Now it is simply impossible to find any area of human activity that does not use the means for measurement and control, collectively called instrumentation equipment - constantly improving and developing.
The importance of instrumentation for modern man
The need of a person to transform the environment to suit his own desires has become the reason that he always has to measure, count, weigh something, etc. To unify all these processes, the simplest ones began to be created first, and over time time and increasingly sophisticated instruments for various measurements.

Then, when he mastered natural processes and launched many new technological chains, he needed other special devices that could control them. Complex devices for control and measurement have appeared. As a result, a person tried - and very successfully in many areas of his activity - to learn how to manage natural and self-created technologies, and thento automate some of its types, which required the creation of new representatives of the instrumentation. Automation of process chain management has become a real transition of society to a whole new level of development.
What is instrumentation (I&C)?
No technological process can do without measuring instruments. The quality of products and materials and the safety of those

technological decisions depend on compliance with many parameters, which are controlled by instrumentation.
In other words, instrumentation are devices for measurements, on the basis of which a person receives information from the environment about a variety of physical quantities in certain ranges, measured by specific units belonging only to this measured environment.
It follows that a careless attitude to the development and improvement of instrumentation equipment, neglect of the rules for their operation, as well as poor training of specialists, such as an instrumentation engineer, not only puts society in front of the fact of receiving low-quality products, but also threatens the safety of its citizens.
Classification of instrumentation
KIP is a huge range of different mechanisms, fixtures and devices, the device of which can be both very simple and quite complex. A person from school years is familiar with a ruler, a square, a protractor and a compass. But many do not even think that these are control and measuring devices, only the simplest ones.
The classification of CPI tools is very extensive, and it is absolutely impossible to cover all of them within the framework of this article. But it is quite possible to single out the main classes and characteristics of this type of equipment from the whole mass of information.

Existing instrumentation equipment can be divided into two broad classes. A class of analog instruments, striking examples of which are an ordinary mercury thermometer used in every family, and a pressure gauge - a more complex device for measuring pressure, used both in everyday life and in production. This group is characterized by the fact that the output information continuously shows all changes in the environment.
Another class of instrumentation is digital instruments. In them, the output signal - or the measurement result - is converted into digital values. An example of such devices is an electronic device for measuring pressure, in which the indicator displays data in numbers about the pressure and pulse rate of a person.

Varieties of instrumentation
In each class of equipment there is a division into instrumentation registering, indicating and printing. An example of a showing device is the same thermometer.
The principles of operation of control and measuring equipment divide it into devices that compare - equal-arm scales, summing - a wattmeter that adds up the power of several generators, direct action - a pressure gauge and an ammeter - and integrating - electric and gas meters.
Fields of application of devicesfor control and measurements in everyday life
Instrumentation is not only equipment for industrial use. Their household use is intended for high-quality performance of any work. Take an ordinary repair, which is familiar and understandable to everyone.
It is impossible to do it without using a special tool and instrumentation. Even if you try, the result will be appropriate. How to measure the area of \u200b\u200bthe ceiling or walls without a "meter"? How about laying drywall boards evenly without a level? It is simply impossible to find old or repair damaged electrical wiring without using a multimeter.

For example, you need to find out how durable walls are made of concrete or brick, as well as freshly prepared mortar. For this, a sclerometer is used in electrical or mechanical design. A hygrometer will help determine the level of moisture contained in concrete and plaster, as well as the moisture content of wood and wood-shaving materials. And there is no need to talk about the benefits of the laser level. With its application, the repair goes to a whole new level.
And take a different use of instrumentation? Determining the state of the weather in the short term has been a real problem for many years. Now, with the advent of such a device as a digital weather station, it has become available to everyone. Atmospheric pressure, air temperature for up to a week, wind direction and the amount of expected precipitation in the form of digital data make it possible for a person to organize both his rest and his working week. This is especially important in ruralarea.
KIP is human everything
It is very difficult to cover the whole variety of human activities in which instruments for control and measurement are used. But the fact remains: if they don’t exist, a person’s life will become so complicated that they will have to return to the caves. And this is unlikely to anyone want. And therefore, the desire of young people to get acquainted with this huge and interesting world called KIP, which makes it possible to fully realize their desire to acquire new knowledge, is gaining more and more popularity.