Why and how to make moonshine at home

Why and how to make moonshine at home
Why and how to make moonshine at home
do-it-yourself moonshine still
do-it-yourself moonshine still

A person who is able to appreciate high-quality alcohol sooner or later comes to the conclusion that its independent production is fully justified, for this you just need a home-brewed still. In addition to economic benefits, such a process also brings moral satisfaction. Sitting at the table, on which there is a bottle of strong drink of his own production, the owner feels constant pride. In Russia, guests have always been treated to home-made alcoholic drinks, such as Spotykach, Calvados or Slivovitz. Traditionally, each house had its own recipes for making moonshine and all kinds of liqueurs, which were passed down from generation to generation.

Traditions of making homemade spirits

how to make moonshine at home
how to make moonshine at home

It should be noted that many people knew how to make moonshine at home, and this was not considered a sign of something bad. After all, moderate consumption of home-made alcoholic beverageshas nothing to do with everyday drinking.

Therefore, experts in this delicate process have always been held in high esteem. In addition, the best natural products have always been used to produce home-made moonshine. And to give a special flavor, mint, currant, cumin and anise were added to moonshine, thanks to which the drink acquired unique and noble notes. I must say that a home-brewed still allows you to vary all the characteristics of an alcoholic beverage, from the purity of the product to its strength.

Units for the production of alcoholic beverages at home

how to make moonshine at home
how to make moonshine at home

The main unit for the production of homemade alcohol is moonshine. Drinks such as wine or cognac, as well as all kinds of liqueurs, as a rule, do not require special inventions.

To figure out how to make a moonshine still at home, you need to understand the principle of its operation - and then everything will become clear. There are many ways to create this unit, from the simplest and most primitive to complex and multi-stage. Each owner has his own methods for the production of moonshine, his secrets. But there is only one device. Today we will tell you how to make a moonshine still with your own hands, but first we will discuss some points.

Selection of raw materials for moonshine

Let's consider the process itself first. Moonshine is made from fermented raw materials, the so-called mash, which must be kept from seven to fifteen days. It all depends on what is chosen as the basis: it can be simple yeast withsugar, and may be grapes or other fruits. In addition, rye, wheat and even peas are used as raw materials for moonshine. Moreover, if the household has jam that no one eats or it has been stored for a long time, then it can also be used. The selected product is placed in a metal bowl and sugar is added, the resulting mixture is poured with water. The ratio of products depends on the specific recipe.

Capacities and the base of the moonshine still

coil for moonshine still
coil for moonshine still

Now let's figure out how to make moonshine at home. Firstly, the container for the mash should be made of stainless steel or titanium, but in no case of aluminum. A 30-40 liter food canister is best for this purpose.

It is tightly sealed, and the metal from which it is made is obviously intended for the preparation and storage of drinks. After the mash ferments, it is put on fire. By the way, if you have a pressure cooker, you can not particularly bother with the question of how to make moonshine. Just pour the mass into this vessel. True, in this case it is recommended to mount a thermometer in the lid of the kitchen appliance, which must be very tightly fixed. It will show the temperature of the heating of the mash.

If a pressure cooker is used, it already has a hose to exit. Or you can make a hole in the metal dish itself and connect a coil for the moonshine to it. The best coils are made from a pipe, but if there is no metal,you can make it from a silicone tube. Plain rubber hoses are not suitable, as they give the moonshine an unpleasant aftertaste. The selected pipe, copper or thin-walled stainless steel, must be wound several times around a cylinder with a diameter of 6-8 cm. The result should be a spiral.

Places of connection of the coil must be tightly sealed with dough so that there are no gaps. Through this device, alcohol vapors will come out and turn into a liquid along the way. Therefore, the coil must be constantly cooled. To do this, you can simply place it in a container of cold running water.

how to make moonshine
how to make moonshine

Product development process

A little more, and the question of how to make moonshine at home can be considered closed. The process has begun, but we need a container to collect the finished product. Some craftsmen also add the so-called sump, which is installed between the coil and the vessel with mash. Heavy fractions are collected in it, that is, harmful impurities settle, and the moonshine turns out to be of better quality.

By the way, the mash is not poured to the edges of the unit, you need to leave some space, and the container itself must be tightly closed. After the mash boils, you need to reduce the fire to a minimum. The very first few grams, usually 40-50, are discarded because they are unfit for consumption.

Final result

It should be noted that from four liters of mash, approximately one liter of alcohol is obtained. In order to check its strength, you can usealcohol meter, which is sold in pharmacies. The resulting alcohol is subsequently filtered through activated carbon and diluted to taste with distilled or spring water. For gourmets, you can infuse moonshine with mint, St. John's wort and other aromatic and medicinal herbs.
