Flooring is the face of your home. Exactly. When a person enters the room, he first of all looks at his feet, and only after some time begins to look around. I must say that the floor is always under a lot of stress. It is important to choose a quality flooring that will be both beautiful and durable, and preferably environmentally friendly. The parquet board meets all these requirements. Feedback on this material is very good.

Parquet board came into fashion in the 14th century. Since then, it has never lost its relevance. And it is unlikely that this will ever happen. In those ancient times, the material was available only to very rich and influential people. Now the material is also not the cheapest, but at the same time, almost every family can afford such a floor covering.
Sorry,we recognize the fact that the best parquet in Russia comes from abroad. We have several factories in the country that produce parquet boards (joint ventures in Russia and Europe), but the quality of their products is still lower than their imported counterparts. Check out any review of the parquet board, you will immediately be convinced of this. Below are brief reviews of several hardwood flooring.

Parquet board is an elite floor covering. No linoleum or laminate can compete with a parquet board. The only hint of competition is the array, but that's a bit off. Back to parquet.
Customer reviews praise parquet for its environmental friendliness, appearance. There are also references to the excellent performance properties of the material and its durability. People who have come across a parquet board also note the simplicity of its installation.
The material is really good. Parquet is made from wood, and not from sawdust, shavings and other things. A tree is a tree, during operation the parquet does not start to creak, does not swell from increased moisture. This material is fully consistent with the price that is asked for it. Parquet is a material for high-quality renovation. Reviews of the parquet board should remove all your doubts, if you have any.
Advantages of parquet boards
This material has a lot of strengths. Consider the main benefits:
- Environmental friendliness of the material (parquet is made exclusively from wood, without any chemical additives andothers).
- Strength (the material is durable, very strong and hard). Reviews of the parquet board indicate that the material can serve ten or more years in the most difficult conditions.
- Aesthetics. Wood in its natural form always looks very noble, stylish and expensive.
- Naturality of the pattern (the pattern of the board always looks natural and pleasant, natural wood tones look very stylish).
- Easy styling. In most cases, the owners of an apartment (house) can cover the floor with a parquet board on their own, without resorting to the help of specialists.

Material imperfections
Nothing is perfect in our world. You can always find at least some small flaws. If we talk about the parquet board, the reviews say that the material has really few weak points, but we tried to find at least something:
- Marriage. Sometimes found, most often marriage can be found on a relatively cheap board from a dubious manufacturer.
- Color spread. When buying several packs, we recommend comparing the colors of different packages with a parquet board to each other, so as not to get into a mess when laying, this drawback is also found in manufacturers without a reputation.
- High price. Quality and natural materials make this a pricing that just needs to be taken for granted.
Board structure
Parquet is a multi-layer coating. For the front (external) layer of parquet, wood of valuablebreeds. The thickness of the parquet board for the floor is an important point. Even more important is the thickness of the front layer of the parquet. It is its thickness that determines the maintainability of the floor. When we talk about repairs, we mean the number of resurfacings, if any, that would be possible and necessary.
The thickness of the front layer varies from three to six millimeters. The middle layer is usually made of coniferous lamellas (the thickness of the middle layer is up to 9 mm), the lowest layer is usually 2 mm, it is made of durable spruce plywood. Thus, we obtain a parquet thickness of approximately 15-17 mm, let's say that the thicker the parquet, the better, more stable, more durable and tougher it is.

The building materials market offers parquet boards with a thickness of 7 to 25 mm. The best parquet board is the thickest. Such a board can be sanded if necessary, it is hard, durable and will not “walk” under the foot. But there are cases when a thin parquet board is needed.
If your subfloor does not have a perfectly flat surface, that is, it has slight curvature in level, then it would be better for you to lay it with thin parquet. Also, this option is relevant if the room is not too high ceiling. It would seem that a difference of 10-12 mm will not be noticeable, but it is not. Sometimes the financial aspect plays a role in choosing not the thickest parquet board.
Parquet board from solid larch
This is a special variant. Larch is a material that is very resistant to external negative factors. Larch is not afraid of water, it is not attackedinsects and rodents. All this is possible thanks to gum, which is present in large volumes in the structure of wood. Therefore, a parquet board made of larch has all the same properties as the wood itself. The price of such parquet bites, but it's worth it!

Other types of wood for parquet boards
For the production of parquet, wood grades with good wear resistance, hardness and durability are suitable. In addition to the above larch, suitable:
- Oak. This wood is very popular as it is very durable and strong. Oak products are always of the highest quality, oak does not rot for a long time, it is not exposed to fungus, is not afraid of moisture, and also does not warp or dry out over time. The oak parquet board looks very attractive.
- Ash. Cheaper wood. The parquet board from an ash-tree looks very beautifully. Such a parquet board loses a little to oak in terms of durability and hardness, but the price of products is noticeably lower.
- Buk. Products from this wood always have a pleasant light shade, they are extremely resistant to moisture and durable.
- American walnut. Exclusive wood for our forests. It is easy to guess from the name where this type of tree grows. The American walnut finish is extremely strong and durable. Do not concede on this indicator to a parquet board from an oak. American walnut is endowed by nature with an amazing dark brown wood pattern. The price of parquet from this type of woodhigh.
Varieties of parquet boards
Before the final choice of parquet, you need to know how its different types differ. Parquet board happens:
- Single-Strip (The top layer of a 1-Strip parquet board consists of only one sheet, the wood pattern looks clear and pleasing to the eye).
- Two-lane (the top layer of the board consists of two lamellas, they are joined end-to-end).
- Three-strip (the decorative layer is made up of three lamellas that have an offset along their length). The three-strip board can be braided or herringbone patterned.
- Four-strip (according to its manufacturing principle, the board is similar to the three-strip, the difference is only in the number of lamellas).
In terms of performance and durability, a single-strip parquet board looks a little more profitable than other options. But the choice should be yours, because the difference between the above types is not critical.

Some manufacturers
Kahrs uses the finest materials for its products. These are oak, beech, ash, poplar, cherry, birch, walnut, maple, hickory, copal tree and more. The company's products are undeniable in terms of quality. The manufacturer offers a lot of options for parquet boards. But even the most budget options are very expensive. The manufacturer guarantees its products for 12 years or more.
Haro is a German company that has been in existence for over 150 years, during which time it has grown from a small family sawmill to a leading manufacturerthe best flooring in the world. For the production of parquet use: oak, beech, ash, maple, American cherry and exclusive white locust. This manufacturer combines ancient woodworking traditions and modern innovative technologies.
Choice of parquet
First decide on the material of the finish layer. Both an ash parquet board and an oak parquet board, for example, should be considered for purchase. The fact when we said that oak is stronger and more durable should not belittle ash products in any way. If we are talking about foreign products, then all of them meet international standards and have a sufficient margin in terms of their performance.

It is worth considering the fact that your floor should look harmonious in your room. Try to think of different options to find the right shade of the floor for you.
If you have never done repairs and have no idea how to lay a parquet board on your own, then it is better to resort to the help of professionals in this business. Qualitatively laid parquet in compliance with all necessary standards and technologies will please you for a very long time without squeaks and other unpleasant moments.