Muscat grapes: variety description and photo

Muscat grapes: variety description and photo
Muscat grapes: variety description and photo

The origins of viticulture go deep into the centuries. According to the latest archaeological evidence, winemaking originates in the Middle East about 8,000 years ago. Now this industry is one of the leading for many countries with a warm climate. What can we say about the countless varieties that grapes have acquired. Muscat is widely known. Meanwhile, this is not a separate hybrid, but a whole group of cultivated grape varieties.

Muscat grapes
Muscat grapes

The berries of this variety group are valued for their specific musky aroma and are used both fresh and for wine production. Muscats are grown in Hungary, Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, Crimea, Moldova, etc. The most widespread grapes are Muscat white (incense), Hamburg, black, pink, Hungarian, Alexandrian. Let's dwell on each of them in more detail.

White Muscat

White Muscat, or incense, is also known to winemakers under the name of small-berry, Lunel, Frontignan, Tamyanka. It is one of the oldest varieties, most likely originating in Egypt, Syria orArabia. It is currently widely used in France, Hungary, Spain, Italy, Yugoslavia, Romania, Bulgaria and the USA.

This is a medium early grape variety. White Muscat matures in approximately 140 days. The plant is medium-sized, the clusters formed on it have a mass of 100 to 450 g and a size of 13-17 cm by 10 cm, conical in shape. Not too large berries (up to 1.5 cm in diameter and weighing about 4 g) “sit” very tightly on the brush. Grapes are distinguished by the ability to high accumulation of sugars in fruits (18-25%). It is a good technical variety with a characteristic nutmeg flavor and aroma.

Muscat white grapes
Muscat white grapes

Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting the susceptibility to pea, exactingness in growing conditions, low resistance to frost and diseases. Zoned varieties are gradually being developed, for example, Shatilov's white muscat (Siberian selection) grows well in the Urals and Siberia.

Pink Muscat grapes: variety description

Relatively young grape variety also known as Muscat Rouge de Frontignan, red, Moscato rosso di Madera, etc. It is a variation of white and supposedly appeared several centuries ago in the south-west of Europe. Now it is cultivated in almost all wine-producing countries, especially in France, Portugal, Italy, Armenia.

Bunch of Pink Muscat medium size - 14-18 cm long and 7-10 cm wide. It has a conical-cylindrical shape. Berries 1-1.8 cm long and 1-1.7 cm wide are very dense, rounded, painted dark red, havestrong wax coating and pronounced nutmeg aroma.

Muscat grape variety
Muscat grape variety

Muscat pink grapes (pictured above) are not resistant to mildew and highly sensitive to oidium or, in other words, powdery mildew. Winter hardiness is low, but adaptability to various soil conditions and moisture levels is much higher compared to the previous variety.

Black Muscat

Black Muscat is commonly known as Kalyaba or Kayaba. The exact history of its origin is not known, the first mention of the variety dates back to the 19th century. Grapes prefer a warm climate and are most common on the slopes of the South of France, as well as in the Crimea.

Berry clusters are of medium size (up to 15 cm in length), but at the same time they have an impressive mass due to the dense arrangement of fruits (up to 800 g). The berries grow up to 1.9 cm in diameter. They have a rounded shape, dense skin, painted in the stage of maturity in dark blue and covered with a small layer of wax coating. Berries are characterized by juiciness, sweetness and pronounced aroma. Black Muscat grapes are used to make raisins due to their high sugar content.

Muscat grapes description
Muscat grapes description

The variety is highly resistant to various rots and leaf diseases, but is sensitive to leafworm. Sensitive to cold, low frost resistance, picky about soil and moisture levels.

Hamburg Muscat

Hamburg Muscat is a versatile table variety that is widely usedin Hungary, France, Tunisia, Greece and Romania. In addition, it is found in the fields of the USA, Argentina and some other countries. The bunches of grapes are quite large: they reach 18-20 cm in length, 11-17 cm in width. The brush has a conical shape, loose, branched, the leg of medium length is grassy green. The berries are large, as a rule, 1.2-2.6 cm long and 1.1-1.7 cm in diameter, round or oval, rich purple-blue color with a dense wax coating. The average weight of one bunch is 170-260 g. Disease resistance is very low, heat-loving, demanding on soil and humidity.

Hungarian Muscat grapes

grapes muscat photo
grapes muscat photo

Hungarian Muscat is also known as Razdrob, Crocan, Vanilla. This is a universal variety of folk selection, medium early (ripens by the end of September). Plants are distinguished by high growth vigor, good ripening of shoots, stable yields (from medium to high). Clusters of medium size and density, conical shape. The berries are round, greenish-yellow in color with a brown "tan", thick skin, dense and crispy flesh. Muscat Hungarian is very sensitive to soil and air moisture. With an excess of water, the berries quickly become moldy or crack. The variety is used to make wines and juices with a characteristic nutmeg aroma.

Muscat of Alexandria

Muscat grapes of Alexandria were grown in ancient Arabia, now the variety is widespread in Spain, Greece, Italy, in the South of France. A versatile table grape that produces largeloose clusters (15-20 cm long, 10-13 cm wide) weighing up to 230-240 g. Large berries are oval, yellow (with a green tint when not fully ripe) and matte surface with brown “tan” spots. The fruit pulp is fleshy, dense and juicy with a strong nutmeg flavor.

The variety is characterized by very low winter hardiness and resistance to diseases, exactingness to soils. Muscat of Alexandria grows best on fertile and moderately moist soils. By appointment it is universal, used for making wines, compotes, jams, juices, raisins.

Muscat wines

Muscat grapes variety description
Muscat grapes variety description

People who are far from viticulture, when mentioning wine, most often Muscat comes to mind first. Grapes, the description of which we presented above, is only part of a rich variety. In terms of popularity, Muscat is only ahead of Isabella.

It is not difficult to recognize its rich and bright taste, it is determined immediately. It is in wines that Muscat manifests itself most fully and strongly. One of the most famous nutmeg drinks is called Asti. White sparkling wine is produced in southern Piedmont (Italy). It is made exclusively from White Muscat, the region's oldest variety.

However, several countries can boast of their famous magnificent Muscat wines at once. In France, these are Bom de Venise (white, fortified), Mirval, Lunel, Frontignan, Cap Corse (from Corsica). Sunny Italy offers wine lovers yellow-golden "Moscato Djallo" or "Goldmuskateller", Spain - "Moscatel" (especially popular Malaga), USA - Muscat "Orange", Greece - "Samos", Crimea - the famous "Massandra".
