Budleya: cultivation in central Russia

Budleya: cultivation in central Russia
Budleya: cultivation in central Russia

Budleys are flowering deciduous shrubs belonging to the Loganiaceae family. Named for the English botanist Adam Buddle. Under natural conditions, they grow in hot climates and very rarely in the temperate climate zone of Asia, America and South Africa.

Budley cultivation
Budley cultivation

All budleys are thermophilic plants. Only David's budley is able to winter under cover in our climate. In its homeland, in China, it grows along the banks of rivers and climbs into the mountains. This is a small deciduous shrub, reaching a height of 3 meters. The budlea has long, wide-spreading thin branches, drooping at the ends, and lanceolate, pointed dark green leaves.

Very beautiful and elegant plant - budleya. Growing it, despite the laboriousness, is an exciting and interesting activity.

The flowering of this culture occurs only at the age of three. The plant blooms annually, from August to autumn, for 1.5 months. For the similarity of budley with lilacs, people call it “autumn lilac”.

Very small flowers with a honey aroma are collected in long, up to 40 cm, spike-shaped inflorescences. The color of the flowers is the most diverse: lilac, white, purple, lilac-pink, yellow, purple. Pleasant fragrance emitted by flowersbuddlei of David, attracts a large number of insects to the garden: bees, bumblebees, butterflies.

A budley planted in the garden, the cultivation of which requires certain skills and knowledge, with its chic appearance will attract the attention of all neighbors who want to admire it.

Due to its rapid growth and abundant and long flowering, David's budley is very popular with gardeners and flower lovers.

Planting budley
Planting budley

In central Russia, it grows like a shrub. In the winter season, the aerial part of it almost completely dies off. In spring, the plant grows back. Flowers are formed on the branches of the current year.

Budley grows very well in sunny places, protected from drafts and cool winds. Prefers light sandy loamy fertile soil, where lime is added. If the soil is heavy, then it is necessary to add sand, high-moor peat or humus.

Budley care
Budley care

Budley, the cultivation of which in central Russia requires special care and attention from gardeners, will be a chic decoration for any garden. It belongs to tall cultures. As soon as warm weather sets in, the plant begins to grow rapidly, and by the end of the warm season, the length of individual shoots can reach 1.5 m. During the summer, the flower must be fed several times with complex mineral fertilizers. Top dressing is especially good before flowering in July - September.

The beautiful budley, whose care begins in early spring and ends in late autumn, will not leave anyone indifferentthanks to its stunning appearance.

At the end of flowering, faded shoots must be cut off. With the onset of the first frost, all branches are cut off, leaving five-centimeter stumps. For the winter, the plant is covered with dry leaves, peat, spruce or pine spruce branches. Such mulching protects the buds dormant at the base of the shoots from frost.

With the onset of spring, the shelter is removed, but this must be done gradually so that the plant does not suffer from sudden changes in temperature. New shoots grow very quickly from dormant buds.

Budley planting is carried out in the spring, when the growth of young branches begins. A pit is prepared in advance for planting, where manure, ash and potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are added. The flower is dug up with a large clod of earth and transferred to a new place. After planting, abundant watering is necessary.

Buddleya, the cultivation of which is quite laborious, will bring a lot of joy to its owner.
