The choice of room design is an important issue when renovating. It depends on whether the owners will be comfortable in a particular room. Planning and choosing the style of the interior can be done independently. But for this you need to consider the basic rules of interior design. If you make a mistake, soon the repair will need to be carried out again.
It is important to properly design the bedroom. In this room, the owners of the house rest, relax. Properly selected interior elements make you feel good in this room. Professional advice will help you decorate the room.
Design Features
The design of the bedroom (photos are presented below) should be thought out to the smallest detail. In this room, the owners of a house or apartment spend a third of their lives. Therefore, everything must be in harmony here. The interior should be as comfortable as possible. It is important to take into account the taste preferences of the owners of the house. The whole family will not gather here, children will play. However, this room is the space where a person can be alone,relax.

When decorating the interior of the bedroom, you can use fantasy. You will also need to take into account the features of the room. For small and spacious rooms, different techniques are used when choosing a design. This will emphasize the individuality of the owners of the house, as well as hide the shortcomings of the room, if any. It is important to harmonize all interior elements.
Creating a bedroom design of 12 square meters. m or more of a spacious room, you need to conduct careful planning. This process can take several months. During this time, you can consider several options for planning and choosing finishes. When creating a design project, you need to take into account the features of the room, its size. This will allow you to correctly perform zoning, arrange furniture as comfortably as possible.
The bedroom should be decorated exclusively with environmentally friendly materials. They should not emit harmful, toxic substances. Materials must be safe for he alth. So, with caution, you should choose interior elements made of plastic, PVC. In the bedroom, you need to create high-quality sound insulation. This will allow you to fully relax, even if there is a busy highway outside the window.
Extraneous sounds and smells should not enter the room. Therefore, the choice of windows and doors should be approached as responsibly as possible. If necessary, the bedroom can be combined with a dressing room. It is advisable to locate a bathroom nearby. It is important to consider the features of the layout of the home.
Fashion Trends
Modern bedroom designthe room involves building a bright room, all the elements of the interior of which are rationally arranged, there is nothing superfluous. There should be nothing here that would interfere with a good rest, recuperation.
It is worth considering right away whether some other functional areas will be equipped in the bedroom. In the conditions of small apartments, there may be a desktop, a baby's cradle, a library or a dressing room. Depending on the requirements for the functionality of this room, its interior is also selected.

When choosing a bedroom design, you can apply different styles. It can be classic, loft, minimalism, etc. However, the requirements common to all types of design are comfort and practicality. With the help of different details, you can harmonize even a strict look of the interior. The market for finishing materials offers a large selection of different textures, shades and types of designs for an interesting room decoration.
Design of a bedroom up to 12 sq. m can be done with taste, in accordance with fashion trends. At the same time, a small room will look impressive and easy. It is very important to choose for such a room light colors of decoration, high-quality lighting. In a spacious room, you can experiment with shades of finishes, furniture design. In such a room, you can embody the fantasies of the owners of the house.
Today, environmental friendliness and natural textures and shades are in fashion. Therefore, the use of natural materials for decoration is encouraged. They allow you to create an interior that will resemblenatural landscapes. This promotes relaxation and peace.
Design planning should be carried out in stages. Don't get ahead of yourself. Also, do not rush when choosing the design of the bedroom space. Perhaps, after a couple of weeks, the owners will decide to change the created project. Therefore, you need to consider several options for planning and finishing.
Additional functional areas
In a small apartment, the design of a bedroom is 14 sq. m can be supplemented by creating another functional area in this room. Most often this is an office or dressing room. This may be necessary if it is not possible to equip such zones elsewhere in the apartment.
Creating a dressing room is a rational solution even in a small apartment. This allows you to get rid of overall cabinets and chests of drawers. Things will be stored in one place, will always be at hand. To equip such an additional area should be in medium or spacious bedrooms. This option is not suitable for small rooms.

If the layout allows, in a small bedroom you can create an open-type dressing room. All belongings must be stored in the space provided for them from floor to ceiling. You can create corner wardrobes. Avoid creating long and narrow storage spaces. In such dressing rooms it will be uncomfortable to dress, try on clothes.
Design bedroom 14 square meters. m allows you to make a dressing room in a niche, if any. You can also equip this functional area along one of the walls (especiallyif the room has the shape of an elongated rectangle). If the room is square, you can make a corner wardrobe. The partition can be made from curtains. In a medium or small room, this will be appropriate.
You can also arrange a workplace in the bedroom. This is a good option, since the bedroom is quiet, you can concentrate. It is better to separate the sleeping and working place with a partition, screen or shelving. Ideal if the bedroom has a niche. Here you can put a table, a chair, hang shelves.
You can use the windowsill as a table. This will create high-quality lighting for the workplace, while darkening the sleeping area. You should consider the arrangement of all elements of the interior. When a person falls asleep, he should not look at the office. This will not allow you to relax and fully relax.
Dimensions of the room
Bedroom design 15 sq. m is different from the design of a small room. Even in a spacious apartment or house, a rather modest space for such a room can be provided. Therefore, it is important to rationally use every centimeter of it.
The walls of a small bedroom should be decorated with pastel shades. The ceiling should be a little lighter. To make the interior interesting, it is recommended to add some bright accents. They can be defined in decoration or furniture elements. For example, curtains or pillows, bedding can be bright. At the same time, accent shades should be combined with the overall range of the interior.

Today it is very fashionable to create a strict laconic interior. At the same time, great attention is paid to details. For this, original textures, unique items in interior design are used.
The design of a small bedroom can be supplemented with a wardrobe, transforming furniture. You can use different mirror surfaces. They visually expand the space. If space does not allow you to complement the interior with decorative furniture, you can choose a bed with an elegant headboard. Cosiness will be added by photographs, mirrors in beautiful frames or paintings.
In a spacious room, you can use bright colors. However, do not use tonic shades that stimulate the psyche. These include red, orange. You can use these shades, but lighter. Saturated tones can be used as accents.
In the spacious bedroom you can arrange all the necessary furniture. Interior elements can be rounded. It can also be clear geometric lines. The choice depends on the taste preferences of the owners of the house.
Style selection
The design of the bedroom (photos of the options are presented in the review) can be done in different styles. In a small room, a rustic type of interior will look good. Simple finishing materials, specific accessories will create a comfortable, homely atmosphere. This will allow you to relax, tune in to rest.

You can also decorate the interior of a small room in high-tech or classic style. This design should berestrained and concise. You can choose natural themes when decorating the interior of the bedroom.
It is worth considering that the design of the bedroom is 12 square meters. m should not be created in the style of a loft, chalet. They will look harmonious only in a spacious room. You can use only elements of these styles when decorating a small bedroom, harmoniously combining them with the main style.
To make the right choice of interior design, you need to consider the main features of each design option. You can decorate the bedroom in modern style. In this case, you will need to create a practical and comfortable interior. You can complement it with elements from other design directions.
Classic style involves installing a large bed with a headboard. The composition should be luxurious, but not pretentious. Particular attention is paid to the choice of textiles, which should harmonize the entire composition.
Provence style is quite suitable for a small bedroom. The decoration contains natural light colors, floral motifs. Materials must be natural, natural.
Also acceptable when decorating a bedroom is a style such as minimalism. When creating it, pastel colors are used, but at the same time you need to make a few bright accents. The forms of interior elements are simple. The main qualities of minimalism are simplicity and functionality.
Design project
When considering bedroom design ideas, you need to create your own project that will allow you to express the main ideas of the owners of the house about the interior of this room.
When planning and choosingfinishing materials must take into account the budget that will be allocated for repairs. When creating a design project, you need to think through all the little things. You should indicate on the panel how the furniture will be arranged, where the sockets, lamps, switches, etc. will be located. You need to think about where the air conditioner or TV will be installed (if provided by the owners of the house). Perhaps the room will be equipped with underfloor heating or an aquarium will be installed.

You can design your own or seek help from specialists. The first option is more interesting. You can use special computer programs with which you can arrange furniture as correctly as possible, choose the appropriate type of finish, etc.
When designing a small bedroom or a spacious room, you can create a cardboard layout. It is made in a certain scale. Interior elements are cut out of polystyrene foam. It is necessary to measure the new furniture in the store, which is planned to be used to decorate the interior of the bedroom. In a cardboard box that repeats the configuration of the room, you need to cut a window in the appropriate place.
Inside the box, you can move the foam furniture until the optimal location is chosen. You also need to consider how the light falls from the window. All the necessary elements of the interior must be arranged so that they do not interfere with the passage.
Stages of creating a design project
Bedroom interior design begins with the development of a design project. This work is carried out inseveral stages. First, measurements are taken of the dimensions of the room. The plan indicates the parameters of the floor, ceiling, walls. You need to specify the location of window and door openings. It may be necessary to redevelop, remove or build new partitions. You need to get permission from the appropriate authority for this.

Next, the lighting in the room is thought out. It must be natural and artificial. It is necessary to install a chandelier or spotlights on the ceiling. Near the bed you need to put small lamps, sconces. With the help of lighting, zoning of space is carried out. When designing the location of lighting fixtures, you need to specify where the sockets will be located. They may need to be relocated.
The design of bedrooms in apartments may involve the arrangement of additional functional areas in this room. In this case, they need to be properly separated. It is advisable to use partitions, screens or curtains. You can also perform zoning with the help of light and color design.
After that, choose the type of finish. You need to choose materials in accordance with taste preferences and the chosen style. After that, you can arrange the furniture according to the chosen plan. If necessary, all interior elements are adjusted. They should be harmoniously combined, forming a single picture.
Color selection and layout
Before you start repairing the bedroom, you need to think through the design to the smallest detail. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of color scheme. Shades should be concise and soft. You can use wallpaper or monotonous coloring when decorating walls. A pattern with vertical stripes will visually make the ceiling higher. However, the ornament should not be too bright. The ceiling should be lighter than the walls.
If the bedroom is spacious, you can use wallpaper with a large or vertical pattern. Monotonous wall decoration should be preferred if paintings or photographs are hung on them.
For cold rooms, when decorating, preference should be given to warm shades. If the room is often hot, on the contrary, the decoration should be done in cold colors. If the height of the ceilings allows, stretch fabrics can be used. For a spacious bedroom, this type of finish with a matte texture is suitable. For a small room, it is better to give preference to glossy stretch ceilings.
The design of the bedrooms in the house allows you to arrange all the furniture in the room. At the same time, there is a lot of space, which creates a feeling of spaciousness. If the room is small, it is better to arrange the minimum required amount of furniture here. This should be a bed or a sofa (preferably a folding one), bedside tables and a wardrobe (if there is no dressing room).
In a spacious room, you can install a dressing table or dressing table. If the room is combined with a balcony, this furniture can be installed here. In a small and spacious room, you can put a small TV. A huge screen would look out of place here.
Bedroom design also involves the right choice of furniture. Not worth itacquire overly bulky varieties. Also, the furniture should not be too small. In this case, sleeping here will be uncomfortable.
It is necessary to purchase furniture with wooden facades. Don't skimp on its quality. Interior elements should not be many, but they should be solid, reliable and comfortable. Nothing should interfere with a good rest.
The shade of the furniture should match the color scheme of the room. Particular attention must be paid to details. The choice of textiles with bright, unusual patterns allows you to make the interior stylish and original. If all colors are chosen in a single shade, this will make the room shapeless. You need to apply different shades or combine two or three suitable colors.
The design of the bedroom can be created independently. It is very important to pay attention to choosing the right lighting. Hang a chandelier in the center of the room. It should not be too large if the ceilings are low. It is better to give preference to several spotlights.
Near the bed, you need to install sconces or lamps on bedside tables on both sides. Lighting should not be bright. It can be neutral or warm shades. Cold lighting in the bedroom is unacceptable.
A good solution would be to create LED lighting around the perimeter of the ceiling. The tape is mounted in a special baguette. It will not be visible, but the rays will create a soft illumination of the ceiling. You can choose different shades of the glow of the diode tape.
Another interesting option is to create a "starry sky". This optionsuitable in the event that a suspended or stretch ceiling is being equipped. Several dozen diodes of different sizes are installed in holes prepared in the finish. This creates an effect reminiscent of a starry sky.
Having considered the features of choosing a bedroom design, you can choose the appropriate design yourself.