Recently, in gardens and summer cottages, you can see an unusual plant with a beautiful spherical purple flower and wide leaves. "What is this outlandish flower?" Passers-by are surprised. It turns out that this is an Aflatun onion. This plant came to us from the highlands and was named after the Aflatun Pass, where it was distributed. In some countries, this bow is listed in the Red Book due to its scarcity.

Description of the plant
Looking at this unusual plant, one cannot but admire its beauty. After all, it would seem that it is an ordinary, seemingly a little large garlic, but in fact it turns out to be a beautiful decorative onion. At first glance, the bulbs of this plant are somewhat reminiscent of a huge head of garlic or a tulip bulb. It just grows out of it a plant completely unfamiliar to us - the Aflatun onion, the beneficial properties of which are equated with those of ginseng.
Green shoots are the first to emerge from the ground in early spring, probably along with snowdrops. It happens that the snow will not come down yet, but because ofgreen elastic seedlings peep out under the snow cover. Powerful wide leaves (often there are 5-7 of them) of a rich green color grow quite large. They can reach 10 cm wide, very smooth, pleasant to the touch.
After the warm weather is established, the peduncle is shown. In height, it can reach 150 cm. A large purple flower that blooms in late May - June, rests on a thick, empty stem inside. This leg is very dense, withstands strong gusts of wind without breaking. The inflorescence in the form of a ball consists of many small flowers-stars. At the end of flowering, seed boxes appear in their place, which can be collected for further reproduction.

The flower emits a pleasant light fragrance that is unlike anything else. In addition, this smell is very attractive to bees.
Conditions and methods of cultivation
This plant is, in principle, unpretentious. It can withstand very low temperatures (down to -35 degrees), but it may not wait for the onset of summer heat - a short flowering period makes itself felt. Aflatun onion grows both in lighted areas and in the shade. But the sun, of course, is preferable for him. As practice shows, the earth is also different. He feels great in mountainous areas, sandy soils and black soils.
This is a perennial plant, propagated either by dividing the bulb or by seeds. It is necessary to plant its bulbs in the fall, when they dry out after digging. If the onion is divided, from each partan independent plant will grow. Bulb division occurs almost annually. But you can transplant it either every year or once every 2-3 years.
If there is no onion (you came to visit, saw a flower and want to breed such an onion at home), you can collect seeds from the peduncle that appear at the end of flowering. True, this planting method is very long, because in this case the plant will begin to bloom in 2-4 years.

Experienced flower growers love the Aflatun onion, the cultivation of which does not bring any particular problems. Yes, and he is not susceptible to disease. The only drawback is that before flowering, its leaves turn yellow and dry, which may look ugly on an organized flower bed or hill.
Aflatun onion: useful properties
Like any relative of this plant, this onion contains a lot of useful substances. For example, it contains more dry matter than ordinary onion, and almost 4 times more vitamin C. Also, this product contains vitamins D and E, which prevent the development of rickets, prevent cancer, strengthen immunity.
This type of onion is used for brain spasms, it also improves eyesight well. Its use is good for stomach morbidity and colds. By the way, if you squeeze the juice from this onion and rub it into the scalp, the hair will grow better.

It would seem, where can you use an ordinary onion? Except incooking. However, it is not. Aflatun onions are very good for decorative purposes - cut flowers are placed in vases or introduced into various bouquets. So, a freshly cut flower can stand for 2 weeks in water, and if it is dried, then all winter.
Very often such onions are grown on hills or flower beds as a very beautiful flower. Its bright, large inflorescences are visible very well. One advice from gardeners: plant this plant in the center of the flower bed so that other flowers can cover the ugly dry leaf.
It is very good to plant this unusual "garlic" where there is an apiary nearby - it is considered a honey plant and bees love it very much. For traditional medicine, the Aflatun onion is also very good. Drinking its juice or eating it will certainly give its results.

Aflatun onion - can I eat it?
The main question remains open - is it possible to eat this plant? Those who breed this plant claim that it tastes like garlic. But the leaves are not edible for long. When the peduncle appears, the leaves are already inedible. They can be eaten only when they have just appeared. In addition, the young leaves are very juicy, fleshy, and will be an excellent addition to a spring salad. They will give the body a lot of useful vitamins, which are essential during beriberi.
In addition, bulbs of this onion are used for food. They can be baked, marinated (while keeping in water for about 2 weeks, in other sources - up to 50 days), boiled with honey. But it is worth remembering that in order to avoid allergies and poisoning, you should not use more than 3 grams of this onion.
As you can see, even such a seemingly simple and familiar plant, like an onion, can surprise. A few years ago, no one really knew anything about a beautiful decorative flower. Even experienced gardeners were presented with it as wild garlic, a giant garlic… It was they who found out where this incredible fragrant and he althy bulb actually came from.
Even if you do not dare to eat this plant - do not worry. Its appearance will more than replace your desire to eat it, because the Aflatun onion is a very beautiful and prominent "guy" in the garden.