimensions;
  • material used for making;
  • cell size;
  • number of sections.

In more detail, their shape, for example, is of three types. It can be a circle, a rectangle or an elongated body. It is also worth noting here that there is no clear definition of which of these three types will be better. Each of them excels in the right situation. However, among the fishermen, it was the round sectional pattern that became the most popular. The diameter of such a fish tank starts from 40 cm. The length of this device is limited only by the number of rings or rectangular inserts. The distance between them is about 30 cm, and the length in this case is practically unlimited. Most often, they stretch for several meters.

The rectangular cage is mainly chosen by the athletes. It is highly stable in water, which is especially important in shallow water. The length is about 5 m, which affects the space inside the grid.

Metal fish tank has become the most popular. Their strength is much higher, as is their service life. They are quite simple in their maintenance, since mucus, silt and scales are easily removed from the metal wall. You can use this type of cage when catching any type of fish.

Bag fish tanks
Bag fish tanks

What you need to make a fixture

To make a cagefor do-it-yourself fish, you will need a mesh with small or large cells. It all depends on what kind of fish you plan to catch. Nylon thread, as well as metal or rectangular rings for the construction of individual sections.

Before proceeding with the assembly itself, it is necessary to decide on a number of questions. It is important to decide what kind of fish it will be used for, whether it will be a sport or regular type, how to increase its strength if large fish are caught. In addition, the choice of cells near the net is very important, because if they are too small, and the fish is large, then most likely it will suffocate. Small fish, of course, will simply escape through too large cells.

round cage
round cage

How to make a fish tank with your own hands?

First you need to take care of the frame of the cage, which will be used as flexible rings. For this, metal cables with a polymer braid are suitable. In the right places, they are passed through the cells of the grid in such a way that a ring can be made from them. Another very important point is that you need to know exactly how to keep the fish in the cage. You need to find out this before proceeding with the assembly, as the design will depend on this.

To be sure that the rings will not bloom during fishing, they are fastened with a nylon thread or rolled. It is important to add that the number of rings is chosen not only based on personal preference, but on the overall length and width of the fish tank. Another important part is assembled with your own hands, which is calledgarden base. You need to start this stage when the mesh and rings are ready. The base is the largest circle in its diameter. It will be located at the very edge. After it is braided with a net, you can proceed to insert the remaining rings.

mesh cage
mesh cage

It is very important to note that the last section must be tightly tightened with nylon thread or any other material that can withstand the pressure of water and fish, and at the same time does not disperse, otherwise the whole catch will float away. In fact, dealing with the question of how to make a fish tank is quite simple, it is much more difficult to properly assemble the structure, and therefore you should start with small fixtures.

Bag cage

If you don't feel like working with a grid, rings, etc., or it doesn't work, you can try another option. To do this, you need a mesh nylon bag, metal wire and nylon cord. The manufacturing process is quite simple:

  1. The cells of the bag should be 4-6 mm. It is important to check its integrity and the absence of gusts or holes. Production time depends on the quality of the material, and then even a stainless steel mesh can be used.
  2. Several rings with a diameter of 30-40 cm are made from wire. You should not do less than three. If you need a rectangular type of cage, then the parameters will be 4060 cm.
  3. After that, every 30-40 cm, rings or rectangles are passed through the bag and attached to it with a thread. The gaps between the rings should be the same.
  4. Neck,which will be the entrance, must be with a handle and a tie from the same thread. This device will act as a door. When the handle is tightened, the passage closes. When the handle is released, the bag exits.
cage with metal hoops
cage with metal hoops

Cages for growing fish

It is worth noting that cages can be used not only during fishing, as temporary storage, but also as a place to grow fish. The cost of such structures will depend on the size and materials from which they are made. Quite often, the prices are too high, and therefore you can also assemble such devices yourself. A fish tank can be made from a floating box, or a plastic or metal tank can be used. Such structures are most often installed near the bridges. Another way to equip a garden with your own hands is a mesh that is stretched between piles installed at the bottom of a reservoir, lake, etc.

fish farm
fish farm

Self assembly

To date, the most popular is the third option - a mesh cage for growing fish. It is worth noting here that there is nothing particularly complicated about this. Piles are installed at the bottom, a mesh is stretched between them. The cell size should be small as the newborn fish will be quite small. It is also worth noting that this option is suitable if the number of live fish is small. If the farm is quite large, with a lot of fish, then it is worth installinga full-fledged metal structure, between which pontoons or walkways will be located. It is very important to remember that setting up a farm with a cage should not disturb the ecosystem of the habitat, as the fish should be in conditions as close to real as possible.

established cage
established cage

Using a makeshift cage

When the device is ready, it is unlikely that anyone will want to collect it again if it breaks. To avoid this, you need to follow a few simple rules. Lowering the fish into the cage should be slow and smooth. The distance between the person and the catch should be as small as possible. It is worth noting that it is impossible to throw the net with fish into the water, it must be lowered smoothly until the entire cage is submerged in water. If it becomes necessary to release a certain amount of the catch, then you do not need to remove the entire net from the water. It will be enough to lift the neck and open it. The fish will find their way out. The lower part must always be in the water. By adhering to the simple rule - do not harm the fish, no damage will be done to the device.
