Do-it-yourself siding at home

Do-it-yourself siding at home
Do-it-yourself siding at home

Sheathing a house with siding is not such a difficult undertaking, any owner can do it, although, of course, it will be necessary to spend some time on this and acquire some skills. My recommendations will help you not only think through all the stages of the work being done in advance, but also make the purchase of the necessary materials so that your DIY siding at home becomes as easy as possible.

house siding cladding
house siding cladding

Based on what type of building you have, as well as what seasonality of living in it, there are two options for siding. The first - with the use of insulating materials, and the second - without them. It is clear here that for a building with year-round use, it is simply necessary to use a heater, but for a temporary residence option, for example, a summer house, it makes no sense to spend extra costs on insulation material.

Sheathing the house with siding is carried out from the bottom (base) in the direction of the roof. To date, the market has a wide selection of material for covering the plinth. These are special plinth siding panels that can be with different textures, such as wild or decorative stones. It is allowed to cover the entire house with basement siding, this will give the impression of a stone house.

For best results, do-it-yourself siding is done on an exceptionally flat plane, otherwise the stripes will be made in the form of a wave and bumps. You can make a flat plane with the help of stripes of vertical crates from a bar, in the most “difficult” places, as well as in places of openings for doors, windows - a stripe of horizontal crates. The thickness of the bars for the guides depends on the magnitude of the surface level differences and can be from 20 to 50 mm. The fastening of the bars is carried out at intervals of 30 to 40 cm.

DIY house siding
DIY house siding

Further sheathing of the house with siding is carried out in several stages. The first is the fastening of the starting, corner and joining profiles. The second is fastening through the decorative strips of the connecting profiles, which is carried out either with an overlap or butt. One strip of siding, on average, has a length of 3.6 - 3.7 meters, if you use basement siding, then its length is one meter and it is fastened end-to-end with a special hole. To close the upper end panel, a special finishing strip is used, and, as an option, there can be a decorative universal profile. In any case, it is necessary to study in detail the installation instructions for a particular type of siding, which is attached with its purchase.

handmade siding
handmade siding

Sheathing a house with siding has different opinions, both pros and cons. Let's leave these disputes, and inIn conclusion, let's talk a little about the advantage of finishing with siding. First of all, it's aesthetics. The building has a fresh and beautiful appearance. Secondly, there is no need for periodic renovation of the facade (painting, varnishing, etc.). Thirdly, siding panels, together with finishing materials, create an ideal protection for the building from environmental influences.
