If you happen to be a homeowner, you should know what you're getting yourself into. Owning your home and taking care of your home is not only happiness, but also a bunch of related problems in the form of cleaning the house, cleaning around the house, ennobling the land, garden and vegetable garden … But if you take everything wisely, then it will not be for you problem, but pure pleasure. For "smart" housekeeping, you need to draw up and follow the "Home Maintenance Rules"

Home cleaning fun
Keep your home clean with home care tools and supplies. They can be purchased in the required quantity for all types of surfaces. Some cleaning products can be made independently with a minimum of costs (more on that at the end of the article). So, what you need in the fight for purity:
- sponges;
- rags (for the floor, for windows, for the facade, for dust) - the more the better;
- mop for hard-to-reachseats;
- brush for cleaning carpets and furniture;
- buckets, basins;
- rubber gloves - also the more the better;
- detergents;
- garbage bags of various sizes;
- basket for all inventory so you know exactly where to look. If you have all this, you can start cleaning the house.
House cleaning. Housewife Tips
To make cleaning a joy, the most important thing is mood and patience. Housewives recommend approaching cleaning as a creative task "to paint a picture." In this case, the picture is called "Clean House". Start with the preparation of the canvas - collecting garbage throughout the territory, sparing nothing, not missing a centimeter. Garbage - away from home. Be sure to open the curtains and turn on the lights in all rooms. It will lift your spirits and help you see all the dirt.
Next, the center of the picture is the living room: we remove everything dusty and dirty and send it to the washing machine. While the laundry is in progress, we sweep away the dust, wash the window, clean the furniture and the floor. Carpets are best knocked out on the street, having previously sprinkled with water so that the dust becomes heavier and does not sit back. Washing is completed: hang up the linen and move to another corner of the picture. We clean the rooms in the same order.
Next is the kitchen - here the algorithm is slightly different. Kitchen cleaning begins with a headset and countertops: the freer the surface, the cleaner the look. We wash the stove and refrigerator, wipe the cabinets, and only then the window. Wash the floor carefully, with a disinfectant, and go to the bathroom.
Pour plumbing with detergentsmeans, we forget and go to iron and hang bedspreads with curtains. We spread, hang and remember about the bathroom. We wipe the enamel and ceramics with brushes and sponges, rinse thoroughly, wipe dry and wash the floor. By the way, there is an excellent recipe for air freshener for the toilet: mix half a glass of soda with your favorite essential oil, add a little water to get the consistency of the dough. We give the shape of a fragrant bomb and put it in a hard-to-reach place. One such aromatic piece is enough for at least a week. As they say, "cheap and cheerful".
So, you have a corridor on your way and - victory! If all this was done to the music, singing and following the tips for taking care of the house, then you should not be sad and tired.

Eh, garden-garden
How beautiful flowers bloom! How delicious are the berries and apples in your garden! And how hard it is for beginner gardeners to take care of all this. You have a house, trees, and taking care of them requires skill. To be productive, start with problems: what problems might you encounter in your garden? Well, of course, first of all, weeds. How to deal with them? Ways of darkness - choose the one that suits you.
- Weeds around the territory will either have to be mowed with a trimmer or watered with a "herbicide". It is advisable to generally remove the weeds with a dig and plant a lawn. It is aesthetically pleasing and easy to care for.
- It is also desirable to plant a lawn between garden trees and mow it regularly.
- The beds require regular weeding, and the paths between them can be covered with wetnewspapers and sprinkled with sawdust or sand: wet newspapers will prevent grass from growing through the sawdust.
- Berry bushes must be protected so that the branches do not break and the berries do not touch the ground, thereby maintaining cleanliness and freshness. The fence can be made of rails or polypropylene pipes - convenient and beautiful.
- A compost pit is a must at the edge of the plot. We dig a pit of the right size (up to a meter deep is enough) and store garbage from the garden and garden there: small grass, fallen leaves, spoiled fruits. The addition of sleeping tea is very useful for future compost. Do not forget to cover the pit with a film or any other material. By spring, your compost will be ready to use.
- Trim your bushes and trees regularly to keep them tidy, easy access to fruit, and keep pests away. It is necessary to cut the branches in early spring, until the buds swell. Treat the cut site with a solution that can be purchased at speci alty stores.
- The area around the house and the garden can be decorated with unusual sculptures or decor. It all depends on your imagination. Under the fruit tree, a plaster figurine of a gnome with a basket or a hedgehog with long needles will organically look. Near the flower garden, you can make a butterfly or a dragonfly from pebbles. They can be painted with bright shades or left natural. The stones are very well fastened together with tile adhesive or cement mortar.
- The watering issue is also easy to solve: stretch hoses or polypropylene pipes with taps and sprayers around the perimeter of the site where they arenecessary. When watering, all you have to do is turn the right tap.

Gardening supplies
In order to effectively care for your territory, you need inventory. On the site you can not do without a shovel - dig the ground under the beds, dig up large weeds (burdock, thorns), load the compost into buckets. Without a hoe (chopper) is also nowhere - weeding, hilling potatoes, loosening holes, making a furrow and much more will help to make a chopper. Versatile tool - just change the angle or turn to the side.

You also need a rake, preferably of two types: for foliage - in the form of a fan and for large debris - in the form of a comb. They are very convenient to comb the lawn, loosen the ground in the beds before planting and, of course, collect garbage. A wheelbarrow is also a great helper for homeowners with a large territory: it loaded and drove. Watering cans, buckets and gloves are the first helpers in the garden, choose good quality so that you do not have to renew several times during the season. Taking care of the territory of the house will be a joy if it is not a burden for you.
Cleaning the house. Helpful Hints
- Never put off everything for one day - you just won't have time to do everything. It is better to devote an hour a day to some activity. Today you will iron clothes for an hour, tomorrow you will spend an hour sorting through things in the closet, etc. You yourself will feel that such a routine is not burdensome.
- Involve your loved ones in household chores. It's easy for kidsevening, before going to bed, clean up your room. It will not be difficult for a husband to put his socks in a certain place.
- Don't buy anything without first throwing away something else. There must be a balance in everything, otherwise you risk turning the house into a museum, in which it will be very difficult to restore and maintain order.
- The more free space, the cleaner the house seems: do not litter the sofas with ten pillows, do not hang clothes on chairs, try to put everything in place at once.
- Always treat things not as a burden, but as an adventure, because you never know whether the result will be clean or very clean.

If you belong to the category of people who do not trust chemical cleaning products in the house, then we offer you recipes for preparing these products at home. Which of these might you need? For cleaning refrigerators, microwave ovens, stoves, windows, mirrors, polished surfaces, enamel, ceramics. As well as products for rust, limescale, carpets and upholstered furniture.
To clean the fridge
0, 5 tbsp. tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide + 0.5 tbsp. tablespoons of soda + 1 glass of water - mix, apply on a sponge and wipe the refrigerator inside and out. Wash off with warm water, wipe dry. This product is odorless, which is very important for a refrigerator. By the way, to make it easier to maintain cleanliness in the refrigerator, place pieces of baking paper under the products according to the size of the shelves. If something leaks, you won't need to take out and wash the entire shelf. It will be enough just to replace the dirty paper with fresh one. Don't forget to put them in the flashbox and vegetable boxes too.

For glass and mirror cleaning
0, 5 cups of vinegar + 0.5 cups of water + 1/6 cup of lemon juice + essential oil (optional) - mix, pour into a spray bottle and use with pleasure. To make the pleasure even more complete, postpone the washing of mirrors and windows until cloudy weather and wipe with nylon tights or crumpled newspaper - this will save your glasses and mirrors from stains.

For bathroom
We clean the toilet bowl like this: 1 cup of vinegar + 0.5 cups of soda - pour the toilet bowl with vinegar from the inside and sprinkle soda on top. We close the lid, after 15 minutes we come, clean and rinse.
A bathtub and tiles will be perfectly washed with 0.5 cups of soda + 0.5 cups of peroxide + 1 tbsp. a spoonful of your favorite dishwashing detergent - mix, apply for 5 minutes, then rinse with a sponge with warm water. Chic, shine guaranteed!
For mopping
Universal product for any floor covering: 30 milliliters of baby shampoo + a pinch of soda + a bucket of water. We wash the floor and wipe it dry so that it does not turn into a skating rink. You can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to this composition - the fragrance will last a couple of days without any freshener.

To be the mistress of the house, and even with a personal plot, is very responsible, painstaking, but quite interesting. If you follow the rulescare, planning, distributing work correctly, then it will turn into pleasure. You will feel not a burden on your shoulders, but joy and satisfaction from contemplating the results of your work.