Invariably relevant, as last year and several years ago, is the question of choosing materials and technology for building a house. The client is interested not only in beauty, but also in the practicality of the construction, characterized by reliability and durability, as well as a reasonable ratio of price and quality of the material.
Affordable housing is real. It is enough to choose a project option for an ergonomic one-story house made of foam blocks, which combines high-quality, reliable and durable performance.
A foam block structure will cost a little more than a frame structure, and thanks to its distinctive functional characteristics, construction can be carried out on any type of soil, regardless of the climatic zone.
When choosing a project, consider your goals, requirements and wishes, and only after that make the final choice that meets the specified parameters. If you wish, you can develop an individual project from scratch.

On what foundation is it safe to build a house from foam blocks?
The foundation is the most expensive structural element. It must match the weightrequirements, be reliable, strong and withstand heavy loads.
A huge advantage of building one-story houses from foam blocks is the lightness of the material, eliminating the need to build a reinforced foundation.
For foam block buildings, one of the four most common foundation options is used:
- ribbon;
- plate;
- pile;
- pile-grillage.
When choosing the best foundation option for a one-story foam block house regarding your project, consider indicators such as:
- Density of the underlying surface.
- The depth of soil freezing.
- The presence of a basement in the future building.
- Terms of construction works.

Soil density
This indicator determines the type of foundation that will be equipped for the further progress of construction. A foundation is erected on a fixed soil base, giving preference to a pile-grillage or shallow strip foundation.
In swampy areas or in places where groundwater breaks closer to the surface, it is desirable to install piles or lay a monolithic slab on a pillow.
Freezing depth
The foundation located above the freezing point of the soil, due to the heaving force acting on it, will be “squeezed out” completely or locally, which can lead to cracks in the structure or distortion of the house box.
The fact of having a basement in the futurea one-story house made of foam blocks is important. For options involving the equipment of premises below ground level, a recessed strip foundation is suitable and only.

Order lead times
This factor depends on the type of foundation, and the pile-grillage or pile foundation is laid the fastest. However, in some cases, the use of such foundation options is critically limited.
Pay attention to the combination of the above factors, because after studying them, you can choose the best option for the foundation for the future one-story foam block house.

Options for typical house projects
Project options for one-story houses made of foam blocks are not limited to frames. Thanks to the distinctive characteristics of the material, any wishes can really be translated into reality without large investments. In addition, the total cost of a cottage or house can be more strongly influenced by choosing a project that meets all the requirements put forward. As a result, this will help:
- save time on pouring the foundation and erecting walls and load-bearing structures of the future house from foam blocks;
- prevent problems with communication networks;
- organize the space so that all rooms fit perfectly into the style of the chosen layout;
- correctly arrange the rooms according to the layout;
- be able to make small changes towithin the framework of the developed standard project of a one-story house made of foam blocks.

Layout options as they are
Ergonomic and comfortable home can be created even on a large area. If space permits, then in one of the parts of the house it is allowed to equip a terrace across the entire width of the building, where it is pleasant to spend time in the summer.
Such projects involve a conditional division of space into three functional parts, the largest of which is placed in the center. This room takes the form of a large spacious room without partitions and successfully combines the kitchen, dining and living areas. At the same time, the cooking area is moved closer to the terrace so that you can easily ventilate the kitchen and not carry cooked dishes across the house when a dinner or an outdoor celebration is planned.
This is a good layout for a large family, whose members value personal space, coziness and comfort, but do not neglect friendly parties and receptions.
Another option is a convenient layout of a one-story foam block house 10 by 10 m. In this case, the entrance to the house is located on the right side of the building, preferably closer to the center. The hall is combined with a kitchen-dining room and a living room, and you can get into the hallway through a small vestibule. Such zoning of space without partitions will help to significantly save on usable space without cluttering up the space.
In spacious rooms, 3-4 windows are made, filling the room with natural light. One side of the househave bedrooms, in another secondary premises, including a bathroom and a boiler room.
This layout is ideal for a family of four or five: two adults and two or three children.

Why are foam block house designs preferable to choose from?
Foam block is one of the most popular materials in individual construction. Such popularity is explained by:
- the possibility of building on any type of soil, because the construction of the house weighs a little;
- affordable on the market price of a one-story house made of foam blocks, depending on the required amount of material, the area of \u200b\u200bthe house and the type of foundation. 1 m3 foam block costs an average of 5,000 rubles, and a turnkey house project implemented can be obtained at a cost of 600,000 rubles;
- optimum comfort level;
- versatility of the material, suitable for the construction of any type of structures, even several floors: comfortable cottages, country one-story houses for recreation, outbuildings.
Construction of a one-story house from foam blocks is an opportunity to get reliable, durable and inexpensive housing in a short time. You can build a house with your own hands, choosing the best project for housing or contacting a construction company that will help you do everything in accordance with the standards and wishes of the client.