Entrance doors are designed to protect the premises from unauthorized entry by unauthorized persons. Another purpose is the insulation and soundproofing of the room. Taking into account such requirements, today the industry offers a wide range of insulated metal entrance doors.

Varieties of doors
Street doors can be roughly divided into three groups:
- Special designs. This category includes doors to which all characteristics apply: armor, insulation, sound insulation, fire safety.
- Insulated metal lattice doors. They are more often used indoors, but due to insulation, installation as an external door is quite possible.
- Technical doors. This type of doors does not have a beautiful design, but they have great strength and increased security. They are distinguished by simplified installation and a fairly low price.
Advanced door features
It is worth focusing on the expanded possibilities of metal entrance doors for the house and insulated ones, which, perhaps, not everyone knows about. According to the method of opening, they are:
- Outer opening.
- Internal opening.
Everything is simple here: the outer doors open to the outside of the room, the inner doors to the inside.

The quality of resistance to hacking can be:
- First class. These doors are not strong enough. Easily hacked with a simple hand tool. More often used as a double door, if there is another, stronger one.
- Second class. Hacking such doors is possible only with a special tool and sufficient experience of the burglar. They are mainly installed in rooms where there are no valuable items, there is no need for strict preservation of the contents.
- Third class. This is the most widely used type of doors. Opening this is only possible for a professional with extensive experience and a complete set of hacking and opening tools.
- Fourth grade. Insulated metal doors of this class combine all the characteristics described above. Such components are fireproof and bulletproof. The price for such designs is quite high.
Types of structures
According to the presence of the main constituent elements, the products are divided into three groups:
- With one metal sheet.
- With two sheets.
- Combined. They include two outer and one inner sheet.
The design of combined doors has the highest strength and reliability of all elements: locks, hinges. The inner metal sheet acts as stiffeners, providing additional reinforcement of the product. It also protects the lock from breaking. The disadvantage is the fact that if it becomes necessary to repair the lock, you have to make hatches to access it, and this leads to a violation of the protection functions of the outer sheet.
Frame structure
There are two types of frame structure:
- Closed steel contour.
- Open contour U-shaped.
Insulated closed loop metal entrance doors are much stronger and more reliable. They are not subject to deformation caused by temperature changes. But they carry a lot of weight.
Doors with an open circuit can be classified as budget, they are more affordable to purchase and install. With the use of metal thinner than 5 mm, they can be deformed during temperature fluctuations and lead to product malfunctions.
Decor of metal products

For interior lining of metal surfaces apply:
- laminate panels;
- patterned overlays made of metal and polymer;
- groove lamellas imitating natural wood.
For metal entrance doors, insulated, soundproof, the following heaters are used:
- cellular cardboard;
- mineral wool or stone wool;
- polyurethane.

Doors with cardboard insulation
Doors from this category are budget. The structure of this insulation is able to partially perform the functions of heat preservation and sound insulation. For this reason, they are not applied in the private sector. They find their application in entrances when the front door is intended for an apartment.
Designs with the use of polyurethane, stone and mineral wool as a heater have much better qualities of insulation and sound insulation. And they are, accordingly, more expensive than analogues with cardboard insulation.
Thermal break doors

The metal door has a number of disadvantages in the form of freezing and icing at low temperatures. Thanks to new technologies, you can forget about such troubles by using metal entrance doors, insulated with a thermal break.
The advantages of this design are as follows:
- The door leaf is made of 2 sheets of steel, insulated from each other by materials with low thermal conductivity. As such an insulator, expanded polystyrene, foil isolon, penoplex are used. This material prevents the formation of a cold bridge between two sheets of iron (thermal break). As a result, the low temperature of the outer sheet is not transferred to the inner sheet, which remains warm even at low temperatures.
- A seal is attached around the entire perimeter of the web, preventingthe penetration of cold into the cracks.
The use of a thermal door has a number of advantages:
- possibility of application at fairly low temperatures (up to -50 0С);
- high degree of durability and anti-vandalism;
- preventing the formation of ice, frost on the inside, which increases the service life;
- ensure quiet operation;
- variety of finishes (from budget to exclusive);
- presentable appearance due to the powder coating of the fabric, as well as resistance to phenomena such as rain, hail;
- increased mechanical strength.