Electronic devices and gadgets of various kinds are all around us. They are constantly next to us: at work, at home, and in the car. Manufacturers offer their options for all occasions. But there is no limit to fantasy, and amateur craftsmen have come up with even more of them. These devices can be used for many purposes and in many places, and the range of them is simply amazing.
Schemes of electronic homemade products for both beginners and experienced craftsmen can be found in large quantities in specialized periodicals. But among the wide variety, you can always choose the most interesting thing. Therefore, in this article we will reflect only a few examples of such devices.
Motion sensor
Electronic homemade products are designed to make life easier for people. Among them are all kinds of sensors that allow you to control the house remotely. One such example is the motion sensor.

They work on the basis of the reflection of impulses. If you enter the controlled area, the impulse will be reflected, and its characteristicswill change. This will fix the detector that monitors the output.
For the home, it is better to choose a heat detector, since its components are more affordable. The assembly scheme does not cause difficulties (it is shown in the figure below). Yes, and such a device can work in a wide range of temperatures. This sensor is suitable for controlling lamps, alarms and so on.

Replacing an incandescent LED bulb
Incandescent lamps are available in every home. But now they are gradually being squeezed out of the market. They are being replaced by LED lighting devices, so there are already options for converting incandescent lamps to more modern and economical ones. To do this, you need a 30 W LED matrix, an aluminum sheet, a profile. Getting Started:
- First, the lamp must be disassembled.
- Next, a circle is cut out of the aluminum sheet, equal to its diameter.
- Two small pieces of the profile are cut off from it. They are connected with rivets perpendicular to each other. Their size should be such as to fit into the lamp shade.
- On the aluminum circle, mark the edges of the LED matrix (it must be placed in the center).
- Make holes for rivets and fix the matrix.
- From the inside we fix the profile. It will serve as an additional element to improve heat dissipation.
- The last stage includes the installation of the structure inside the ceiling. It is necessary to connect the lamp wires to the matrix wires. After that, the lampcloses.
This electronic homemade product is ready for further use.
LED backlit tile

Electronic homemade products for the home amaze with their variety and flight of imagination of the masters who invented them:
- The process begins with laying the tiles in the traditional way. Only the seams between the tiles do not need to be sealed yet.
- The next stage of work is the preparation of wiring. For this, special connections of the "father-mother" type are used. The wires will be insulated with heat shrink. Cross-shaped elements are added to the wiring, which in their design have an LED.
- When all the wiring is assembled, it must be laid out in the grooves between the tiles. It is best to install the LED at the intersection of the seams.
- After everything is laid out, you can start filling the joints with a fugue. Only in this case you need to be very careful not to move the LEDs.
Glowing balls
Balloons are a favorite attribute of all holidays. They have been around for a very long time. But only recently their "life" has changed with the addition of "zest". The fact is that electronic homemade products have affected them too. Glowing balls will draw attention to themselves. It's not hard to make them. To do this, you will need: balloons in the amount of 5-10 pieces, batteries, at the rate of 3 pieces for each balloon, and adhesive tape.
- The process begins by checking the polarity of the LED. To do this, it is placed on the battery. If it lights up, then everything is correct. If not, you need to changepolarity.
- After that, the LED is attached to the battery with adhesive tape. The resulting design is placed in a ball. The same process is carried out with all the remaining balls.
These electronic homemade products for beginners are suitable. Almost anyone can make them.
Day-night photo relay
Lighting that turns on and off by itself is very convenient. Electronic homemade schemes offer to make a photorelay. The photodiode can be taken from an old computer mouse.

The principle of operation is quite simple. It is necessary to assemble the circuit, as indicated in the diagram. It is suitable for the occasion when it is light. When light from the LED hits the photodiode, the transistor opens. This causes the second LED to light up. The sensitivity of the device is changed with a resistor.
Homemade electronic - this is a whole world that is completely unrealistic to know. You can choose only a few options that are suitable for each specific case. And if there is nothing suitable, you can always come up with something of your own and share it with others.