So, your dream came true, and you turned out to be the owner of your own land. It does not matter how much you paid for it and where it is located, since the "range" of problems in many cases will be approximately the same. In particular, you have to mark the garden plot. Its layout is extremely important, as it will make it possible not only to obtain high yields, but also to organize places for recreation.

Many people think that you should just point your finger at the place where you are going to plant a garden, but this is far from reality! Consider what features you should pay attention to when dividing a garden plot. The layout will not only allow you to make the most of the space, but will also provide you with the highest possible yields.
What to consider?
- Do not forget to leave a place for the construction of some household and auxiliarybuildings on the site.
- If you are going to have animals, do not neglect the need to comply with sanitary norms and rules (do not place the barn close to the bathhouse or house).
- Don't forget the importance of good leveling: it's rare for an unplanned garden plot to have a flat surface.
- Contact your local geodetic service and find out about the depth of groundwater: if they are dangerously close to the surface of the earth, you will have to build a quality drainage system anyway. Otherwise, garden trees will have a hard time, as their root system will constantly erode.

Establishing the water supply of the site plays an extremely important role. First, immediately find out about the possibility of holding a branch from a centralized water supply system. If the cost of such work is too high, or if you have never seen a central water supply in your area, you need to contact companies involved in drilling wells.
In addition, planning a garden plot with your own hands must necessarily take into account the places where the garden or flower garden will be located, since they also need to carry out an irrigation system. If the soils in these areas are wet, then you need to do high-quality drainage.

By the way, even before buying land, it is better for inveterate gardeners to send soil samples from the site for analysis: maybeit may happen that the land is simply unsuitable for professional gardening. If the garden plot you bought, the layout of which is to be, is located in an open field, you cannot do without trees, from which the so-called windbreak line is planted. It allows you to protect the site from strong winter winds. Such a “construction” will not only save your cultivated plants from freezing, but also help save on heating the garden house.
And let's talk about the ground again. Go ahead and find out about the characteristics of the soil in your area by contacting a surveyor. Otherwise, you may well end up on heaving soils. Needless to say, the planning and development of garden plots in this case will be very complicated, and this is without taking into account financial costs.