A bent channel is a metal product similar in its section to the letter "P". This material consists of a wall and two shelves, which are located on one side. Usually, a bent equal-shelf channel is produced from two to twelve meters long, while the wall thickness varies from 2.5 to 8 millimeters.

Feature of the product is its low specific gravity and at the same time high strength. Metal structures made from this rolled metal are lightweight, while they are able to withstand significant loads.
The bent channel differs from the hot-rolled one in dimensional accuracy, and visually - in the presence of external rounded corners. During the production of the product on roll forming machines, all defects in the workpiece are corrected, so further processing of the material is not required. Unlike hot-rolled profiles, which have uneven thickness that adversely affects welding and other operations, a roll-formed channel can be used without even chamfering.
Relatively low cost of products in total with excellent strengthcharacteristics allows the use of this rolled metal in construction and industry, which ensures high economic efficiency.

Bent channel is widely used for the reconstruction of buildings and for the construction of various facilities. Today, metal structures in which this material is present are quite serious competitors to ordinary (traditional) reinforced concrete buildings.
This allows you to achieve a number of technological and economic advantages, reduce the labor intensity of installation work, and reduce construction time. For example, many engineers and builders pay attention to a type of channel, which is a galvanized thermal profile made to order.
Also, the use of material allows minimizing the load on the structure, which, in turn, makes it possible to make the foundation of the building simpler. In addition, the bent channel is characterized by high functionality and versatility, which makes it reasonable to use it in various construction sites. The material is used for the manufacture of a frame for cladding external or internal walls, the construction of partitions in industrial and residential / office buildings.

Another important area of application for bent metal is mechanical engineering. Channels are used for the manufacture of various parts of mechanisms and machines, as well as for the construction of frame structures. From the material in the automotive industry producecarrier frames for trucks.
Bent channel, the assortment of which is quite diverse, is made on roll forming machines from hot-rolled rolled carbon, structural or low-alloy steel.
Products according to the length of the shelves are divided into equal and unequal bent channels, which are produced according to different GOSTs.
The range is also classified by rolling accuracy (regular, high and high precision), size and shape (parallel edge, tapered, economical, light, special).