Cytokinin paste for orchids. Preparation and use of cytokinin paste

Cytokinin paste for orchids. Preparation and use of cytokinin paste
Cytokinin paste for orchids. Preparation and use of cytokinin paste

Floriculture is a real "vent" for millions of people around the world. As a rule, amateurs are content with breeding fairly common plant species, but exceptions are not uncommon. These include orchid lovers.

cytokinin paste
cytokinin paste

It's no secret that these plants are very difficult not only to cultivate, but also to propagate. Cytokinin paste can help in solving many problems that may arise in this area. This compound greatly improves the growth of many plant species, but orchids respond particularly well to it.

Why is this pasta so important?

How so? Indeed, the specialized sites are full of information on how to withstand orchids, arrange for them to "winter" and "pickle" in conditions of low humidity and darkness to awaken dormant buds!?? The problem is that in practice, all these activities do not always give at least some worthwhile result: even new buds are not always tied up, not to mention the formation of flower stalks.

So often only cytokinin paste for orchids can help to see the edge andprofuse flowering plants. There is no other way to do it.

Basic information

As a rule, to simplify the process, it is enough to lubricate the area on the peduncle. Note that a similar effect is observed for all citrus fruits, begonias, as well as other species that often refuse to bloom and produce viable seeds at home. The fact is that cytokinin paste contains cytokinins in its composition. These substances have a stimulating effect on the plant organism.

As a rule, you can find the composition of the KeikigrowPlus brand in free sale, but it is much more expensive than analogues that can be easily made at home. Regardless of what kind of paste you use, it should be stored exclusively in the refrigerator, removing it only for the duration of use.

cytokinin paste
cytokinin paste

In addition, it is strongly not recommended to store the paste in the light: experienced flower growers say that in this case its effectiveness drops significantly. This is due to the destruction of biologically active substances, which generally do not tolerate exposure to light.

Because of what flower growers love her so much?

After reading all of the above, you may have the idea that we are advertising some kind of "miracle remedy", the effectiveness of which is clearly overestimated. Fortunately, this is not the case! So why did orchid breeders like cytokinin paste? Reviews about it indicate the following positive points after application:

  • The probability of the appearance of peduncles increases sharply.
  • By buying a rejected plant (because it does not bloom) in a store for a ridiculous price, you can easily turn it into a decoration for your home, spending a minimum of money on it.
  • Plants recover much faster after flowering, the rehabilitation period is reduced to just a couple of weeks.
  • Significantly increases fertilizer efficiency.
  • There is no need for a long "winter" period, since with the paste the plant can be made to bloom without these preparatory measures.


cytokinin paste for orchids
cytokinin paste for orchids

We note right away that cytokinin paste cannot be used “right and left”, since there are quite a few quite serious contraindications. Let's list them for clarity:

  • If the orchid is sick or affected by pests, then the use of stimulants is highly discouraged, otherwise the plant will waste all its strength and simply die.
  • Accordingly, the drug should not be used to resuscitate half-living specimens either.
  • It often happens that several shoots appear at once from a treated bud. Be sure to leave only one of them, ruthlessly deleting all the others. Otherwise, the orchid will again not withstand the increased load and will die.
  • In general, do not overdo it when processing one plant: the root system of these species is very flimsy, and therefore it cannot physically provide all flowering shoots with nutrientssubstances. Even cytokinin paste is powerless here (there is a photo of processed orchids in the article).

  • Do not allow the paste to come into contact with leaves, roots, flowers and all other parts of the plant, except for the main shoot.
  • You cannot use the product on young shoots and young orchids, because after its application they often die or quickly drop all leaves.

Kidney Awakening

Most often, cytokinin paste is used to awaken inactive buds in order to obtain viable shoots or peduncles from them. Actually, because of this, the tool has become so widespread among all categories of flower growers, and not only among those who are engaged in breeding and growing orchids.

Boil an ordinary sewing needle thoroughly, and then gently scratch the surface of the sleeping kidney with it. If there is such a need, remove the protective scales and the keratinized layer from it, which can interfere with your plan. The composition is applied to the resulting wound in an amount that is placed at the very tip of the needle. It is also advisable to carefully spread the paste not only over the surface of the wound, but throughout the kidney.

cytokinin paste reviews
cytokinin paste reviews

Note that cytokinin paste can also be applied with a boiled toothpick. It is important that it is made of hard wood and does not fray. Depending on the type and condition of the plant, the buds begin to awaken in about seven to ten days.

A little note

The best timewhen cytokinin paste gives the most pronounced result - before or during the awakening of the plant. Of course, this period is different for almost every type of orchid, and therefore it is better to check it in advance with experienced flower growers or on thematic forums.

Here's how and why cytokinin paste is used. The instruction is quite simple, but it must be followed without making any exceptions. The fact is that the drug has a hormonal nature, and therefore a frivolous attitude towards it is simply unacceptable.

Getting a new kidney

With a sterile (this is very important) needle, lightly scratch the surface of the stem in the place where you would like to see a new bud or peduncle. Also, take a small portion of the paste on the tip of a toothpick or needle, then gently spread it on the scratched surface of the plant. The process of the emergence of a bud or peduncle will begin to visually manifest itself in ten days.

The time of direct development directly depends not only on the type of plant, but also on its physical condition. So the cytokinin paste for orchids cannot be used at any time: the moment of its application must always be adjusted to the physiological state and biological rhythm of the plants.

We strongly advise against growing more than three new buds per orchid. As in the previous case, this restriction was introduced due to the actual inability of the root system of these species to assimilate and transport a sufficient amount of nutrients. Important! Never use in one placean unnecessarily large portion of the paste, since as a result a dozen buds may form, which simply “suck out” the plant and kill it.

cytokinin paste instruction
cytokinin paste instruction

Here's another way to use cytokinin paste. The instruction we provided was quite detailed, so that you have all the necessary information in your hands for sure. Once again, we remind you - in no case do not exceed the dose! So you can easily kill a weak or young plant. Also, in no case should you forcefully bloom an orchid that has just dropped a flower. So you just kill the plant.

Important tip

Experienced plant lovers give the following simple recommendation: to get a peduncle, you need to use the minimum amount of the product, but to grow a side stem, the dose will need to be significantly increased. But you shouldn't get carried away. In general, cytokinin paste (we discuss the use on orchids in this article) can easily destroy even the strongest and most valuable plant, and therefore, in no case should you be greedy in pursuit of the beauty of your pets.

How to care for a plant after it has been treated?

It is easy to guess that after the appearance of additional shoots, the plant is in dire need of additional nutrition, and therefore it is extremely important for it to create the appropriate conditions: a room with sufficient insolation and a suitable temperature regime. If the orchid is in "winter" conditions, then an attempt to grow an additional sprout will lead to its depletion andsubsequent death.

cytokinin paste application on orchids
cytokinin paste application on orchids

Plant growers believe that during this period it is necessary to feed the orchid with nutrient mixtures with a high nitrogen content. In addition, it is necessary to provide the plant with an increased level of comfort in the field of watering and other activities for caring for it. Here's how to use cytokinin paste. In principle, there is absolutely nothing complicated in this, but it is extremely important to follow the letter of the instruction exactly.

How to make your own cytokinin paste?

Many flower growers regret to report that cytokinin paste (which we have already reviewed) is not sold in all stores. Luckily, it's pretty easy to make your own. Don't worry, you don't have to buy rare and expensive ingredients!

Here's what you need:

  • Lanoline anhydrous. It is bought at any pharmacy, where pharmacists independently produce some dosage forms. You should not buy it in kilograms, since you will need a maximum of 200 grams. It costs no more than a hundred rubles for 50 ml.
  • 6-BAP (benzyladenine or 6-benzylaminopurine). In pharmacology, it is used as part of products intended for the healing of deep scars and scars. It is more difficult with it, but sometimes the substance can be bought in chemical reagent stores.

How to prepare the remedy at home?

Dissolve one gram of cytokinin in a small amount of pure ethyl alcohol with a strength of 96%. He is not in the waterdissolves, so you don't even have to try. Put a jar of lanolin in a water bath and, with constant stirring, bring to a liquid state. After that, carefully pour in the same alcohol solution of cytokinin. The composition is thoroughly mixed.

To avoid ethyl alcohol in the mixture, leave the jar open for two to three days. Controlled organoleptically (by smell). Carry out all work exclusively in rubber gloves, this is important! So you got a cytokinin paste. How to cook it, you already know. What about storage conditions?

Be sure to store the finished pasta exclusively in the refrigerator, sealed in a dark glass jar. Under such conditions, the composition is stored for at least three years. Of course, before use, the composition must be kept at room temperature for a couple of hours.

This is done for the sake of softening the mixture, which is then much more comfortable and pleasant to work with. And further. The drug is of a hormonal nature, so it should only be used with rubber gloves. In addition, under no circumstances should children be allowed access to the place where it is stored!

Be aware

So you have learned how to use cytokinin paste. Keep in mind that even 100 grams of the product is a very large amount, which is enough not only for a home collection of orchids, but even for a hefty flower garden or garden. Therefore, try to cook less pasta or cooperate with other plant lovers in advance.

cytokinin paste photo
cytokinin paste photo

Once you have tried the action of the remedy, you will never know problems with orchids. In addition, it can be used with equal success in the garden, using it to stimulate the growth of almost any flowering plant and even trees.
