Liquid fuel burner: design, operation and control features

Liquid fuel burner: design, operation and control features
Liquid fuel burner: design, operation and control features

The use of liquid fuel as an energy source for heating systems is not always justified, but in some situations there is simply no other way out. In this case, in order to save on space heating, a liquid fuel burner is installed in an existing heating boiler, which uses fuel oil, oil, diesel fuel, kerosene and a mixture of these materials as a combustible material.

Distinguishing Features

In order for the purchase to meet expectations, to serve for a long time and properly, it is necessary to responsibly approach the choice of this equipment, as well as study the nuances of work and the requirements.

oil burner
oil burner

The liquid fuel burner usually consists of three elements - an air fan, a heating chamber and a nozzle with electrodes that ignite the mixture. In addition, the design may include a fuel pump and lines, a deviceuninterruptible power supply and voltage rectifiers.

Due to the fact that the liquid fuel burner uses viscous materials as fuel, which, moreover, during combustion emit a large amount of carbon monoxide, soot and burning, a number of requirements are imposed on it.

Making requirements

Firstly, the fuel must have a certain consistency before it is fed to the injector. The heating chamber copes with this task. In some cases, this function is assigned to the fuel pump, which circulates the mixture between the combustion chamber and the fuel tank.

oil block burner
oil block burner

Secondly, excess pressure must be maintained in the combustion chamber for constant and forced air circulation - otherwise the draft will disappear and the flame will go out. To solve this problem, the oil burner is equipped with an air fan.

Features of operation

The principle of operation of the equipment is simple. Fuel with the help of a fuel pump enters the heating chamber, where it acquires the required viscosity, and then is fed to the nozzle. At the same time, the fan blades “drive” air into the combustion chamber, thereby blowing it through. The vortex of air determines the shape of the flame, its intensity. Carbon monoxide and combustion products are discharged outside through the chimney, and the resulting energy heats the coolant.

low power oil burners
low power oil burners

The peculiarity of the functioning of the installations is that the fuel tank and the liquid fuel burner itself canlocated separately from each other and even in separate rooms. The distance between these two elements affects the power of the fuel pump.

The combustion process of the combustible mixture is accompanied by a strong noise. Therefore, some owners of country houses prefer to install systems in a separate room and even in a separate building.

Design features

According to the design, devices can be block and monoblock. Block oil burner is a separate element, i.e. fuel pump, heating chamber, fan and fuel tank are supplied separately from each other. This gives a wide scope for combining different types of elements. As a rule, such equipment is used where a high power flame is needed, most often in industrial plants.

oil burners for boilers
oil burners for boilers

Monoblock burners are ready-to-use devices. Under one housing are located both the fuel pump, and the fan, and nozzles. All you need to get started is to install and configure the equipment.

Monoblock designs are referred to only as low-power liquid fuel burners. They are used for heating private dwellings, housing and communal services for heating apartment buildings, wherever a low-power installation is required.

Management methods

Another feature is the combustion control system. Depending on the installed automation and design features, liquid fuel burners for boilers canbe:

  • Single-stage - they work only at 100% power, to regulate the heating temperature, it is necessary to turn the boiler on / off periodically.
  • Two-stage - operate in two main modes: 100% and 30-40% of maximum power. When the maximum temperature is reached, the automation reduces the intensity of combustion to a certain level and maintains the flame until the boiler cools down.
  • Smoothly stepped - the principle of operation is similar to the previous one, but the change in operating modes does not occur abruptly, but gradually, as the coolant cools / heats up.
  • Modulated - such systems include a microprocessor that studies the ambient temperature and the level of fuel viscosity, depending on these indicators increases or decreases the flame power.

Both monoblock and block liquid fuel burners can have one of the presented control systems in their design. This affects its cost, fuel consumption, durability, reliability and maintainability. By choosing the best option, you can save on heating your home.
