Planning a garden plot - your own designer

Planning a garden plot - your own designer
Planning a garden plot - your own designer

All owners of garden plots see them landscaped in very different ways. And the reason for this is taste preferences. Some dream of a good harvest of vegetable crops, others dream of an English lawn. For some, aesthetics is important, for others, practicality. Therefore, the layout of the garden plot begins with the choice of design style. At the same stage, the owner decides whether he will entrust the landscaping of the territory to professional landscape architects or will rely solely on his own strength.

Garden plot layout
Garden plot layout

There are a fairly large number of styles in landscape art, but it will be quite problematic for a non-specialist to create a landscape with their own hands, sustained in a single artistic appearance. Except, perhaps, landscape and utilitarian styles of garden design. However, additional knowledge is still required.

Landscape-style garden planning is very popular nowadays due to its naturalness, asymmetry andas close as possible to the natural landscape. Groves, streams, meadows of wildflowers, thickets of shrubs - all these are the hallmarks of this style. The terrain is not leveled, and sometimes even supplemented by artificially created embankments and depressions. The selection of trees, shrubs and perennials takes into account their harmonious combinations with each other and the surrounding landscape.

DIY landscape
DIY landscape

Such a layout often includes a lawn, alpine slides, rockeries and single trees.

The simplest is the layout of the garden plot in a utilitarian style. In fact, this is just a rural garden, cozy, not requiring complex care, in which there are fruit trees and shrubs, beds with herbs or medicinal plants. Mixborders planted with perennials are used as decoration. Plants are selected simple, "rural", without pomposity. Roses can be planted exclusively as a decorative accent.

The Dutch garden, which has much in common with the rural, also belongs to the utilitarian. The layout of the garden plot in this case is free, as a rule, divided by the house into two halves. A smaller part of the plot (in front of the house) is the so-called front garden.

Garden improvement
Garden improvement

It always has a parterre lawn - the pride of the owners. A hedge is usually used as a fence. There are very few trees in such a garden, and dwarf forms are preferred. The second part of the plot, located behind the house,allotted for a garden where ordinary fruit and vegetable crops are grown.

However, landscaping the garden does not end with the choice of style direction and plants. Creating a landscape on the site is quite painstaking and time-consuming work. It is also necessary to divide the territory into zones, think over the most convenient road and path network, the presence of reservoirs and small architectural forms, the placement of communications (power and water supply), as well as irrigation and lighting systems.
