Ivan-chai, or as it is also called Koporye tea, was completely undeservedly forgotten. But this drink has a whole history that is inextricably linked with the Russian people. Koporye tea owes its main name to the village of Koporye, located near St. Petersburg. Most of this primordially Russian drink was harvested there. Now it seems unthinkable, but in the 17th century Russia was the world's largest exporter of tea. Ivan-tea was drunk all over Europe, where it was called Russian, and our sailors always took some healing drink with them.
Today we will pay tribute to this wonderful tea and talk about when to collect fireweed tea and how you can make it yourself. Do not be lazy and prepare this amazing drink for the winter. From the first sip, you will smell the sunny meadows and enjoy the deliciously subtle floral touch.
When to collect Ivan tea
No wonder there is a whole science ofherbs, which is called herbal medicine. She teaches us how to handle plants, how to cook them and in what proportions. After all, even the most useful herb can lose all its properties if used and stored improperly. Koporye tea is no exception. Peasants knew when they were young when to pick willow-tea, because it costs a little pepper, and the drink will lose all its taste properties. Instead of a fragrant aroma, freshly made hay will float in your cup. So when to collect Ivan tea? As soon as the plant begins to bloom. After all, it is then that the leaves and flowers accumulate vital energy in themselves. It is necessary to pluck even leaves without holes in the middle of the plant, making sure that it is not diseased. Tea is made not only from leaves, but also from flowers.
Method of making Ivan tea

After the leaves and flowers are harvested, they must go through a fermentation process. There are several techniques for fermenting and drying tea, but we will only cover one of them. So, the leaves need to be washed and cut, put in a pan. You need to cut not too large so that the plant can give juice. The optimal size is a leaf cut into four parts. Then in a saucepan they need to be thoroughly kneaded with your hands. At first, this may seem like a laborious task, but your hands will soon get used to it. At night, bring the pan into the house and leave it under pressure at room temperature. When the leaves go through the fermentation process, you will notice that they have all changed color, becoming darker. Next, they needdry. Of course, peasants used to do it in Russian ovens. Modern ovens, of course, are far from ideal, but you can use them. Spread the leaves on a baking sheet in a 1.5 cm layer and dry at a temperature of 100 degrees. Another drying method: put fermented leaves in a cast-iron pan, sweating them over very low heat for about 40 minutes. And then, stirring constantly and increasing the heat to medium, subject to the drying process. It is very convenient to dry Ivan tea in a device such as a dehydrator. The temperature in it does not exceed 50 degrees, which contributes to the preservation of all the beneficial properties of the healing drink. Ivan-tea flowers are prepared in a similar way.
Ivan-tea: treatment
Unlike black varieties, Russian tea does not contain caffeine, which means it does not excite the nervous system. Also, a fireweed drink cleanses the blood, is an antitumor and anti-inflammatory agent, and normalizes blood pressure.

Ivan tea: properties and contraindications
This plant is one of the best honey plants, contains tannins, rich in vitamin C, sodium, magnesium, calcium, lithium and easily digestible protein.
Pregnant women should drink it with caution, as well as people with hypersensitivity. Individual intolerance to the plant is possible, although there were no obvious contraindications and side effects in fireweed.