Tea-hybrid rose Pascal

Tea-hybrid rose Pascal
Tea-hybrid rose Pascal

Rose has been rightfully considered the queen of flowers and a symbol of love since ancient times. Her bushes are the decoration and the main composition of any garden. A freshly cut bouquet is able to please any, even the most fastidious woman. Among the many varieties and varieties, one very beautiful can be distinguished - this is the Pascal rose.

Hybrid Tea Roses

Rosa Pascal is a hybrid tea descended from old tea roses. This group is considered the most popular, as its distinguishing feature is the continuity of flowering and the very high quality of the flowers. In addition, this variety is characterized by a rich fragrant aroma. And also hybrid tea roses have high frost resistance, which is important in our latitudes, resistance to pests and diseases. These roses are ideal for a small garden and are suitable for growing even for a novice gardener, as they require less attention than other types.

Variety description

Rosa Pascal has a tall, vigorous, upright, but at the same time narrow bush, reaching 110-120 centimeters. Flowers are medium sized, snow white, double, with cream hues between the petals. The flower has 25 petals in total. The aroma is delicate, muted. Therebyits quality is often used in mixborders, combining with roses of other colors or small-flowered plants. The leaves are dark green in color, matte, beautifully set off the snow-white flowers.

rose pascal tea hybrid
rose pascal tea hybrid

The variety is winter-hardy, moderately resistant to diseases. Unlike other roses, it tolerates high humidity well.

Features of flowering

Rosa Pascal has classic goblet buds. At first they have a slightly greenish tint, but over time they slowly bloom and show snow-white petals with cream undertones at the core. Flowers appear singly at the end of a long shoot. The rose blooms very profusely, so you can collect several beautiful bouquets from each bush. In addition, Pascal rose does not fade for a very long time.

rose pascal
rose pascal

So, Pascal roses are a real find for owners of small garden plots. They give good flowering and at the same time are resistant to external influences, have an unobtrusive delicate aroma. The right choice of planting site, timely feeding and watering, as well as preventive pest control measures ensure good growth and abundant flowering. Such care will allow every novice gardener to have their own mini rose garden.
