Linen mite: symptoms in humans

Linen mite: symptoms in humans
Linen mite: symptoms in humans

Many people do not even know, but hundreds of microscopic inhabitants can live in an apartment. They are very small, so it is quite difficult to find them. Linen mites do not bite or suck blood, but they can often cause allergic reactions, so you need to know the main symptoms that indicate their appearance, as well as understand how to get rid of these animals.

Linen pliers
Linen pliers

What do they look like and where do they live

Ticks of this species are very small, adults reach a maximum size of 0.5 mm, so the human eye is not able to notice them. Despite the fact that these animals are called underwear, they live almost everywhere: on the hair of pets, in household dust, on shoes and in other places. But still, a favorite habitat is bed linen, mattresses and pillows. The thing is that they live very well and breed in places of constant human presence.

The habitat of parasites is quite large, they can live anywhere, in your favorite beauty salons, in publictransport and other places. 1 gram of ordinary household dust contains about 100 linen mites, but this concentration is almost completely harmless to humans.

Because parasites don't bite or drink blood, they feed on microscopic dead human cells. The favorite food of ticks is dandruff, so they accumulate most of all in the pillow. On an enlarged photo of a linen tick, you can see how it looks.

bed mites
bed mites

What are dangerous

An adult tick defecates very often, up to 20 times a day, and it is the feces that cause an allergic reaction in a person. Therefore, if an allergy appears for no apparent reason, it is quite possible that it was these parasites that caused it. Very often people mistakenly think that red bumps are tick bites, in fact it is an allergy.

It can often manifest itself in the form of scabies, the skin turns red, accompanied by severe itching. In some cases, the body temperature rises significantly. If such symptoms begin to appear, you should immediately consult a doctor, because this can be triggered by bed mites or other more serious diseases.

Linen tick bites

Very often due to the increased concentration of parasites, red spots appear, they look like small bites. In fact, this is just a skin reaction specifically to the feces of adults. It should be remembered that linen mites do not bite. However, you need to pay attention to the possibility of the appearance in the house and other parasites that can bite a person.

What does a bed bug bite look like?
What does a bed bug bite look like?

Symptoms of linen mites with photo

Of course, it is quite difficult for an ordinary person to conduct various laboratory tests and determine that the allowable rate of these parasites has increased. In this case, you should pay special attention to the following symptoms:

  • bumpy rash on the skin, while you need to take a good look at whether there are bite marks, if there are none, then the cause of the rash is associated with other factors;
  • increased body temperature for no apparent standard reason;
  • wheezing and difficulty breathing;
  • sneezing without the usual symptoms of a cold;
  • eyes begin to water, redness around the mucosa;
  • runny nose.

As soon as some symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a specialist. After all, only with the help of special studies it is possible to determine the true cause of their manifestation. If the concerns are confirmed, the doctor will prescribe special creams and products that will help improve well-being. After that, you must immediately take measures to exterminate the parasites.

Symptoms of linen mites
Symptoms of linen mites

Preventive measures to prevent ticks

If the house does not yet have a critical amount of parasites, then it is imperative to keep it clean and clean it daily. It is immediately worth noting that it will not be possible to completely get rid of them, no matter how hard a person tries, even using aggressive chemicals. Howeverreducing the concentration of ticks will make life much easier for a person.

Important to know! The number of linen mites directly depends on the amount of dust in the house, if you regularly clean, then in a few days their population will decrease several times.

Of course, each house has its own characteristics that must be taken into account, but there are generally accepted rules for cleaning and maintaining the premises:

  1. The use of woven, pile carpets is not recommended.
  2. Vacuum and dust off upholstered furniture frequently.
  3. The room should be ventilated daily.
  4. Humidity in the apartment should be more than 40%, everything above is favorable conditions for the development of linen mites.
  5. Pets need to be washed and combed.
  6. Bed linen should be boiled, if this is not possible, then washing should be done at a temperature of 90 degrees.
  7. Mattresses and pillows that cannot be washed at high temperatures should be taken outside, in winter this is best done in severe frosts, and in summer when the bright rays of the sun shine.
  8. Steam cleaners are very helpful in the fight against parasites.
  9. Special covers must be put on mattresses.
  10. It is forbidden to use feather pillows, it is best to use ordinary synthetic winterizers.
  11. Wet clean every day, use 20% saline solution.
clean bed
clean bed

Following these simple recommendations, you can completely prevent active developmentlinen mites. If it so happened that the parasites have already filled the whole house, then in this case, you should proceed to more aggressive methods to destroy them.

Chemical elimination of ticks

If a person has symptoms of an allergy to a linen mite, then this information should be confirmed. It is necessary to call the sanitary service, which will conduct laboratory tests, and if the assumption is confirmed, various chemicals should be used.

Spray "Milbiol". The composition of this remedy includes various medicinal plants, along with chemistry, which will not harm a person, but very effectively destroy linen mites. This product should be sprayed daily on the bed and furniture.

Powder "Sipaz" has a very high efficiency, the tool affects the nervous system of the parasite and almost instantly destroys it. It is necessary to dilute the drug in the following proportion: 4 g of powder per 1 liter of water.

Destruction of bed mites
Destruction of bed mites

Folk methods

Very often people do not trust chemicals, so you can resort to folk remedies for the destruction of ticks. In one liter of water, dilute 50 g of any soap and add 100 ml of ammonia, mix. This mixture should wipe the furniture and those places where a lot of parasites have accumulated. It is also recommended to add this product when washing bed linen.

When there is an active fight against these parasites, it is necessary to change the bed daily, before using it, be sure to iron it. Throughfor a while this will give its results, and the bed can be changed every three days.

Maintain cleanliness
Maintain cleanliness

Treating symptoms

It is very dangerous to treat allergies on your own, it can even lead to fatal consequences, so you can’t do without a doctor in this case. But the symptoms can catch a person suddenly, so you should always have such remedies as: "Diazolin", "Suprastin", "Fenistil". This is where the list of remedies that can help relieve the first symptoms ends, all other drugs should be prescribed by a specialist, according to the personal characteristics of the person.

In a small concentration, bed mites are practically not dangerous to humans, they are everywhere and always, it will not be possible to completely get rid of them. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out regular preventive measures in order not to increase their population. You just need to follow the usual cleaning rules. It is impossible to independently determine the increase in the concentration of parasites, therefore, if such assumptions arise, you should seek help from the sanitary service, where they can conduct all the necessary studies. Now you know what bed mites look like and how to deal with them.
