How to care for succulents at home: tips

How to care for succulents at home: tips
How to care for succulents at home: tips

The term "succulents" today means a group of plants that are not related by origin, but have the same habitat conditions. In their natural environment, they usually grow in arid regions. These plants are characterized by good tolerance to temperature fluctuations and lighting. In this article, we will look at how to care for succulents at home.


how to care for succulents at home
how to care for succulents at home

What conditions does a succulent flower require? How to care for such a plant? The first thing after the purchase, you will need to transplant it. In this matter, special attention should be paid to the choice of pot. Try to choose the right size. It should be 2 cm wider than your plant. For flowers with fleshy stems and leaves (sedum, echeveria, pachyveria), small ceramic or clay pots are suitable. For succulents, wide, but low containers are usually used. Plants with a well-developed root system will need a regular pot with drainage.

BestThe time for transplanting succulents is spring and summer. If you bought a plant in the winter, then experts recommend leaving it without a transplant until spring. For the procedure itself, you will need land and drainage. For the latter, fine expanded clay is best suited. Use store-bought cacti and succulents as potting soil. Coarse sand should be added to it. If you are using loose powder not from the store, then pre-calcined on the stove. Also, for the soil, you will need some pebbles such as expanded clay or gravel, charcoal and coconut substrate. High peat content is best avoided. The soil should pass air and moisture well, be light.

Transplant sequence

succulent mix how to care
succulent mix how to care

How to care for succulents? Brief instructions for transplanting a plant are given below:

  • All tools and the pot should be thoroughly rinsed in hot water before planting.
  • To get a plant out of a plastic pot, you just need to press a little on the walls in a circle.
  • It will be easier to remove the culture from the ceramic pot when the soil dries out.
  • Carefully turn the pot over and remove the plant.
  • Large crops are best transplanted using the transshipment method along with an earthen clod.
  • In small plants, the old substrate should be removed from the roots. For this purpose, they are washed in water.

How to transplant aloe vera?

Let's take a closer look at this. Aloe vera also belongs to the "succulents" variety. How to care for this plant at home? How to transplant? Drainage should be laid at the bottom of the pot intended for transplantation. If the capacity is high, it is necessary to put 5-7 cm of drainage. For a low pot, 2-3 cm will be enough. The prepared substrate is laid out on top. You don't need to tamp it down. From the top of the pot to the level of the soil should remain a couple of centimeters. After that, the plant is placed in a substrate and covered with sand with small pebbles on top so that they cover the roots. You can place a regular substrate mixed with expanded clay on top. Immediately after transplantation, the plant should be placed in a bright place, but not under direct sunlight. It is not necessary to water the culture. It takes a couple of days for her to adjust to the new conditions. Before transplanting, you should also let the soil dry out properly.


how to properly care for succulents
how to properly care for succulents

So what do you need to know about this? One of the most important points in answering the question of how to properly care for succulents at home is watering. Water should not be allowed to fall on the outlet and leaves of the plant. This can lead to rotting. If there are holes in the bottom of the pot, you can use the bottom watering technique.

Saturate succulents with moisture regularly. In summer, this must be done a couple of times a week, in winter - once every 21 days. Always check the condition of the topsoil before watering. It must be dry.

For irrigation, it is recommended to use settled water at room temperature. If there are no drainage holes in the pot,then the amount of liquid introduced should be limited. If you notice that the leaves of the plant have become soft, the amount of water should be increased.


succulent flower how to care
succulent flower how to care

This aspect should be given special attention. Many beginner flower growers are interested in plants such as succulents. How to plant and care for these flowers at home? Pots with plants should be located on the south side. However, in summer, despite the fact that succulents tolerate exposure to sunlight well, it is better to shade them. Immediately after purchase, the plant should be gradually accustomed to bright sunlight. The same rule applies to adaptation after the cold season.

The color of the leaves of some types of succulents is directly dependent on solar exposure. For example, agave echeveria in the sun acquires a bright red color. Nussbaumer stonecrop and Echeveria pulidonis show the same reaction.


In what conditions do succulents grow? How to plant and care for such plants at home? Succulents love high humidity. But spraying the leaves with water should not be. It is better to use a special humidifier to maintain the required level of humidity in the apartment. You can also just put the plant next to the aquarium. If it is not possible to maintain the required level of humidity in the room, provide the plant with access to fresh air. For this purpose, you can simply open the window or take the flower to the balcony. However, care should be taken here - succulents do not tolerate drafts.


how to plant and care for succulents
how to plant and care for succulents

How to care for succulents at home? At what temperature will they grow best? They tolerate changes well. This is especially true of changes in the daytime and at night. During daylight hours, the optimum air temperature will be + 25 … 30 degrees, at night + 15 … 18. In the warm season, the plant can be moved to a terrace or balcony. In winter, you can keep the culture at a temperature of 15-18 degrees. At night, during the cold season, a decrease to 13-15 degrees is acceptable.


How to grow a mix of succulents? How to care for these plants? Do they need feeding? It is impossible to fertilize succulents in winter. During this period, they are at rest. Also, do not fertilize immediately after transplanting. It is best to apply nutritious fertilizers in the spring, during the growth period. For succulents, special dressings are suitable, which can be purchased at a flower shop. If you prefer to use all-purpose fertilizers, then avoid excess nitrogen in their composition. This substance contributes to root rot. It is better to use top dressing with a high content of potassium and phosphorus. Experienced flower growers recommend treating succulents with Pocon fertilizer. You can buy it at any flower shop. For a bottle of 250 ml you will have to pay about 250 rubles.


how to care for a succulent florarium
how to care for a succulent florarium

Succulents rarely suffer from pests. However, with improper care in the rootsplants can start nematodes and thrips. Similar problems arise in cases where the soil or filler was taken from a summer cottage and did not undergo a heat treatment procedure. There are two ways to correct the situation: propagate the plant with the top or transplant the plant with complete cleansing of the roots from the previous soil and disinfecting them.


Let's look at this aspect in more detail. How to care for succulents at home? What problems can arise during cultivation? Novice gardeners often experience root rot. This disease can destroy the entire plant. To prevent the formation of rot, it is recommended to observe the irrigation regime. Also, when transplanting into the soil for a plant, be sure to add charcoal.

Often, botrytis fungus forms on succulents. A clear sign is the appearance of brown spots on the leaves and shoots. In this case, to get rid of the problem, it is necessary to cut off the affected leaves. It is also recommended to leave the soil dry for a couple of days and reduce watering. After that, the plant should be treated with a fungicide solution.

The defeat of the Ervinium bacterium cannot be confused with anything. In addition to brown spots on the leaves, it also causes an unpleasant odor. In order to cure the plant, you will have to completely cut off the affected parts. It is also recommended to reduce watering and treat the flower with a solution of potassium permanganate. To prevent succulents, it is recommended to periodically check for brown spots and rot.

Greenish or reddish coating maytestify to the appearance of the fungus penigillosis on the plant. To combat it, it is recommended to treat the affected parts of the plant with an alkaline solution or potassium permanganate.

If the plant died without any external signs of disease, then the reason is most likely the infection of the root system with nematosis pests. If at the same time the culture has he althy leaves, then you can try to propagate them. The dead flower should be thrown out along with the ground. The pot should then be thoroughly disinfected. The next time you plant a succulent, be sure to add charcoal to the soil. You also need to pay attention to the irrigation regime.

Sometimes, burns can be seen on a newly acquired flower. They appear due to non-compliance with growing conditions. Most likely, in the store the flower stood in the open sun, or after hibernation it was immediately put on the window. In this case, it is necessary to limit the exposure of the plant to sunlight and accustom it to it gradually.


succulents how to plant and care for at home
succulents how to plant and care for at home

In this review, we examined in detail how to care for a florarium of succulents. These plants, in principle, are unpretentious to growing conditions. The main thing is to choose the right place for their placement and water them in a timely manner. Frequent soil moisture can kill the plant. Also, succulents should not be sprayed. To maintain the required level of humidity in the room, it is better to install a special humidifier.

Succulents in general are not strongly affected by diseases andpests. But if such problems still arise, the affected leaves and shoots should be removed and treated accordingly. Particular attention must be paid to the soil in which you plan to transplant the plant. It must contain charcoal. If you use land from your own plot, it must be calcined before transplanting the plant.
