How to wash diesel fuel from clothes: tips

How to wash diesel fuel from clothes: tips
How to wash diesel fuel from clothes: tips

Many people have faced the problem of stubborn stains more than once. Many products can ruin a good and even a new thing. But not all stains remain forever. There are many ways to get rid of unwanted blotches on clothes. One of the more difficult to remove compounds is diesel fuel. It has a rather oily structure that eats into the material, and therefore it is quite difficult to get rid of it.

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how to wash at home

How to wash diesel fuel?

You can apply different methods depending on many factors. So, for example, if the stain is large enough, then drastic measures will be required to eliminate it. None of the options can give a 100% guarantee that the thing will be saved, but it's still worth a try. Below we will consider how to wash diesel fuel at home.

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About fresh stains

If they have not dried yet, then it will be much easier to wash them. Here are five ways to get rid of them.

With s alt

When the stain has not yet had time to completely saturate the fibers of the fabric, there is a chance to quickly get rid of traces of diesel fuel. How to wash it off? One way involves the use of ordinary edible s alt, which everyone has in the house. It is applied to the stain, after which it is necessary to take a small piece of cloth and use it to carefully rub the s alt into the stain. It is important that the s alt is fine. Otherwise, the fabric may be damaged. After these steps, the clothes are left for 5-10 minutes and sent to the normal wash.

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Hand paste

Another fairly effective way is to use a cleansing hand paste. Many who used it have noticed more than once how difficult it is to remove dirt from their hands. A fresh stain on her clothes will not be a problem for her either. It is necessary to apply a medium layer on the stain, soak for 15 minutes and send it to the wash. Such a fairly simple method requires special attention to aging. The fact is that if such a paste is overexposed on the fabric, then it can destroy the fibers of the fabric or discolor it.

Dishwashing liquid

Of course, if the stain is oily, you should try washing it off with dishwashing liquid. It doesn't matter what kind of liquid - professional or household. In any case, it is necessary to get rid of fat on the dishes, which means that it should also help in this option.

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To startit is necessary to fill the container with water, into which you need to add a little liquid for dishes and mix everything until foam forms. At this time, the same liquid for dishes is applied to the stain and everything is thoroughly rubbed. The thing is placed in a previously prepared container with water and left there to soak for an hour. After that, the washing machine will do everything necessary. You need to put it on the mode in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.

Lemon solution

Next on the list is a lemon. Its extensive use in removing stains is due to the fact that its juice contains a weak solution of acid, which will help remove diesel fuel.

Lemon juice is mixed with vegetable oil to obtain a thicker consistency and the resulting liquid is rubbed into the stain. Then everything is left for 15-25 minutes, so that the acid begins to destroy the structure of the stain. Diesel fuel under the action of acid is well excreted.

If at the moment there is no lemon in the house, it can easily be replaced with citric acid diluted with water. When using acid, you also need to watch the time. It destroys the structure of the fabric during long exposure as well as the structure of pollution. There may be a slight loss of color in the area of application to the stain.

Soap, baking soda and dishwashing detergent

Folk remedies have been improved for many years. How to remove diesel fuel from clothes with improvised methods? More than once justified itself and the following method.

First you need to prepare the mixture itself. This will require laundry soap, dishwashing liquidand regular baking soda. Soap must be grated or made into shavings with a knife. Then the resulting chips are mixed with the remaining components in proportions of 1 to 1.

To wash the stain better, do not spare the prepared solution, you need to carefully rub it into the stain from diesel fuel. You can use a brush for this. Next, you need to leave everything for an hour or an hour and a half to remove the stain. Next, you need to run the wash in the washing machine - the stain will come off easily.

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Old stains

It is not always possible to drop everything and run home as soon as possible to wash the stain formed from diesel fuel, and sometimes you can not notice it at all. Over time, diesel fuel is eaten more and more, which leads either to the impossibility of removing the stain, or to its complication. How to wash diesel fuel from clothes at home if the stain is dry? Let's look at four effective methods below.

Heating the oil slick

How can I clean diesel fuel? The first tip is to expose the diesel fuel stain to high temperatures. This does not mean that it will have to be burned with fire. An iron and a few paper towels will suffice. Paper towels are laid out in 3-4 layers on the stain, after which they are heated with an iron. The oily base of diesel fuel becomes liquid under the influence of high temperature and is immediately absorbed into the towels laid on top.

In this case, you can not set the maximum heating temperature on the iron. It is necessary to follow the instructions for ironing the item with whichthe stain is removed. Synthetic materials can melt quite easily from high temperatures. This should always be considered.

Flush with gasoline

Another way to remove diesel fuel from clothes is to use gasoline. Since gasoline is the same oil product, only it does not contain oils, it easily dilutes the structure of diesel fuel. Soak a cotton swab or a small piece of cloth with gasoline and start rubbing this gasoline into the oil stain.

In a minute, you will notice that the stain becomes paler, and the cotton becomes darker in color.

The stain will not be completely removed in this way, then the clothes are sent to the wash at the maximum temperature allowed for it. For washing, it is desirable to use an intensive washing mode. After that, there will be no trace of the stain.

Use stain remover

A more modern way to wash diesel fuel is to use various stain removers. The market is quite saturated with such means, it is simply impossible to give preference to any one. There are specialized series for removing hard-to-remove stains, and they are the right ones in this case. You can soak directly in the washing machine. The powder compartment has a special window for adding stain remover. After completing the soak program, the machine will automatically start washing, all that remains is to remove the almost dry clothes and evaluate the result.

For greater reliability, it is advisable to use this method as an additional one, in the case when the stain is notoutput after the previous procedure.

Dry Cleaning

Well, of course, you can not spend your efforts at all, but simply go to the nearest dry cleaner, where qualified specialists will cope with the task.

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This method, although expensive, is effective. Plus, it will be cheaper than buying a steam cleaner.

In conclusion, we need to mention how to remove the smell of diesel fuel. It will be much easier to deal with him. It is enough to add conditioner to the washing machine when washing, and the problem will be solved.
