The modern variety of Saintpaulia varieties is amazing. Prior to the start of active breeding work at international exhibitions, there were specimens with purple or blue flowers. Later, in the 30s of the twentieth century, magnificent terry varieties with pink, white, red-purple petals were bred.
Today, on the shelves of flower shops you can see plants of extraordinary beauty, with flowers of almost any (and even fantasy) color.

Among them stands out the magnificent violet Ruffled Skies - "lace heaven". In the article we will describe its distinctive features, the subtleties of care and cultivation, and also give recommendations for transplanting this Saintpaulia.
Violet Ruffled Skies: photo and description of the plant
Thanks to the selection work of two violet growers - Kent Stork and Gordon Boone - in 1992 a new Saintpaulia variety called Ruffled Skies was bred. Its distinctivetraits steel:
- very large double flowers of blue-blue color with a lightened or greenish border;
- quilted dark green leaves with slightly ruffled edge;
- neat rosette in standard sizes;
- high peduncles.
Ruffled Skies Violet has won the hearts of many amateur gardeners and has become one of the best representatives of blue-flowered varieties.

Its lush, abundant and long flowering huge lacy stars can hardly leave anyone indifferent! Until now, this variety is in great demand, it is so beautiful and harmonious.
Later, K. Stork and G. Boon received an interesting variety from this violet - Ruffled Skies 2. Its wavy densely double cornflower blue flowers have a bright green border. The rosette of the plant is of standard size, and the leaves are dark green.

Features of growing Ruffled Skies at home. Lighting
Maintaining favorable environmental conditions is the key to good growth and abundant flowering of Saintpaulia. Violet Ruffled Skies prefers good and long-term lighting, but is afraid of direct sunlight. North, northeast or northwest windows are well suited for growing this plant. On the south side, the violet can easily get burned, so it must be shaded.
The lack of lighting does not like Saintpaulia: in a dark room, the color of its petals becomes pale andinexpressive. The use of additional light sources (fluorescent lamps) allows you to get year-round flowering.
Favorable temperature conditions
Violet Ruffled Skies prefers a calm, even temperature regime, without sudden changes and drafts. Optimal summer range: +20…+24 °C, winter: +16…+18 °C. Lower temperatures slow down growth and flowering, higher temperatures prevent bud formation. In winter, on cold windowsills, the plant will feel uncomfortable. It is advisable to use heat-insulating material and not place the pot close to the glass.

Air humidity and watering
Violet Ruffled Skies prefers medium humidity (not lower than 45%). Excessive dryness, coupled with high temperatures, leads to disease and lack of flowering. In the dry summer period, you can use pallets with wet sand or expanded clay, or spread sphagnum moss on the surface of the soil. It will prevent the rapid evaporation of moisture and the drying of the earthy coma.
As for watering, it should be careful and moderate. Moisten the earth lump no more than a couple of times a week, using soft water at room temperature. The soil is watered carefully, preventing moisture from entering the outlet, excess water is drained from the pan. In the winter season, the plant is moistened less often, waiting for a thorough drying of the earthy coma. Excessive moisture in the substrate quickly leads to rotting of the roots and death of the plant.

Transplantation of Saintpaulia. We select a good soil and pot
A new, newly acquired plant definitely needs a transplant. The fact is that the violets that are being prepared for sale are grown in peat with a large number of growth stimulants. This soil mixture is not suitable for long-term maintenance of the plant due to its excessive moisture capacity and tendency to sour.
Soil for Saintpaulia should be chosen light, moderately loose, moisture and breathable. You can purchase a special soil mixture for violets in the store or make it yourself from two parts of soddy soil, one part of sand and one part of peat. It is recommended to add a small amount of charcoal to this mixture.

Pay attention! If you are planning to use store-bought Saintpaulia mix, it is advisable to add a small amount of sphagnum moss, vermiculite and charcoal to it.
Which pot is better to choose? Definitely not too big, no more than 12 cm in diameter, always with drain holes. Otherwise, the risk of root rot in Ruffled Skies increases significantly. Growing in containers that are not suitable in terms of volume slows down or even stops the flowering of the plant.
Transshipment of saintpaulias after quarantine
Before transplanting, carefully inspect the plant, remove all damaged leaves and rotten flowers. Next, wash the violet under running water to remove possible pests. And then put "quarantined" in a separate from other householdplants room. Over the next few days, the violet is not watered, waiting for the earthen clod to dry.

How to transplant Ruffled Skies violet? The description of the procedure is as follows. Vermiculite is placed in a new pot, and expanded clay is placed on it. This is done to ensure that excess water freely goes into the pan. Next, the soil mixture is laid out on the expanded clay. The violet is watered, after a while it is carefully removed from the old container, trying not to damage the roots. Place the plant in a new pot and sprinkle with earth. Easy to tamp and shake. A layer of soil is poured over the root neck of the plant, and then watered. The pot is tilted slightly from side to side to make sure that the violet "sits" firmly enough in the ground and does not wobble.
The transplanted plant is covered with polyethylene and left alone. After two or three days, the violet is inspected and watered if necessary. After five days, they begin to “ventilate”, and after ten, the plastic bag is completely removed. Thanks to such careful transshipment, your plant will feel good and bloom in 1.5-2 months.