How to plant a tulip correctly: recommendations

How to plant a tulip correctly: recommendations
How to plant a tulip correctly: recommendations

Tulips require special care, namely an annual transplant. Otherwise, the flower bulbs shrink and subsequently die. How to plant tulips correctly so that they please their owners every spring? This will be discussed.

How to plant a tulip
How to plant a tulip

It should be said right away that if for some reason, for example, due to a large number of flowers in one of the years, tulips are not transplanted, this is not a problem, but it is still better to avoid such situations if possible. After all, they are not grown to gradually disappear, but to multiply and decorate a garden or vegetable garden.

Before you figure out how to plant a tulip, you need to pay attention to how and when it needs to be dug up. This procedure is carried out when yellow leaves appear. Bulbs after digging must be well cleaned and dried. In no case should you get them out of the soil earlier, until that moment they are still immature, which means they will simply die.

how to plant tulips in autumn
how to plant tulips in autumn

It happens that you urgently need to make room on the site, for example, to plant seedlings of other flowers. In this case, tulipsdug out together with a clod of earth, very carefully. Leaves do not need to be cut. Plants should be stored in a horizontal position, after the outflow of nutrition from the roots ends, that is, the leaves begin to wither, you can remove the latter, clean the bulbs, dry and leave for storage.

Now you can consider the question "how to plant tulips". First of all, it should be noted that these flowers love the sun, but a slight dimming is possible. In the shade, they stretch out strongly, grow poorly, and the buds end up with a weak color and small size. When discussing how to plant a tulip, it is necessary to indicate what kind of soil this plant loves. In no case should it be planted in acidic soil; sandy, humus-enriched, slightly alkaline or neutral soils are most suitable. If the earth is clayey, it must be diluted with sand, it is also recommended to pour it directly under the bulbs. If the land is rich in sand, then humus, compost, and sod are introduced.

when to plant tulips
when to plant tulips

When can I plant tulips? In the classic version, in late September - early October, depending on the weather and the climate in the landing area. If it turned out that this period has already passed, there is no need to despair, there is a way out of the situation. Tulips can be planted even in December, but then they need to be covered.

Now about how to properly plant tulips in the fall (or later). Firstly, only he althy bulbs should be selected, the sick ones are discarded. Now we need to start processing. Each "seed"aged in potassium permanganate 0.5% from half an hour to an hour. If the bulbs were planted, but the weather was warm for a long time, and they began to hatch, there is nothing terrible about it, the flowers will survive, you just need to cover them.

The planting depth should be two bulb diameters for heavy soils and three bulb diameters for light soils. The distance between plants is chosen individually, but not less than 8 centimeters. In no case should holes be allowed to remain, water will accumulate in them, and the flowers cannot stand this.

Today you can find special baskets for tulips in stores. They are very handy when digging up plants, plus they protect them from rodents.
