Varieties of sectional fence

Varieties of sectional fence
Varieties of sectional fence

Variety of design, choice of manufacturing materials, practicality, reliability and ease of installation are the main qualities endowed with a sectional fence. Such fences reliably protect the site from the penetration of wild animals and unwanted persons, while they have an attractive cost. Choosing a fence for the general landscape of the territory is not difficult. But what options are available to us today, consider below.

What are sectional railings?

The name of the fence speaks for itself. It is assembled from several panels (sections), which are securely fixed to each other, creating a continuous fence. Previously manufactured blocks are mounted on support pillars. They are represented by metal pipes or corners. The stability of the racks gives the foundation. It is poured separately for each support.

According to the material of manufacture, there are three types of sectional fence:

  • metal;
  • concrete;
  • wooden.

The first option is the most reliable and durable. Wooden structures fit into the surrounding landscape more successfully than others, while concrete structures are resistant to externalfactors and durability.

wrought iron sectional fences
wrought iron sectional fences

The variety of shapes and options makes sectional designs very popular. In addition, some of the possible varieties are considered quite economical. Consider what each type looks like and what its advantages are.

Mesh type fencing

A sectional chain-link fence is a simple and economical option. More often it is used in household plots. Its basis is wooden or metal racks. A galvanized mesh of a certain thickness and with different mesh sizes is fixed on them.

decorated sectional chain-link fence
decorated sectional chain-link fence

The advantages of mesh fences are considered to be:

  • low cost;
  • ease of installation;
  • durability;
  • simplicity in operation;
  • the ability to transmit sunlight.

For growing plants, such structures are ideal: they do not create a shadow. With proper installation, the mesh does not sag during the entire operation. This allows her to prevent the penetration of foreign animals into the site. But such fences will not be able to hide your territory from prying eyes.

Features of welded mesh structures

An improved type of chain-link fencing is a welded mesh sectional fence. The fastening of the section elements in this case is carried out using welding. This made it possible to increase the strength and reliability of the fence.

sectional fencewire
sectional fencewire

The strongest options use thick metal wire. It is able to withstand strong mechanical loads. Fine wire sections are less reliable but have a lower price tag.

The main difference between the welded sections and the previous version is the complete absence of sagging. The fence will serve you for more than 50 years, while it will not bend in any direction.

Welded profiled pipe sections

An alternative to mesh options are varieties of profiled pipes. The base material may have a different size and cross section. Triangular and square pipes are used to make the section.

appearance of welded sectional fences
appearance of welded sectional fences

The advantages of welded sectional fences of this type include:

  • acceptable cost;
  • high strength characteristics;
  • durability;
  • reliability;
  • unlimited section width and height;
  • option to choose the distance between pipes;
  • transparency.

Installation of the fence begins with the installation and concreting of the support posts. Next, finished sections are welded to them. For their manufacture, a square frame is created, along the edges of which profiled pipes are fixed.

Reinforced concrete fence

Concrete sectional fence is characterized by special reliability, solidity and beautiful appearance. This is a heavy variety, so it is difficult to mount such a structure with your own hands.

There are two types of concrete barrier sections:

  • typesetting;
  • monolithic.

In the first version, the section is assembled from several rectangular elements stacked on top of each other. The surface of the plates is decorated with imitation of natural stone, decorative plaster, brickwork. There are options with a variety of patterns and ornaments.

sectional concrete fence
sectional concrete fence

Monolithic sections are presented as a single plate. It is characterized by a large weight (more than 2 tons), so such fences are installed using special equipment.

Profiled sheet fences

The most common variant of a metal sectional fence is profiled sheet fencing. They are especially valued by homeowners for their ability to hide everything that happens on the site from others.

Installation of a fence made of metal sheets does not require large expenditures. The material is quite cheap, and installation can be done even by a novice master.

With its simplicity, a corrugated fence looks attractive. The rich color range of products allows you to choose sections for any design of the site. Addition of fences with brick columns and decorative elements significantly increases their presentability.

sectional metal fence
sectional metal fence

Assembling the fence begins with the installation of supports. Mounting angles are welded or screwed to them. Cross bars are fixed on them. The finished frame is sheathed with sections of profiled sheet. They are fastened with special nails with rubbergasket.

The disadvantages of such a fence include only instability to corrosion. Products coated with a polymer composition can last more than 40 years. However, if a sheet is scratched, it will quickly rust.

Forged sectional railings

Forged type sectional fence belongs to the highest class structures. It demonstrates the high status, sufficiency and refined taste of its owners. With the help of forging, you can create both complex and simple and unpretentious patterns.

The sections are fixed on the supporting poles. Most often these are metal pipes lined with bricks. The manufacture and installation of such a fence requires a welding machine and certain skills of the master.

example of forged sectional fencing
example of forged sectional fencing

Purchasing a wrought iron fence according to your own design will require you to spend a lot of money. However, in the end you will get a reliable and exclusive fence. You can purchase ready-made sections of a standard type. In this case, the costs will be significantly reduced, and you will get an equally beautiful fence that can last more than 100 years.

Wooden sections

A fence made of wooden sections is attractive because you do not need to use special equipment for the arrangement. Unlike the usual picket fence, a sectional wood fence is assembled from several panels. Their base is presented in the form of a square frame. Its interior space is filled with wooden planks or bars.

The location of the rails may be different. Someone is attracted by their direct direction,and someone transverse. To make the fence unusual, arrange the boards diagonally or in a cross direction. Complement the section with carved elements and complex geometric shapes. So you get not a simple fence, but a piece of art.

example of a wooden sectional fence
example of a wooden sectional fence

The disadvantages of natural wood fences include their vulnerability to rodents, bugs and moisture. However, the treatment of all elements with antiseptic compounds will significantly extend the life of the structure.

From all of the above, we can conclude that a variety of sectional fences allows you to choose the right option for any site. The main thing is to correctly determine the desired size of the fence and correctly install it.
