Black mulberry (Morus nigra) is most often found in Transcaucasia, especially in Armenia, Iran and Afghanistan. This tree, reaching a height of up to twenty meters, has a wide-spreading crown with brown-brown branches and large, up to ten centimeters, broadly ovate leaves. Its fruits are large, purple or dark red with a sweetish sour taste. This tree has a very powerful root system.
In culture, the plant has been known for more than three millennia. People breed it not only for its delicious fruits, but also for its leaves, which are the main food for silkworms. In total, the genus includes a dozen species.

Black mulberry (photo - in the article) is drought-resistant and photophilous. It is not at all demanding on the composition of the soil, but it grows best on well-drained fertile soil. The fruiting of this plant begins after planting in the fifth year. It can bespeed up vaccinations. A ten-year-old black mulberry can produce up to a hundred kilograms of fruits that ripen gradually, crumbling as they mature. They can be used both fresh and in compotes, juices and jams.
Due to its heat resistance and ability to tolerate pruning, mulberries are often used for landscaping. In addition, it tolerates short-term frosts well, quickly recovering during the growing season.

In the East, black mulberry is considered a sacred plant. Under its crown, a large dining table is usually set, at which the whole family gathers. Amulets made from its wood are considered traditional amulets for Arab women. In Narodny Karabakh, where sweet bread is baked from pomace, this plant is called the “king-berry”. Black mulberry is considered the "tree of life", which has magical powers. In mythology, she symbolizes respect for parents and hard work.
The people of Armenia, having centuries-old traditions in horticulture and extensive experience in winemaking, were the first to appreciate the life-giving virtues of nectar made from mulberries. They say that Macedonian also appreciated him, who was treated to wine during a campaign in Persia.

The fact that some varieties of this plant, in particular, the black baroness mulberry, which is considered the best, is used in the manufacture of silk, many Chinese legends tell. It is said that Princess Li, who was resting under a huge mulberry tree, noticed how a cocoon that had fallen into her hot tea becameunravel with iridescent shiny threads. This is how the secret of the silkworm, the source of raw materials from which expensive silk is made, was revealed in the Celestial Empire.
Mulberry fruits are suitable not only for processing. After drying, they can be stored for a long time as a substitute for sugar, which they contain a lot. Due to the high content of iron, berries are very useful for ulcers, anemia, heartburn, dysentery, etc. In addition, they lower blood pressure, normalizing metabolism. Many healers use them in the treatment of the spleen and liver. Mulberry bark is known for its wound healing properties. A tincture of its leaves is also useful.