Do-it-yourself sectional doors. Sectional doors: photos, drawings, installation

Do-it-yourself sectional doors. Sectional doors: photos, drawings, installation
Do-it-yourself sectional doors. Sectional doors: photos, drawings, installation

The garage used to be a simple shelter that provided protection from the effects of precipitation and car break-ins, it did not have any special devices. But a lot has changed in recent years. Now, instead of traditional swing gates, lifting gates are often used, which are distinguished by convenience and manufacturability. The following types of lifting mechanisms are produced:

  • whole;
  • sectional;
  • roller.
do-it-yourself sectional doors
do-it-yourself sectional doors

The most popular design is sectional doors that fit harmoniously into any garage building and save space. Let's find out what sectional garage doors are, consider the process of their manufacture and installation with our own hands.

Design and principle of operation

The main goal in the development of sectional doors was to increase the maneuverability of the leaf while maintaining its thermal properties and burglary resistance. Gates of this type, smoothly rising to the ceiling, create a good thermal insulation of the garage.

The canvas consists of sandwich panels connectedloops. Its movement is provided by a torsion system (drums, shafts, cables). The canvas is balanced using a spring mechanism, and its fixation is carried out by guides that are installed along the ceiling and frame. Resistance reduction is achieved by rollers attached to the sides of the panels. Since these rollers are made of polyamide, a wear-resistant material, the door lifts gently and silently. In the process of movement, the canvas is refracted, all sashes are laid in a horizontal direction.

To reduce the load that is created by the weight of the gate, balancing springs are used, which makes it easy to lift them using the handle mounted on the leaf. To protect the cables from breaking, the design provides for the presence of ratchet couplings. The lock is placed so that it is convenient for the driver to use it. In most cases, sectional doors are equipped with a retractable bolt and a cylinder mechanism. Ease of use is achieved through automation. In order to enter the garage, there is no need to get out of the car. The transmission mechanism is responsible for closing the automatic gate.

sectional garage doors
sectional garage doors

It is possible to install additional elements along the perimeter of the doorway - built-in sensors that react to movement and stop the gate, protecting them from damage.

In the absence of electricity, sectional doors can be opened with a special key designed to unlock the mechanism. In this case, the drive is switched off, control is carried out in manualmode. Sectional garage doors must have a manual lock. You will need it in case of an emergency.

Basic kit for making gates

Manufacturers of sectional products produce kits, using which you can assemble the gate yourself and save money. All models of sectional mechanisms are universal, suitable for installation in any garage.

Work must be performed in accordance with the instructions that come with the kit. When choosing a basic set, you need to decide what power the engine will be used to install in the drive mechanism of the gate. Sectional doors, the photo of which you see, are made on the basis of one of the basic kits, which are produced by manufacturers of such mechanisms.

sectional doors photo
sectional doors photo

Preparation for installation

Before you start assembling, you need to make sure that there is the necessary space around the gate opening:

  • on the sides of the opening - 450 mm;
  • to the ceiling - 300 mm.

If you decide to create a sectional door with your own hands from finished parts, prepare the following tools for assembly work:

  • mounting tool kit;
  • screwdriver;
  • perforator;
  • drills with a Pobedite nozzle;
  • measuring tool (tape measure, level, etc.).

Gate assembly process

If you don't feel like making your own sectional doors, assemble themfrom a prefabricated kit. First you need to do the preparation of the opening. If the garage structure is made of lightweight foam concrete blocks, it must be reinforced with a metal frame. Next, you need to transfer the installation diagram to the opening. To implement this task, markings are made on the walls, marking the places where the main load-bearing nodes will be fixed, namely the guides for moving the web.

sectional door dimensions
sectional door dimensions

When installing all load-bearing elements, it is important to follow the order established by the instructions. After completing the first task, they proceed to the next - assembling the door leaf. Usually it is carried out from the extreme lower lamella. If, after its completion, the upper cut of the sash does not adhere well to the “flashing” of the gate, you need to adjust the upper brackets.

Next, you can proceed to fixing gate control units and auxiliary elements, such as deadbolts, locks, handles, and then to installing balancing springs. They should be adjusted so that the lifting cables always remain taut. The final stage is the fastening of the sensor to limit the movement of the web. After carrying out all the necessary work, check several times whether the sectional door moves easily. Photos of finished structures are presented below.


You can not purchase a kit for making gates, but create this design on your own. This option is suitable for those people who have skills in the field of construction and have enough free time. It's important to understandthat such work is difficult and painstaking. To create a sectional door with your own hands, you must perform the following steps:

  • make a welded frame (you will use it to secure the canvas);
  • install strong guides;
  • using the corners, weld the vertical guides, then make the horizontal ones;
  • take the frame and weld brackets to it to install the rollers;
  • keeping a small angle, position the guides;
  • install the counterweight mechanism.

Fittings for sectional mechanisms

It is necessary to exclude the possibility of manufacturing an unreliable design and take into account the compatibility of spare parts. When implementing the task, it is necessary to use only the original drawings of the gate. It is not recommended to create designs from used parts.

gate drawings
gate drawings

You can use useful accessories - systems that prevent torsion spring breakage, cable breakage and finger pinching, as well as additional accessories.

The nuances of installing garage doors

Installation of sectional doors, the instructions for which are attached to the basic kit, must be carried out without gaps in compliance with the maximum possible density.

In order for the blade not to jam, the installation of the vertical guide must be done with high accuracy.

When adjusting and fixing the sectional mechanism, use pads of various thicknesses made of metal.

Install sectional doors with dimensionsperfect for your garage.

sectional door installation instructions
sectional door installation instructions

Should I make my own sectional doors?

Sectional doors are a complex structure that not everyone can create on their own. Such garage doors are less reliable than structures created from factory parts, their service life is almost impossible to foresee. Self-made sectional mechanisms are not particularly safe. In the event of an emergency, people may be injured, and damage to the car may also occur.

Smart way to save money - assemble sectional doors from cheaper factory parts according to original drawings, taking into account their versatility and compatibility.

If you want to create a sectional door with your own hands, make sure that the finished design is reliable and safe, and do not start work until you understand this issue well.
