Tomato is one of the most beloved vegetables in our country. However, few people know that it is equated with lemon because of the large amount of nutrients. That is why many novice gardeners try various means to feed and preserve the ovaries. Such fertilizers fill the future tomatoes with the necessary trace elements and give a chance to get an excellent harvest.
Particular attention is paid to planting seedlings in open ground, a greenhouse and the appearance of the first ovaries. And in order to get a good harvest, they use folk remedies for the ovary of tomatoes, which we will discuss later in the article.

Reducing the ovaries of tomatoes in the greenhouse: causes and effects
If you do not adhere to the temperature regime, then the flowers of tomatoes may fall off without waiting for pollination. Acceptable daytime temperatures range from +23°C to +29°C, and nighttime temperatures should be between +13°C and 21°C.
The maximum temperature at which tomatoes feel normal is 36°C. If it rises to 40 ° C, then it is safe to say that there will be no flowers and ovaries. And every night the temperature should drop below + 20 ° C. If you neglect this rule, then the tomato crop may fall. And in this case, even the best folk remedies for setting tomatoes in a greenhouse will not help.
Humidity in the greenhouse should fluctuate between 40-70%. To achieve the required indicator, you should lightly spray the tomatoes every morning. But it is very difficult to get rid of excess moisture. Therefore, experienced gardeners mulch bushes, and to maintain moisture, they dig plastic bottles with holes or no bottom into the soil.

Reasons for reducing the ovaries of tomatoes in the open field
Gardeners recommend carefully studying planting methods and characteristics of varieties, since non-compliance with the norms can lead to a complete loss of yield or make it extremely low. The absence of ovaries may be due to reasons such as:
- Lack of sunlight due to too close trees or other plants.
- Excess nitrogen, due to a large amount of manure fertilizer, leads to a change in inflorescences.
- Lack of minerals such as phosphorus and potassium.
- Lack of strength in tomatoes to form ovaries. Especially in the case of growing large and multiple varieties.
- Diseases affecting the plant.
Severalsecrets for a better tomato ovary
To avoid a decrease in yield, they resort to folk remedies. But before spraying tomatoes for the ovary with folk remedies, you need to follow a few simple recommendations:
- Seedlings in the greenhouse should be planted from east to west. This way the tomatoes can get the same amount of sunlight both in the morning and in the afternoon.
- Two-time hilling will help strengthen the root system. For the first time it is carried out during the appearance of small growths on the stem. Spud a second time after the shoot has changed color to dark blue.
- Mulching will protect against excess moisture, expose roots, and also slow down the growth of weeds.
- Removing unwanted shoots (stepping) will help tomatoes not to waste energy on growing green shoots, but to direct all their energy to a rich harvest.

How to feed tomatoes?
Many novice gardeners are wondering how to feed tomatoes for fruit set. As a rule, they are advised to go to a specialized store and buy the necessary tool for this. But you can also make an amazing mixture from familiar products and increase the yield of tomatoes.
So, experts say that there are only two ways to peel tomatoes:
- Most often they are watered with a mixture of nutrients under the root. Since this is the easiest and most convenient type of feeding, although not the most effective. For the most part, the fertilizer saturates the soil aroundtomatoes without even touching their roots.
- Less common is the foliar method. With the help of a special sprayer, the fertilizer is sprayed not only under the root, but also settles on the leaves and stem. Thus, by increasing the surface of action, tomatoes absorb nutrients faster and gain strength for further development.

It is worth noting that before watering it is necessary to defend chlorinated water, as this substance is detrimental to any plant. But the most useful thing is to use rainwater, which has all the necessary elements.
Folk remedies for the ovary of tomatoes
But first you need to determine what trace elements they lack. Experts identify the following substances, which each tomato especially needs. These are potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus. Dozens of recipes have been invented that restore the balance of substances and increase yields. So what to feed tomatoes for fruit set?
One of the most popular remedies is bird droppings. It contains a huge amount of nitrogen and contributes to the rapid growth and development of green mass. It is necessary to take 10 kg of bird droppings and pour 5 liters of water, then let it brew for 3 days. You will get a very concentrated mixture, so 1 liter of this fertilizer is diluted with 10 liters of settled water.

Tomato seedlings, especially before planting in open ground, need phosphorus and potassium. To provideplant with essential substances, use ash (wooden or straw). The fertilizer recipe is simple: you should take 15 g of ash and pour 2 liters of hot water. Let the mixture brew for a day, and then filter and use as directed.
To make nitrogen easier to assimilate, it is necessary to provide the plant with an optimal amount of potassium. To do this, pour three banana peels with 3 liters of boiled water. After three days, the skins will give up all the potassium and other useful substances. Thus, a unique folk remedy for the ovary of tomatoes is obtained.
Gardeners recommend making a complex fertilizer from eggshell, which is rich in many trace elements. It is able to increase the growth and development of tomatoes. To do this, you need to take the shell of three eggs and pour three liters of hot water. This folk remedy for the ovary of tomatoes should be infused for 72 hours. The finished fertilizer will emit a hydrogen sulfide smell.
Folk remedies for foliar fertilizer
There is no better way than to spray tomatoes for the ovary with folk remedies. However, it should be remembered that the spray mixture should consist of 1% fertilizer and the rest water. Usually they begin to feed a week after planting seedlings in open ground. Here are some popular recipes:
- 10 drops of iodine are mixed with 1 liter of curdled milk and a bucket of water.
- 2 liters of whey, half a glass of sugar and 16 drops of iodine are added to a bucket of water.
- Birch fungus is dissolved until the water turns dark in color.

The use of boric acid for the ovary of tomatoes
One of the effective means is to treat tomatoes with boric acid for the ovary. This substance is necessary for every tomato, as it is involved in the transport of calcium to all parts of the plant, accelerates the growth of shoots, helps to preserve flowers and form fruits.
Some gardeners apply boric acid to seedling holes. However, it should be remembered that only after a day it will be possible to plant tomatoes in this soil.
The most popular fertilization method is spraying. Therefore, there are several recipes for treating tomatoes with boric acid for the ovary:
- half a packet of boric acid (5 g) diluted in 5 liters of water;
- must mix 5 g of boric acid, copper sulfate and urea and dissolve in 10 liters of water.
Gardeners note that boric acid dissolves best in hot water.
Folk remedies for greenhouse tomatoes
Many fertilizers are used both for seedlings in open ground and for greenhouses. However, there are still folk remedies for the ovary of tomatoes in the greenhouse, which were not mentioned earlier:
- Coffee beans are the best source of nutrients for greenhouse plants. When ground, they perfectly loosen the soil and open access to oxygen for the root system.
- Onion peel fills seedlings with useful trace elements, disinfects and protects leaves from pests. It is necessary to take 40 g of husk, pour 10 liters of water and leave for 96 hours.
- Strengthensimmunity and accelerates the growth of seedlings yeast mixture for the ovary of tomatoes. It is able to change the structure of the soil and speed up the metabolism in it. To prepare fertilizer, use 2 g of dry or 100 g of fresh yeast and pour 2 liters of warm water.

Auspicious time to feed tomatoes
Start feeding tomatoes in the early morning or evening on a clear sunny day. Fertilizers for the root system should not fall on the leaves, as excess moisture will not be able to be absorbed and sunburn will appear on the leaf.
In cloudy weather, tomatoes are sprayed with folk remedies for the ovary at any time of the day. The main condition is that moisture from the leaves must evaporate before nightfall.
Before you spray the tomatoes for the ovary with folk remedies, you need to study all the recipes in detail. And only then proceed to practical application. Thus, every gardener increases the chances of getting a rich harvest with tasty and he althy fruits.