Vapor-permeable plaster for outdoor use: description, characteristics

Vapor-permeable plaster for outdoor use: description, characteristics
Vapor-permeable plaster for outdoor use: description, characteristics

In the process of finishing the external walls of a building today, many materials are used, but one of the most popular solutions is vapor-permeable plaster. Its plus lies in the fact that condensate does not accumulate inside the room, as a result of which the structure is ready to last much longer than usual.

One disadvantage is that it is not always possible to do the finishing work yourself. This is due to some difficulties that the person who has the skills to work in this area is able to overcome.

Description of the composition for aerated concrete and features of its use

vapor-permeable plaster
vapor-permeable plaster

In order to prevent cracks from appearing on aerated concrete walls, they must be protected from carbonization shrinkage. Care should be taken to ensure that the material in the base easily resists the effects of air and moisture, which will penetrate inside. Vapor-permeable plaster is an excellent protection.

Aerated concrete walls have one important characteristic thatis the ability to pass steam. Finishing plaster should have the same properties. It is important to ensure the penetration of steam into and out of the building. If it settles from the inside, then with temperature fluctuations, the moisture will freeze and thaw, which will contribute to the appearance of cracks. Outside, the layer will fall off, and mold will form on it inside.

When finishing work, it is important to correctly determine the thickness of the layer. Without making calculations, you can use the experience of specialists. In this case, the cladding is applied on the outside in a 2 times thinner layer than on the inside. Finishing should not have a thick layer, from the side of the premises this parameter is 2 cm or less.

The plastered wall should be painted with facade paints, which are distinguished by the same vapor-permeable characteristics. Some believe that aerated concrete plaster is a mixture of sand, water and cement. The composition must have plasticity, high adhesion to the base and resistance to damage. If you purchase a ready-made mixture, then choosing it correctly is not a guarantee of success, you must use the material correctly.

When working with vapor-permeable plaster, it is important to consider the characteristics of the composition. After reviewing them, you will be able to understand that you must monitor the temperature in the room, which is equal to the limit from +5 to +30 ° C. Before starting work, it is necessary to clean the walls of dirt and stains, and if the material exfoliates, then it is cleaned. When working with a brick wall, which absorbs the material well, it must beprimed.

If you have to work with a concrete wall or a surface of slabs that do not absorb moisture well, then the base is still primed, but the mixture must meet the requirements for the adhesion of two materials. If the plaster for aerated concrete is applied in 2 layers, then you must wait until the first one is completely dry and hard.

Description and characteristics of some compositions for aerated concrete

plaster for aerated concrete
plaster for aerated concrete

Among other market offerings, we can consider lime-cement mortar, which is used most often. It has a good quality-price ratio. Quite popular brands are:

  • KrasLand.
  • Bolars.
  • "Win".
  • HandPutz Baumit.

The plaster can be applied in layers from 5 to 20 mm, the resulting coating will provide sufficient strength and the possibility of operation for 15 years. Before purchasing the mixture, it is necessary to take into account the consumption of plaster, which will be 15 kg per square meter. Having built a bath of aerated concrete, you can finish it with a silicate composition, which is made on the basis of potash glass. Products are characterized by low cost and a service life of up to 15 years. Among the popular manufacturers of such mixtures should be highlighted:

  • Baumit Silikat Top.
  • Knauf Kati.

Plaster is characterized by a neutral level of electrostatics, which eliminates premature dust pollution. The material is supplied in a container and is completely ready forapplication, which eliminates the need to prepare a solution. You can finish an aerated concrete bath with silicone plaster based on the appropriate ingredient. These mixtures are in the expensive segment and have high adhesion and elasticity.

You can use the composition for new or operated buildings. The service life of the mixture on the wall exceeds 25 years. Among the most famous brands we should highlight:

  • Ceresit CT75.
  • Kreisel Silicone Putz.
  • Terracoat Sil.

Distinctive features of mixtures are:

  • UV resistance;
  • combination of vapor permeability and water resistance;
  • possibility of use for exterior and interior decoration;
  • ease of use;
  • tolerance of sudden temperature changes;
  • environmental safety.

The material is completely ready for application. The surface of prefabricated aerated concrete blocks must be prepared by coating with a primer. For pre-treatment, a synthetic-based primer is used. After applying the plaster, you can form a relief on the surface of the facade using a plastic float.

Description of acrylic compounds for aerated concrete

plaster for outdoor work price
plaster for outdoor work price

Finishing aerated concrete can be done with acrylic compounds based on the resin of the same name. These mixtures are highly elastic, so that chips and cracks do not form on the surface. The layer is attractive due to the ability to choose any color and texture.

Acrylic compositions are used not only to protect aerated concrete, but also as a finish. Among the well-known brands, it is necessary to highlight:

  • Ceresit CT60.
  • Bolix KA.
  • Baumit Nanopor Top.

The cons are:

  • flammability;
  • high electrostatic performance.

Description of gypsum mortars

aerated concrete bath
aerated concrete bath

Gypsum compounds must be used within a limited temperature range of +5 to +20 °C. The walls are pre-prepared and cleaned of dust. To prevent the absorption of moisture from the solution, the facade is covered with a primer. As it can be used a mixture for cellular materials such as "Knauf Grundirmittel" or "Pobedit Soil Concentrate".

If necessary, a reinforcing mesh made of polymers or metal is used, which increases the thickness and number of layers, and also prevents deformation of the material during its further operation.

The cost of the most popular vapor-permeable compositions

aerated concrete finishing
aerated concrete finishing

If you want to buy plaster for outdoor use, the price of this mixture should interest you. When buying KrasLand cement-based material, you will have to pay 240 rubles. per bag of 25 kg. "Bolars" is somewhat cheaper - 205 rubles, but "Egida XI-S-42 will win" belongs to the same price category as the first of the mentioned mixtures.

Alternative market offerings

vapor-permeable facade plasters
vapor-permeable facade plasters

Mostan expensive representative of the line is HandPutz Baumit, you can purchase this mixture for 260 rubles. The price of plaster for outdoor work depends on the material in the base. For example, Baumit Silikat Top silicate mixtures will cost 4,000 rubles. As for silicone compounds, you can buy Ceresit CT75 for 5200 rubles. 15 kg Kreisel SilikonPutz are offered for sale at a price of 2000 rubles. A 25-kg bag of Terracoat Sil can be bought for 4000 rubles. Ceresit CT60 acrylic mixtures have a cost equal to 1900 rubles. Whereas Baumit Nanopor Top can be bought for 4400 rubles.

Properties of Ceresit CT 75 plaster

vapor-permeable plaster characteristics
vapor-permeable plaster characteristics

This vapor-permeable plaster is a thin-layer composition for creating a top coat. Among the main properties should be highlighted:

  • high vapor permeability;
  • resistance to pollution;
  • weatherproof;
  • excellent hydrophobicity;
  • excellent UV resistance;
  • suitable for outdoor and indoor use;
  • environmental safety;
  • frost resistance.

Main composition characteristics

The composition contains: pigments, water dispersion of acrylic and silicone copolymers with mineral fillers. Drying time before texture formation is 15 minutes. The density of the mixture is 1.73 kg/dm3. After a day, which will depend on the temperature, you can leave the facade without fear that it will be damaged by rain.

Adhesion to concrete exceeds 0.3 MPa. Operating temperaturevaries from -50 to +70 °C. The predicted service life is 10 years. One square meter will require 2.5 kg of vapor-permeable plaster, this is true if the grain fraction is 2 mm.

In closing

If you need to protect the walls from moisture, but keep their ability to pass air in and out, then you should use the appropriate composition. The materials described in this article may have different textures, which determine how they are used.

Vapour-permeable facade plasters have different colors, which allows you to implement interesting design solutions. You can add paint to the mixture, then the coating will turn out not to be monophonic, but will have a whole palette of colors.
