Stretch ceiling in the children's room for a girl: ideas and options, installation methods, photos

Stretch ceiling in the children's room for a girl: ideas and options, installation methods, photos
Stretch ceiling in the children's room for a girl: ideas and options, installation methods, photos

In our time, when repairing an apartment, people pay special attention to the children's room. Designers offer many bedroom designs for boys and girls. Many parents are wondering if it is possible to install stretch ceilings in the children's room. Designers unanimously give positive answers. You can even make a two-level stretch ceiling in the nursery. Some hire professionals in this field to carry out installation work. Others install stretch ceilings in the children's bedroom with their own hands. It is worth considering in more detail the progress of the installation work, as well as various ideas for ceilings in the nursery.

stretch ceiling for children's room
stretch ceiling for children's room

Why choose stretch ceilings?

Many kids dream of being in a fairy tale. Stretch ceilings help to make dreams come true. Child psychologists saythat a correctly designed picture in front of a lying baby forms his idea of the world and develops thinking. Therefore, if the ceilings are beautifully decorated, then the baby will be interested in studying them from the crib.

Stretch ceiling in the children's room for a girl will add a fabulous atmosphere to the room. You can add levels, make stars and other decorative elements.

Stretch ceilings in the nursery, as in the photo in the article, are a great addition to the interior of the room. Plus, this is a practical solution for decorating an apartment. Such ceilings do not require special care, they can be wiped if necessary with a damp cloth.

What is a stretch ceiling in a children's room?

It is a sheet of special PVC material. Polyvinyl chloride is installed around the perimeter of the nursery ceiling. It is stretched using high temperature conditions.

stretch ceiling in the children's room for girls
stretch ceiling in the children's room for girls

How is the installation of stretch ceilings in the nursery?

Installation is carried out by specially trained masters. The cost of this type of service is usually high. Some people prefer to install the canvas themselves using the instructions. This work is considered quite difficult for a beginner. It will be difficult for a person to carry out installation work without damaging the interior. Professional masters can stretch ceilings at any stage of repair. Therefore, a person should undertake the installation of stretch ceilings only if he acquires certain skills in this matter.


WhenWhen choosing stretch ceilings, it is worth understanding what end result a person wants to see. For example, external perception largely depends on the type of surface. Options:

  1. Matte ceiling is a non-shine surface that can absorb light. Differs in clearness of the invoice. The stores offer a wide range of colors. Stretch ceiling in the nursery for a girl is most often chosen with a matte surface. This is explained by the fact that girls' bedrooms are usually made in light colors, which are combined with the matte surface of the ceiling. This type is also suitable for spacious rooms. It will perfectly fit into any style of the room.
  2. Satin type is chosen when light diffusion is needed. It is also great for small rooms. Visually, the satin ceiling increases the size of the room. On this type, you can apply various drawings, as well as make photo printing. Such a stretch ceiling for the girl's children's room in the photo is presented in the article. The drawings fit perfectly into spacious rooms, and also add visual space to small rooms.
  3. Glossy type of ceiling is the best way to increase the visual space in the room. Great for small bedrooms. The only disadvantage of the glossy surface is that it is quite difficult to apply drawings on it. Therefore, you should choose this type of stretch ceiling for a nursery for older girls.
stretch in the nursery for the girl
stretch in the nursery for the girl

Main benefits

Worth notingon the main advantages of these ceilings:

  1. High resistance to water. If flooding occurs, the ceilings will prevent water from running off, which is very good for a child's room. The baby may be frightened by a sudden flood.
  2. Ceilings can be partially dismantled. If necessary, you can temporarily remove part of the canvas and carry out repairs.
  3. No additional preparation required before installation.
  4. May be wet cleaning.

Tips on material selection

Photo stretch ceilings in the children's room shows a variety of colors. Only quality materials should be preferred.

It is important to know that PVC material cannot pass air. If it is used when finishing the ceiling, then there should be no other synthetic materials in the children's room. Nowadays, for children's rooms, combined coating options have been developed. For example, polyvinyl chloride goes well with drywall.

Why is it important to choose the right lighting?

Stretch ceilings in the nursery, as in the photo, show the need for proper lighting. Only with good lamps will the ceiling look spectacular.

Every parent knows to protect their child's eyesight. Therefore, it is better to choose a bright light in the room. In tension structures, it becomes possible to arrange the lamps at the discretion of the owners of the apartment. You can place the lamps at different levels of the ceiling. It is better to make the light brighter above the area where the desk will stand. In the sleep zonewhere the bed is located, it is better to make the lighting less bright.

stretch ceiling in the nursery for girls
stretch ceiling in the nursery for girls

In the nursery, much depends on the lighting. You can install children's stretch ceilings with the sky. In this case, you can use light bulbs to make stars.

Care of stretch ceilings

As a rule, most often a stretch ceiling is installed in a nursery for a girl. Many parents explain this by saying that boys are less neat than girls and can ruin the ceiling. Installers of this design assure that the ceilings do not require additional maintenance. Simply wipe them with a damp cloth.

The need for maintenance of ceilings depends directly on the number of levels. If this is a one-level coating, then there is no need for maintenance. Tiered ceilings are more difficult to clean.

If stains appear, they can be removed. It is important to ensure that the cleaning agent does not contain particles that can scratch the surface.

Advantages of stretch ceilings

They have a number of undeniable advantages:

  1. Ease of use.
  2. Wide range and variety of patterns. You can even place a photo on the ceiling. For small children, you can make a fabric stretch ceiling. It won't get damaged by hits. For example, if you throw a ball, the ceiling does not deform.
  3. Materials from which the coating is made are safe for children. PVC does not cause allergies in babies.
  4. Fire safety. Can be easily installed inchild without fear of material fire.
stretch ceiling
stretch ceiling


There are several disadvantages of stretch ceilings in the children's room:

  1. PVC coating baby may damage. You can pierce the ceiling with something sharp.
  2. If the item is made of textile, it may absorb moisture.
  3. Poor ventilation in a room with this type of ceiling. The passage of air into the room is difficult.
  4. Overpriced for this type of ceiling. Not all citizens are ready to make such purchases.

Options for stretch ceilings in the nursery

Parents face a difficult task when choosing a stretch ceiling for a nursery. It will be difficult for them to understand the color variety and varied design. Nowadays, it is even possible to place a digital image on a surface.

The stretch ceiling in the children's room for a girl can be made with a family photo or with your favorite cartoon characters. To date, the most fashionable solutions are:

  1. Space ceilings or "starry sky". Like all children without exception. At night, stars appear on the surface. There are variants with planets. Child psychologists believe that this design of the room has a positive effect on the psyche of children. Another advantage of the starry sky is that with illumination, many children are not afraid of the dark and agree to fall asleep on their own.
  2. In a nursery for a girl, a stretch ceiling can be made in the form of clouds. You can make a picture with the sun on several levels. Such a designadds airiness to the interior, light. This ceiling format is perfect for rooms with low ceilings. View of the daytime sky allows you to visually increase the height.
  3. Mirror ceilings in cold light colors will help visually enlarge the bedroom. This effect will appeal to school-age children.
stretch ceiling in the girl's room
stretch ceiling in the girl's room

Tips for choosing the color of the ceiling in the children's room

Usually, people find it most difficult to decide on the color of the ceilings in the nursery. It is believed that children need everything bright. Psychologists do not advise combining several saturated colors in the design of a nursery at the same time. They believe that this can have a bad effect on the psyche of the baby. Brown and gray colors are also not recommended for children.

Experts advise doing zoning in the nursery with flowers and dividing the ceiling into zones. It is better to choose the main color of the coating yellow. It has a beneficial effect on brain activity. Near the crib, you can install a ceiling covering in blue for boys and pink for girls. The play area in the room can be under a brightly colored ceiling. The green shade looks the best. Classic white is always in fashion. It is important to listen to the wishes of the child, choose the color scheme that he likes.

Many decide not to stop at one color and choose several shades that match each other. It is better to give preference to soft colors. For example, light blue, beige and milky shade. The color combination of white and all shades of purple looks nice.

ceiling in the children's room for a girl
ceiling in the children's room for a girl

When choosing the color of the stretch ceiling, you need to remember that children grow up and their tastes may change. The image of cars and princesses in a few years may no longer cause such delight. Better cover with a neutral image.


So, we have examined in detail what a stretch ceiling in a children's room can be. This design will significantly change the appearance of the room. This interior looks unique and beautiful. Therefore, the stretch ceiling is so popular now. By the way, you can use it not only in the nursery.
