For a tree like a pear, planting and care must be carried out in compliance with certain rules. Moreover, the yield directly depends not only on the choice of a particular variety.

Pears are planted in the spring, because due to a poorly developed root system, seedlings have a very long process of engraftment, which can last two years. At this time, the tree grows very poorly.
In order for the engraftment of seedlings to go better and faster, you can lower them into a mixture specially prepared for this purpose. For it you will need: 1 bucket of topsoil, 1 bucket of humus, 300 grams of superphosphate. If the soil is very acidic, then lime should be added to it - this will help the tree grow faster.
Pear: planting and care
The next thing to know about a tree is that its ground part must be cut off without fail by 1/3, and it is better to do it after planting. Of course, do not forget about watering the tree.
By the way, it is worth answering briefly the question of how to plant a pear. This requires special landing pits, the diameter of which should be approximately one hundred centimeters, and the depth - sixty centimeters. If more, even better. And "fill" these pitspreferably fertile soil, of course, if your land is not.
There are a few more important rules to follow if you want to successfully grow a fruit tree like a pear. Landing and care he needs timely and in compliance with certain rules. If the year turned out to be very fruitful, this depletes the tree to a large extent. To avoid problems, in particular, freezing in the cold season, it is worth feeding the pear with nitrogen fertilizers throughout the summer period, adding enhanced watering and loosening the soil.

It is worth noting that some pear varieties are self-fertile, that is, in order for them to yield, it is necessary to plant several varieties in the garden at the same time, as a result of which the so-called exchange and self-pollination will occur. But if for some reason this option is unacceptable for you, you need to graft two or three varieties of pears into the crown.
Water and pruning
The list of rules on the topic “Pear: planting and care” also needs to include abundant watering while the tree is still developing. An adult plant does not need such an amount of moisture, since by that time its well-developed root system will be able to feed on its own from the soil.
Proper pruning and crown formation is the most important step in caring for a pear tree. Due to the fact that the pear belongs to light-loving plants, each leaf in its crown needs sunlight.

Don't cut itthe lower branches of the tree, even if they do not bear fruit. The erroneous opinion that the fewer branches, the better the harvest, nullifies all the efforts of gardeners: the lower branches of a tree can bear a lot of fruit, but only with proper care. In particular, this refers to the tree getting enough sunlight.
The best solution is to cut branches inside the crown. However, you should carefully monitor the sunlight: if it is enough, then this branch can be left.