When designing a flower garden, it is important to correctly combine the types and varieties of crops. Of course, you always want to get unusual and beautiful flowers. An interesting solution to garden decor can be a plant such as Perovskaya. It has a certain similarity with sage and lavender. From a distance, the bluish beauty can be confused with similar species.
Perovsky swan-leaved belongs to the Lamiaceae family. There are 7 types of shrubs, most of which grow wildly on the mountain slopes in the regions of Central Asia. The name of the plant was in honor of Vasily Alekseevich Perovsky. In ancient times, he was the governor-general of the Russian provinces. After the hostilities in Central Asia, he brought the beautiful Perovskaya to Russia.
Description and characteristics of the species
Outwardly, Perovsky, as mentioned above, is similar to Russian sage. For at least half of the season, she will delight with amazing blue spikelets in a gray-green cloud of foliage.

The plant belongs to deciduous perennial shrubs. In the presence of comfortable conditions, it can grow in height up to 1.5 meters. In width it has the same impressive dimensions. Mostly Perovskaya swan-leavedgrows to a length of 60-80 cm.
Consists of many thin shoots of hard texture. The leaves are greyish-green, arranged in opposite pairs. The leaves are on average 4 cm long. They reach a maximum width of 2 cm.
Flowering lasts from June to October. The inflorescences consist of spectacular panicles 35 cm long and combine a large number of branches. Each branch is a brush with buds arranged in pairs. Purple petals with purple hairs.

When in contact with the leaves, a pleasant delicate aroma is felt.
Types of shrubs
The main types include:
- Perovsky wormwood.
- Perovsky swan-leaved.
The wormwood variety grows from 40 to 120 cm in height. The bushes have a high density.
The second type is distinguished by greater strength and height. The lowest bushes of this species reach a height of 80 cm.
Perovsky swan-leaved has several varieties. They differ in shades, shapes of leaves and flowers. Varieties vary in size, flowering time, and hardiness characteristics.

Shrub varieties:
- Perovsky swan-leaved Blue Spire, or Blue Spire. The bush grows up to 1 meter high. The color of the ears is a rich purple-blue. Leaves are grey-smoky. They have a deep incision and are directed downward. Flowering begins in the first half of summer and continues untiluntil frost.
- Blue Mist has light blue blooms. The very first of all species to bloom.
- Filigran - a variety that has a height of about a meter. Differs in strictly vertical growth. The color of the foliage is bluish, flowering continues for a long time.
- Hybrid of swan-leaved and wormwood perovski - a very young variety. It has the name Perovsky swan-leaved Little Spire. It is perfect for small garden plots and flower beds. The small spire along the garden path in the form of a curb looks especially appropriate.

Features of care
Perovskia is a rather unpretentious plant that requires almost no maintenance. This can be explained by the place of its natural habitat. Perovskia feels comfortable in well-lit areas. It also blooms profusely in partial shade. But in this case, the stems are too stretched and lie down.
Does not tolerate marshland and acidic soil. Additional watering is only needed on the hottest days.
But during heavy prolonged rains, it is worth resuming the level of drainage by loosening the soil. Also in such cases it is good to use mulching.
If the soil is fertile, fertilizing is not worth it. On poor soil, Perovskia develops well and blooms, but for splendor and abundance, mineral fertilizers can be applied once a season in a small amount. If the soil is too fatty, the wood does not mature and the winter hardiness of the bush decreases.
Landing perovskyswan-leaved
When purchasing seedlings, you need to carefully examine its appearance. The branches should be resilient, without a hint of rot. The survival rate of the bush and its rapid growth will depend on this.
Before planting, the soil must be prepared. Sand and peat are brought in. Everything is folded together. A pit is being prepared, the size of which is 2 times the size of the planting material. Seedlings should be planted together with a clod of earth. After you need to pour plenty of water.
It is important to maintain the necessary distance between plants. Perovsky forms lush bushes that need freedom. Therefore, the distance between them should not be less than 50 cm.

The plant calmly reacts to a change in habitat and is not afraid of transplants. If the bush develops well, it can grow in the same place for decades.
From the above, it is perfectly clear that Perovsky swan-leaved (planting and care will not take much time from the gardener) is a rather unpretentious plant.
Reproduction takes place according to the standard scheme. Each gardener chooses a method to his liking. The cutting method is mainly used. Some prefer to propagate the plant from seeds. The method of dividing the bush for this type of plant is not suitable.
Seeds are sown in spring in warm soil. Before planting, they are stratified for 20-30 days at a temperature of +5 degrees. Cold stratification speeds up the process. The disadvantage of such a planting is that flowering will occur no earlier than after 5 years. Sogardeners rarely use seed sowing.
With the cutting method, everything is easier. If the procedure is carried out in the spring, lignified cuttings of the plant are needed. In summer, you need a layering with a piece of root.
Preparation of cuttings:
- cut young branches 10 cm long;
- lower leaves are removed;
- sections are treated with a growth stimulator.
The prepared material is planted in small containers. For this, nutritious loose soil is used. Seedlings should be in greenhouse conditions. The soil must be regularly moistened. Roots appear after 2 weeks. At this time, mineral fertilizers are periodically applied.
In autumn, seedlings are transplanted into open ground. It is better to cover the plant for the winter, although it is not necessary. For example, the Perovsky swan-leaved "blue spire" can withstand frosts down to -35 degrees.
Diseases and pests
Perovsky is resistant to diseases and various pests. Thanks to insecticidal essential oils, pests do not attack not only the bush itself, but also neighboring plants.
Does not like stagnant moisture plant. This can cause the rapid development of stem and root rot.
Meaning in the design of the flower garden
Perovsky has decorative characteristics. Even after flowering, it looks great in gardens, lawns and on alpine slides. Combines with almost all types of flower crops.
Perfect for creating a semblance of "water" in the garden. Gives the illusion of coolness, freshness and swaying waves. Createdthe impression that the flower bushes are shrouded in mist.
Gardening uses are as follows:
- the plant looks better in a group of 3-5 bushes;
- perfect for borders or low hedges;
- delicately divides the garden plot into different zones;
- beneficially used in the design of alpine slides;
- looks great in a flower garden with artificial mulch.

Showing imagination, you can create a stunning garden with the help of Perovsky.
Plant in winter
In autumn, after flowering, branches are cut from the bush. From 5 to 10 cm are left above the soil. The crown of the plant is sprinkled with ash, leaves or spruce needles. In areas with a very harsh climate, you can cover the flower for the winter with spruce branches.
The plant tolerates frost well. But it is worth considering that Perovskaya does not like thaws and sudden changes in temperature.
But if you want to use Perovsky swan-leaved as a winter decor, then the same manipulations are best done in early spring. You can cover only the near-root part.

Thus, the plant will delight not only in warm weather, but also on winter days will be able to make the site attractive.
Perovsky shrub is valued not only because of the presence of essential oils. The leaves and flowers are edible and are used as a seasoning for various dishes. The plant is also suitable formaking tea.
Gardeners, acquiring blue charm in a gentle gray cloud of foliage, recognize all its splendor. Perovsky will decorate any garden plot, will delight with its delicate appearance and pleasant light aroma. When the plant does not require special attention and special care skills. Acquaintance with an incomparable violet-blue flower will leave only positive impressions.