Means for septic tanks: overview, features and instructions for use

Means for septic tanks: overview, features and instructions for use
Means for septic tanks: overview, features and instructions for use

Today, quite a few owners install a local sewage system on their site. For this, various septic tanks are used. This device needs to be cleaned every 3-4 years. To delay this moment, there are various chemicals. Means for septic tanks speed up the processing of waste. There are many types of such substances. To understand which type of them is best used in specific conditions, you should consider the properties of funds for septic tanks, as well as cesspools.

Means of the Past

The septic products used in the past were solely based on the action of chemicals. They were pretty efficient. Such substances were able to accelerate the decomposition of wastewater, and also eliminated unpleasant odors.

Means for septic tanks
Means for septic tanks

The most commonly used means of the past were ammonium compounds, formaldehyde, nitrate oxidizers. The first option was the most effective. The most toxic agent for cesspools and septic tanks was made on the basis of formaldehyde. It was the cheapest. Nitrateoxidizing agents are similar in their principle of action to fertilizers of the same name.

To one degree or another, all these substances were toxic. They could harm human he alth and adversely affect the environment. Therefore, they were used as little as possible. Their positive result had a rather nasty downside.

Modern Substances

Modern cleaner for septic tanks and cesspools can be of two types. The first group includes chemicals, and the second - biologicals.

Chemical agents are used to accelerate the precipitation of suspended particles. For this, modern varieties have a coagulant in their composition. It causes small particles to gather in groups, large flakes. Due to the increase in their weight, they sink to the bottom of the septic tank.

Biological products contain strains of different bacteria. When they enter the autonomous sewer, they begin to decompose organic waste. This approach has a number of advantages. It does not harm the environment and the container itself. The quality of wastewater treatment is improving. Also, active bacteria contribute to the liquefaction of the sediment at the bottom of the septic tank. Their activity eliminates unpleasant odors. Due to the complex effect, it will take quite some time to clean the septic tank.

Biological agents also contribute to maintaining site sanitation.

Cesspool and septic tank cleaner
Cesspool and septic tank cleaner

They prevent the development of various pathogenic microbes inside the container, prevent the formation of toxic fumes and harmful gases. Thanks toto this, the person who is on the site feels absolutely comfortable. Such products are completely safe for his he alth and the environment.

Behavior of bacteria

In order to understand the mechanism of action of bacteria and to apply them correctly in your autonomous sewer, you should consider the stages of their life. There are only four of them.

At the first stage, microorganisms that have entered the sewer are not ready to multiply.

Means for country septic tanks
Means for country septic tanks

They get used to the conditions around them. The second stage is characterized by the active interaction of bacteria with the environment of the septic tank. They begin to absorb the nutrients of the effluents. This gives impetus to their active reproduction.

In the third stage, the number of microbes reaches its peak. Then they begin to feel the lack of nutrition. Their reproduction becomes impractical. But they are still in the septic tank in large numbers.

In the final stage, lack of nutrition leads to the fact that the cesspool and septic tank cleaner loses its effectiveness. The number of bacteria decreases under the influence of external or internal factors. In this case, it is quite possible that competing microorganisms will become predominant in the septic tank. Then an unpleasant smell appears.

Rules for the use of biological agents

In order for the remedy for country septic tanks to be effective, they need to be used correctly. To do this, you should first read the manufacturer's instructions. It indicates how the agent should be introduced into the container. If it's a liquid, itfirst shaken, and then added to the septic tank. Powder or tablets are either dissolved or dry deposited in a container.

Detergents septic tank
Detergents septic tank

If the owners are in a country house infrequently, special additives are added to the local sewage system before conservation. It is also extremely important to exclude the pouring into the design of drugs that are incompatible with the life of bacteria of chemicals. Otherwise, the number of microorganisms will decrease sharply, an unpleasant odor will appear.

How else to use biological agents?

Cleaning products for septic tanks are used before cleaning the structure. This is done a few days before the waste is pumped out. The bioactivator is poured into the septic tank. This allows you to change the consistency of the sediment. It becomes liquid.

Cleaner for septic tanks and cesspools
Cleaner for septic tanks and cesspools

Solid waste is much more difficult to pump out. If the sediment is removed in an altered state, everything happens much easier. Using a septic tank will be much more efficient and longer. If at least once a year to add such funds to the autonomous sewer, you can avoid a major cleaning of the station in the future.

Which substances are not suitable for a septic tank?

If the autonomous sewage system has a bookmark of biologically active microorganisms, it is necessary to carefully select detergents. The septic tank should not be filled with a whole list of chemicals. Bacteria are not compatible with these agents:

  • Alkalis.
  • Chlorinated substances.
  • Any varietyphenols.
  • Acids and aldehydes.

It is forbidden to use such substances in everyday life. They cannot be drained into a septic tank. You should also pay attention to the washing powder. It should not contain antibacterial additives. Otherwise, this will negate all the efforts of summer residents in the struggle for sanitation in their area. Therefore, when buying detergents, you should definitely study their composition.

What tools can I use at home?

Only environmental cleaning products for home care are suitable for local sewage. This is important to consider if it contains a biological agent for septic tanks and cesspools. Reviews of the owners of a country house with an autonomous septic tank highlight several preparations suitable for cleaning and everyday life.

Means for septic tanks reviews
Means for septic tanks reviews

To wash the dishes summer residents advise using "Shpul-S". It removes grease well without leaving streaks on the surface. It has a high content of active substances, which allows you to spend the product economically. "Spule-S" is safe for bacteria and the environment.

To clean the house, many owners of a septic tank with biological agents use the All-Clean. It is also safe for human he alth, does not cause allergies. Suitable for a wide variety of surfaces. Since it is a concentrate, it lasts for a long time.

To clean plumbing, according to the reviews of the owners of the local sewerage, "San Plus Fresh" is used. The product removes dirt from the toilet bowl, sink, bathtub, chrome and tilesurfaces.

User reviews

A variety of septic tank products, reviews of which can be found in various sources, will allow you to choose the best option for yourself. Users unanimously claim that such components eliminate unpleasant odors. However, it is noted that pumping out the waste has to be done periodically.

Means for septic tanks and cesspools reviews
Means for septic tanks and cesspools reviews

Some homeowners pump liquid, bacteria-recycled waste to the garden. This allows you to fertilize the land. There is a dependence of bacterial activity on the season, soil type, and weather. To avoid smell at all, you should also use a tight cover for the structure.

Popular drugs

According to consumer feedback, some of the most popular drugs stand out today. These are septic products such as Doctor Robik, Bioforce Septic Comfort, Septicsol, Tamir.

The first of the drugs presented is characterized by a wide range of products. This allows you to solve any problems that may arise during the operation of the structure. Bioforce Septic Comfort, Septicsol are foreign drugs. They are known for their effectiveness and ease of use.

"Tamir" is a means of domestic production. It is characterized by the ability to accumulate the concentration of bacteria. Also a very effective drug.

By choosing the right products for septic tanks, you can reduce the cost of its maintenance and cleaning. Also, such drugs increase sanitation at the site and eliminateunpleasant odors. These are quite simple, but effective remedies when handled correctly.
