PVC adhesive: specifications and scope

PVC adhesive: specifications and scope
PVC adhesive: specifications and scope

PVC, or polyvinyl chloride, is a material that is used today in many areas of construction and installation. Pipes of our water supply and sewerage systems, facade structures, floor and ceiling panels, and much more are made from it. To connect all these materials, high-quality and reliable glue is needed.

glue for pvc
glue for pvc

PVC glue is different. But the main thing in its technical characteristics is high elasticity and water resistance. Indeed, often he has to come into contact with parts that are under the influence of moisture, or even completely under water. In addition, high-quality adhesive for PVC films and other materials must be resistant to sunlight, temperature extremes and mechanical stress.

Where PVC adhesive is applied

Often PVC glue is used for sealing work, to fill cracks and seams. In terms of its qualities, this product is significantly superior to conventional silicone sealant. Even after a few years, it will not darken or turn yellow, crack or crumble. In a word, it will remain as elastic and perfectly smooth as in the first days after application.

glue for pvcpanels
glue for pvcpanels

PVC Panel Adhesive is ideal for bonding various plastic structures. It is used in professional production, for the quick connection of rigid PVC parts by cold welding. In addition, the product has proven itself in everyday life. It was especially appreciated by specialists in window production: after all, PVC glue is ideal for attaching ebbs, slopes, blinds and other elements of modern plastic windows.

Other applications for highly flexible PVC adhesive include the plumbing industry (connecting plumbing and plumbing pipe runs, gluing rainwater gutters), as well as some of the other modern designs that we see in front of us every day (to for example, billboards).

glue for pvc films
glue for pvc films

PVC adhesive: application

Experts recommend that before you start joining PVC parts, thoroughly clean their surface from mechanical impurities, degrease it and dry it well. For additional adhesion (to improve the adhesion of the adhesive to the surface), it can be sanded with abrasive paper.

There is nothing complicated in the gluing technique itself. Glue for PVC is squeezed out in a thin layer on one of the working surfaces, they are connected and pressed down for 2-3 minutes. For large surfaces, this time should be increased. The amount of glue during application should not exceed the allowable, otherwise its excess will flow out of the seam to the outside, which will reduceaesthetic bonding, and on some materials may even damage them.

PVC Adhesive Post-Processing and Precautions

All other operations with the work surface should be carried out no earlier than one day after applying PVC adhesive. It is recommended to protect the place of gluing from direct sunlight and high temperatures for several days. All work with glue must be carried out in well-ventilated areas and using personal protective equipment.
