Grains are the basis of human nutrition. Each grain contains everything necessary for the development of the plant. That is, it is protein and vitamins, trace elements and amino acids. And, of course, cereal seeds - cereals that are familiar to us - generously share their useful substances with a person. But in order for the body to fully receive all this, you need to be able to cook them correctly. Let's talk about how to germinate wheat.

Live Products
Wheat is now used to make flour. Unfortunately, products from it do not give anything to your body. This energy is only for a few hours, after which carbohydrates are deposited on the sides. The reason for the uselessness is that during the industrial processing, nutritional value and vitamins are lost.
That's why we started talking about how to germinate wheat. This is a sure way to unlock the full potential of the grain and provide the body with a huge amount ofnutrients. In fact, germinated grains are a replacement for vitamin complexes.
What are the benefits of sprouts
But before we talk about how to germinate wheat, we will find out in detail what the benefits of this type of nutrition are. The fact is that the less grains are processed, the more benefits they will give to your body. Therefore, refined white flour is a nutritious but almost useless product. But raw grains are a source of vitamins and fiber.
Since it is very easy to germinate wheat, you may well diversify your diet. Grains with a sprout are a natural pantry of nutrients:
- With regular consumption of them, intestinal motility improves, toxins are removed.
- You can normalize the digestive tract.
- Vitamins contained in grains can improve the condition of the skin, as well as internal organs.
- High biotin helps maintain normal weight, and a large amount of folic acid normalizes metabolism.
This is just a small part of the benefits of living grains and a direct incentive to learn how to germinate wheat. Now we are going directly to this.

Where to buy seeds for sprouting
Since it is possible to germinate wheat at home only with high-quality material, you need to look for a trusted supplier in advance. Don't buy grains from grocery stores. There are pharmacies and specialized departments for this. Sohow to germinate wheat for food is very simple (you just need to increase the humidity), cereals are specially processed so that they lose their germination. This means that they will become moldy, but will not sprout.
The right seeds for sprouting can be bought on the market. Today they began to appear in supermarkets. Be sure to pay attention to the release date. If the deadlines have passed, then you should not buy them, the germination rate will most likely be low.
Selection criteria
Speaking about how to germinate wheat at home, I would like to emphasize once again the importance of buying quality seeds. When choosing and preparing beans, follow these rules:
- Carefully inspect the grains. Among them should not be damaged or moldy.
- The first step is to soak the grains. Don't forget to rinse them first to get rid of dust.
- It is best to choose containers made of clay, porcelain or glass.
- You need to germinate no more than 80 g at a time
- The floating seeds should be discarded. You can only eat those that sink to the bottom.

Conditions for sprouting
To get high-quality sprouts that will be really useful for your body, you need to observe one more set of conditions. Sprouting wheat at home for food, observing them, is easy:
- It is very important to maintain the optimal temperature - 24 ° C.
- The seed container should be placed in a warm place. Be sure to maintain optimalhumidity and sufficient lighting, but direct sunlight is unacceptable.
- Seeds should be washed in the morning, afternoon and evening. Water should be cold or slightly warm.
- Wheat should be soaked for 2 days to get sprouts. And if you want green sprouts, then you need to wait 8 days.
- The length of the sprouts should not exceed 3 mm. Otherwise, they become poisonous and unsuitable for eating.
Simple instructions
Let's now talk in more detail about how to properly germinate wheat. It is not so difficult, but requires certain knowledge and skills. The most important thing is to act strictly in accordance with the above algorithm.
- Rinse a glass of grains with water and pour into a small saucepan.
- They need to be thoroughly mixed and left for a few minutes. When most of the seeds have settled, remove any that remain afloat.
- Leave the cup overnight.
- Rinse the seeds in cold water in the morning and pour onto a plate.
Now you can proceed directly to germination:
- For this grain, cover with clean, damp gauze, which must first be folded three times.
- Remember to rinse your cereal every 6 hours.
- Literally in 15 hours the first sprouts should appear.

Family friendly
Now you know how to germinate wheat for food at home. But you still need to learn how to eat them with maximum he alth benefits.
It's not enough to eat big oncea cup of germinated seeds, in this way you can only cause significant damage to digestion. It is enough to eat only 3 tablespoons a day.
Before eating, the seeds must be washed with water. They are quite neutral in taste, but some may also describe them as unpleasant. The most important thing is to chew them thoroughly.
Traditional healers recommend taking just a few grains in your mouth at a time and chewing them for at least 30 seconds. If you do not have enough time or desire for this, it is recommended to grind the germinated seeds in a blender.
Combine sprouts
Wheat is not the only grain that can be sprouted. Almost any seeds with white sprouts released are a pantry of vitamins and minerals. The grain awakens, and all reserves are activated, and therefore they can be available to our body.
You can mix wheat germ with chickpea, lentil or mung bean sprouts. Together they are best absorbed by the digestive system. True, sprouted seeds may seem like a completely tasteless dish, but it is not at all necessary to eat them on their own. Add a spoonful of germinated seeds to porridge, soup or pastries. They can be twisted with honey, nuts and dried fruits. It will turn out not only he althy, but also very tasty.

Nutritious shakes
There is a very simple way to eat sprouts. If you are limited in time, then this will be a real salvation for you. Grind the germinated wheat with a blender along withvegetables or fruits, or make wheat cakes based on them, which you can use for a snack.
Crushed sprouts can also be added to fresh juice, which is prepared in a juicer. Add a banana to it and get an excellent snack. But it is better not to mix dairy products with cereals, as this leads to an increase in gas formation.

Storage for several days
There is always a temptation to soak a large portion of grain at once and then eat them for a week. This is a good time saver. But don't skimp on your he alth. It is best to germinate a little, so that it lasts for 1-2 days. And if you still exceeded the required volume, then you can store wheat in the refrigerator. There the growth process slows down. If you wash the sprouts regularly, you can keep them for 3-4 days. Although experts strongly recommend sprouting a small portion every day.

Instead of a conclusion
Sprouted wheat is a natural source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants. Moreover, this raw material is very affordable, cheap. Everyone can buy seeds for sprouting. The main thing is not to be lazy and put a small portion of grains into a germination cup every day. The benefits to the body are enormous. And if you develop the habit of performing a simple procedure every day, then you will be spared the risk of beriberi. Prepare smoothies, add sprouts to cereals and soups. It's inexpensive and delicious.