Common raspberry: description, planting, benefits

Common raspberry: description, planting, benefits
Common raspberry: description, planting, benefits

Common raspberry is a plant of the Rosaceae family. Its rhizomes are winding, woody, with many adventitious roots, spreading in all directions. The stems are straight, up to 1.8 m. The leaves are compound, oval-narrowed, alternate. On the ground

common raspberry
common raspberry

year of life the shoots are green in color, not stiff, covered with small thorns, do not form fruits. In the axils of the leaves only fruit buds are laid. In the second year of the life of the shoot, fruiting twigs will grow.

Common raspberry blooms at the end of June with small white flowers collected in racemes. Flowering and fruiting extended. The fruits are hairy drupes fused into a complex fruit on the receptacle. In cultivated varieties, the drupes grow together so tightly that the fruit does not fall apart when harvested. The color and taste of the fruit depends on the variety. They can be yellow and red, sweet and sweet and sour.

In one place, common raspberries can grow for a long time, up to 15 years. A landing site should be chosen protected from the winds, near fences or buildings. It should be illuminated by the sun's rays for most of the day, otherwise the fruiting will be weak, and the fruits will acquire a sour taste.

common raspberry care
common raspberry care

The optimal time for laying raspberries is the second decade of September, when plant growth is suspended and the leaves begin to fall off. The soil should be thoroughly prepared: dig to a depth of 30 cm, select the rhizomes of weeds, add organo-mineral compost (about 5 kg/m2). Common raspberries can be planted as offspring in one row or several, with a distance of at least 2 m between rows and 0.6 m between plants.

The roots of plants should be inspected before planting, cut out damaged ones and shorten too long. After the seedling must be placed in a hole without deepening the root collar. Spread the roots, their ends should not be bent up. Then the seedling should be covered with nutrient soil, compact the soil and water abundantly, despite the soil moisture. It is advisable to immediately mulch the plantings with a layer of about 7 cm. Under such conditions, the root system will take root more easily. In addition, the mulch will not allow weeds to germinate and will not allow pests to appear.

Quite demanding culture - common raspberry. Care consists of watering,

raspberry benefits
raspberry benefits

top dressing, loosening the soil, forming bushes and autumn cuttings of fruiting shoots. Watering should be such that the soil gets wet to a depth of at least 35 cm. Top dressing with a large amount of organic matter (manure, compost, plant residues) is extremely important, without them a good harvest cannot be expected. Raspberry must be free from weeds. If the soil has been mulched, then in the fall the mulch should be collected (they collectpests) and replace with a new one.

The benefits of raspberries have been known to everyone since childhood, because tea with this berry for colds is an excellent diaphoretic. It is rich in B, C, PP vitamins, as well as micro and macro elements, including iron, potassium, and copper. This berry is used in antitussive and anti-inflammatory preparations, in case of metabolic disorders, diseases of the intestines and stomach. Fresh fruits have a positive effect on the female genital area. They are also recommended for hypertension, atherosclerosis, anemia, gastritis, etc. Common raspberry is a unique plant, because many people grow it for a reason.
