Today, an indispensable element of almost every suburban area is a detached gazebo, which can serve in the summer as a place for eating, relaxing, a summer residence for indoor flowers, or a place where the owners will gather in the evenings with the whole family, meet friends.
For the manufacture of this structure, any available materials can be used, it can be created in any style. They build similar structures of various geometric shapes, but still the hexagonal gazebo is considered the most popular. What advantages does this form have, what features are inherent in it - more on that later.
Advantages of hexagonal design

In terms of ergonomics, the hexagon is considered the best shape, since the design in this case will be the most stable and durable. It also has other benefits:
- Easier construction than, for example, a round structure.
- Reliable and tough.
- Hasgreater capacity when compared with a square counterpart.
- Possesses high aesthetic performance.
In other words, this is an original design that will decorate any suburban area, as evidenced by numerous photos. But most importantly, a turnkey gazebo can be made by a person who knows how to handle a tool and prefers to arrange his own site.
Construction begins in the same way as the construction of any other structure - with the preparation of a project that will indicate:
- Detailed dimensions of the model you like.
- Required amount of material.
- The right tool for the job.
The data of all the listed items allow you to know in advance the approximate cost of the future construction. If you have chosen a tree for construction, you need to take into account that to protect it, you need special impregnation and antiseptics that will protect wooden elements from ultraviolet radiation, moisture, insects and rodents. Such funds cost a little, but the benefits that their use will bring are quite tangible: a hexagonal gazebo treated with special substances will last many times longer, so protective equipment should also be included in the list of necessary materials.
Choice of foundation

In order for a hexagonal gazebo for a summer residence or a private house to stand firmly, it is best to install it on the foundation. The choice of the base of the building is influenced not only by weightfuture design, but also the type of soil. There are several types of foundations that can be used when building gazebos:
- Columnar. Concrete blocks can serve as supports. So that they do not move over time, it is necessary to install each support in a prepared pit, make an additional formwork 10-15 cm high above the soil surface, and then fill everything with reinforced concrete mortar. When the concrete has completely hardened, lay the lower trim of the structure on the blocks and secure with dowels.
- Monolithic. This type of base is quite expensive as it is a solid concrete slab.
- Support columns. They are made in the same way as the columnar counterpart, with the difference that instead of concrete, wooden poles are used. Thanks to this, the hexagonal gazebo will be much cheaper than the previous options.
Preparation of tools
Since many owners of suburban real estate prefer natural materials, hexagonal wooden gazebos are ideal. In this case, you will need:
- Hammer, screws and nails.
- Planer.
- Drill.
- Hacksaw or circular saw.
- Roulette, level.
- Stairs.
- Boards.
- Waterproofing material.
- Beam.
- Bitumen mastic for wood protection.
- Metal corners.
- Roof material.
For the manufacture of the foundation, in addition to a shovel, trowel, cement composition, sand and mortar containers, you will also need a concrete mixer. Hercan be replaced with a drill by equipping the tool with an appropriate nozzle.
An important detail: before starting construction work, you must carefully calculate how much material you will need, and be sure to add 6-7% to the figure. Since you may want to make changes along the way, additional materials will help bring the idea to life.
Preparing the site

Having decided on the place where the building will be located, it is necessary to prepare it: level the site, if there are slopes, remove everything that may interfere with work, and remove 10-15 cm of soil with plant roots. After that, the earth is tamped, covered with sand and gravel and tamped again to create a dense cushion where the hexagonal arbor will be placed. The size of the prepared area should correspond to the area of the future structure. If you plan to pour concrete around the building, you need to increase the dimensions.
After that, markup is carried out. To avoid mistakes in this case, you can put a metal rod in the center of the site, tie a stake pointed on one side to it and draw a circle with it, like a compass, then the marking will be as accurate as possible. It remains only to make the necessary adjustment by marking 6 corners.

Since the foundation of the supporting columns is the most accessible, we will talk about its construction. Further work is carried out according to the following scheme:
- At the corners, prepare pits, the depth of which is 0.6-0.8 m, andwidth - 0.5 m.
- Prepare a hole in the center of the structure, where a short pole will be located, no higher than the floor level. The elements of the lower trim will be attached to it.
- Pour rubble into the bottom of the pits and tamp.
- Protect wooden poles with protective equipment.
- Install the foundation pillars in the pits. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the supports have the same height and are equal to the height of the future structure.
- Check the location of the supports by level.
- Fill the holes with cement.
Assembling the frame

First of all, the supporting poles are fastened into a single structure using the lower trim. Then, lags are laid towards the center, on which the floor for the gazebo will be laid. The same material that was used for the supports can serve as a strapping. Having cut off the ends at an angle, the beam must be attached to the supports using self-tapping screws or metal corners.
The logs must also be impregnated with a protective solution. If the floor for the gazebo is made of wooden slabs or boards, they must also be processed and during installation it is imperative to leave a gap between the individual elements of 0.5-1.0 mm for thermal expansion of the material and ventilation.
Roof installation

The next step is to complete the top trim (if you plan to assemble the roof directly on the structure). To facilitate this stage, you can assemble the strapping separately using metal corners andself-tapping screws, connect it to the roof frame and then install the entire structure in place.
Also, the roofing crate can be mounted even after the frame is installed on the support bars - it all depends on the decision of the person who builds the turnkey gazebo. It will be very difficult to do this work yourself, so you need to take care of assistants in advance. Lastly, the coating is laid and fastened.
Barbecue, stove, barbecue: installation

A gazebo with a stove and barbecue is a more complex, but very popular construction option. If it is decided to build just such a structure, then even at the planning stage it is necessary to include a chimney in the plan. Since the stove is heavy, it is best to install it against the wall on an additional foundation, but the brazier can be placed in the center of the building.
The execution of a design drawing in which it is planned to install a barbecue, stove, is a rather difficult task, since it is necessary to comply with fire safety rules, so it is best to entrust it to a specialist.
When choosing such a complex option, you need to pay attention to the location: a gazebo with a stove and barbecue should not be near the house, outbuildings and other objects - this is one of the main fire safety requirements. If there is little space on the site and there is no opportunity to build a structure at a distance, it is better to refuse such structures.
Finishing work
So that hexagonal wooden gazebos not only decorate the landscape andserved for a long time, but also became a favorite place for all family members, they should be beautiful and comfortable. To do this, it is necessary to grind all wooden surfaces with a grinder, eliminating irregularities. This will make applying the paintwork much easier.
After grinding, all elements are covered with drying oil, and after drying with varnish. Moreover, the varnish is applied not in one layer, but in several, after the previous one dries.