The jigsaw device is distinguished by its practicality and versatility, since with the help of this unit you can cut different materials. To determine the choice of a quality tool, you need to analyze its capabilities, as well as study the technical characteristics. The choice of a jigsaw directly depends on what kind of material the master has to work with. A professional tool costs much more than a household one. The right choice will save a large amount.
Details of construction
The jigsaw device is distinguished by its reliability and practicality. The list of basic equipment includes the following parts:
- Sharp saw for cutting material. This part is designed to perform a specific list of work with raw materials.
- Guiding plane. The product can be made of high quality steel or aluminum. The master can set the cutting angle correctly, thus ensuring high quality, convenience and accuracy of work.
- Motor, the power of which can berange from 300 to 900 watts. The quality of the engine directly depends on what kind of material the master can work with. For domestic needs, a product with minimal parameters is suitable.
- The system responsible for the smooth running of the file.
- Universal holder.
- Rollers. These parts hold the mechanism and also ensure the smooth movement of the unit.

The jigsaw device consists of a specific list of parts that are important not only for professionals, but also for beginners. Options include:
- Absolutely transparent plastic file protection. The element guarantees the master additional protection against mechanical damage.
- Quantitative cut controller. This parameter is determined on an individual basis, since everything depends on the material being processed. The device greatly simplifies the workflow, which is especially important when the master uses the jigsaw daily.
- Point lighting element.
- Multipurpose automatic chip blower.
- Installed aids that dampen sound and vibrations.
- High-quality coating of the unit body, which protects internal parts from mechanical shock.

Purchasing a quality product
The device of the jigsaw may vary depending on what tasks the unit should perform. Not tomake a mistake with the choice, you need to take into account a number of recommendations:
- Special attention should be paid to the stroke frequency. The moment at which the jigsaw will move directly depends on this parameter. The most popular are those models where there is the possibility of self-adjustment.
- Classic units should have an output power between 300 and 900 watts. The higher the final figure, the more materials the jigsaw can handle. 750 watts is enough for various household needs.
- A high-quality model must be equipped with a pendulum stroke, a sawdust blowing function and the ability to speed up work.
- The type of food matters a lot. On sale are high-quality electric jigsaws that run on mains, as well as on batteries. The latter option is only appropriate if the work will be carried out away from the source of electricity.
- The principle of changing saws. Depending on personal preferences, the wizard can choose the option with manual or automatic installation. It is worth noting that in the first case, you will need a set of universal screws.

The device and repair of the jigsaw are distinguished by numerous positive characteristics that are highly valued among specialists. Key benefits include:
- The files in the products are quite strong and thick. They are fixed only at one end. Cutting the prepared material can becarry out at any distance from the edges of the part. The product rarely fails.
- High degree of versatility. The design of the electric jigsaw allows the use of different blade thicknesses. Due to this, it is possible to cut wood, steel, plastics, as well as non-ferrous metals.
- The device and principle of operation of the jigsaw allow for a curved cut of raw materials.

Working order
The Bosch electric jigsaw device is very popular today, as in this case the buyer receives high quality at an affordable price. But regardless of the selected unit, sawing work is carried out on a workbench or table of sufficient size. For reliable fixation of raw materials, it is better to use special clamps. The master must lead the canvas along the marking line as evenly as possible.
Particular attention during work should be paid to the location of the cord (especially when it comes to curly cut). Only in this case it is possible to avoid accidental cutting of insulation and electric shock to the master. Experts recommend ensuring the most correct position of the instrument. During operation, the saw should not damage the elements of the workbench under the workpiece being processed. Novice craftsmen most often choose the Interskol electric jigsaw device, as this unit is simple and easy to use, and also has the necessary technical characteristics.

Safety rules
Jig sawbelongs to the category of tools of medium injury risk. The peculiar reciprocating nature of the movement of the main drive completely eliminates the possibility of injury. This applies even to situations where the workpiece is pinched in the processed raw material. The main traumatic factors include:
- The defeat of the master by flying off pieces of the canvas when it split.
- Injury to the fingers and hand of the processed material when part of the body fell under the machine.
During work, the master must use gloves, goggles, and a high-quality respirator that will protect the respiratory system from dust. For work, you need to use professional vacuum cleaners.