Violet Blue-eyed Russia: description, features of cultivation and care

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Violet Blue-eyed Russia: description, features of cultivation and care
Violet Blue-eyed Russia: description, features of cultivation and care

Video: Violet Blue-eyed Russia: description, features of cultivation and care

Video: Violet Blue-eyed Russia: description, features of cultivation and care
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Violet is a huge genus of flowering indoor plants from the Gesneriaceae family. Now there are thousands of its varieties. These small flowers conquer with their beauty and can decorate any room. Among the most beautiful species is the blue-eyed Russia violet variety. Growing it is simple, and even a novice grower can handle it.

Violet flowers home care
Violet flowers home care

Variety description

Violet Blue-eyed Russia has a standard socket. She has large double and semi-double flowers of delicate blue color with elongated, slightly wavy petals. The edges of the petals are outlined with purple piping. In the center there is a beautiful saturated color blue shading, and the edge has a strawberry frame - a splashed border.

Green outlet, exhibition. The leaves are pointed, grow slowly. The bushes are perfectly formed, they turn out beautiful, even, compact. The size of the outlet depends on the size of the pot.

Violet Blue-eyed Russia is a multiple winner of domestic exhibitions. Flower color and shapeunique. Purple edging and expressive shades add grace to the variety. Under the lamp and under natural light, flowering is almost the same. However, in natural light, the flowers are brighter and the flower stalks last longer in the bouquet.


Violet Blue-eyed Russia blooms with beautiful double and semi-double stars of a bright blue hue. Flower size - 6-7 cm. Flowering is long, each lasts up to five weeks. In the heat, the size of the flowers decreases, the color becomes paler. The variety is amazing with an abundance of flowers and a huge number of buds. The flowers are holding up well. The hat of this variety, bred by Elena Korshunova, of the correct form, retains its grace for a long time. Her flowers do not fade for a long time, retaining their color. However, during flowering, the border fades a little.

In order for violet EK Blue-eyed Russia to show itself in all its beauty, it is necessary to prepare and choose the right substrate and ensure coolness. Under such conditions, it will show its color, a border will appear.

This variety is hardy and undemanding. She is easy to care for. The variety lends itself well to reproduction. It blooms in the tenth month from planting a leaf.

Features of care

All varieties of violets need almost the same care, and this variety is no exception. The rules of care include proper watering, timely transplantation, location selection, lighting. It is equally important to choose the right lighting, because flowering and rosette development depend on it.

Violet Blue-eyed Russia
Violet Blue-eyed Russia


According to the description, blue-eyed violetRussia needs abundant lighting, but without direct sunlight. South windows are not suitable for the plant. If there is no other placement option, then the violet is shaded. It is best to place the plant on the east and west windows.

In winter, violets are recommended to be removed from cold glasses to prevent hypothermia of the roots.

If the plant is not placed on the windowsill, then it must be illuminated. With a lack of light, the violet stretches upwards, the color of the leaves is lost, they become soft, the development of the rosette is disrupted.

In order for the plant to develop correctly, it is provided with 14-16 hours of daylight.


In the spring and summer, the plant is provided with a temperature of 20-22 degrees. In winter, the temperature is reduced to 15 degrees. Daily fluctuation within 2-3 degrees is allowed, but without sharp jumps. Does not tolerate drafts.


For the successful cultivation of violets, it is necessary to monitor the humidity of the air. At home, plants grow in conditions of high humidity. If the air in the room is too dry, then it is humidified by installing pallets with water, or by installing a humidifier next to the violets.

Traditional leaf spraying is not suitable for violets. Droplets do not evaporate, but roll down the leaves to the center of the rosette. As a result, it is affected by the fungus.

Hanging flower pots
Hanging flower pots


The most common cause of violet death is improper watering. These plants do not tolerate drying out andwaterlogging of the soil. Watering violets twice a week in the warm season is considered optimal, and once a week in the cold season.

For irrigation use settled water at room temperature. You can water under the root, making sure that water does not get on the leaves. You can use drip, wick or drip methods, as well as dip water.

Violets love to bathe. After this procedure, they should be dried well, allowing the water to drain completely.


For any plant, you need to choose the right pot. And violet in this regard is no exception. These plants are capricious. If the diameter of the pot is not chosen correctly, then the flower will not be able to develop normally, bloom.

Violets have a small root system, they don't need much space. The pot should be three times smaller than the outlet. You can not use the pot "for growth", as in this case it may rot. If using a pot that is too large, the plant will not flower until it has roots all over the soil.

You can use hanging pots for flowers, as well as ordinary ones, with a diameter of 8-12 cm. Violets feel comfortable in such pots.

violet breeding
violet breeding


You can buy ready-made soil in the store, or you can make it yourself. For this, peat, humus and sand are taken. To give friability, vermiculite or perlite is added to the composition. Before planting the plant, the substrate must be treated by spilling it with boiling water or sterilizing it in the oven.

Violet Blue-eyed Russiadescription
Violet Blue-eyed Russiadescription


The easiest and most convenient method of propagation is cuttings. The resulting stalk can be planted immediately in the ground, without waiting for the roots to appear. With this method, the plant is buried in the ground by 1-2 cm at an angle of 45 degrees. To create optimal germination conditions, the planting container is placed in a greenhouse.

You can root the cutting in water. To do this, put the sheet in clean water, be sure to add a tablet of activated carbon to prevent decay. The handle should not touch the bottom of the walls and bottom of the vessel. After 2-3 weeks, roots will appear, and the cutting is transplanted into the ground. During this procedure, it is important not to damage the delicate roots. When planting, you can not bury the cuttings, otherwise the appearance of children will have to wait a long time. It is optimal to plant at a depth of 1-2 cm.

Violet Blue-eyed Russia
Violet Blue-eyed Russia

Diseases, pests

For any violet flowers, care at home comes down to proper watering, timely transplantation. If you violate the rules of care, violets get sick. They are affected by infections, fungal diseases, pests appear. Most often, violets are affected by gray rot, powdery mildew, fusarium. Burns may occur on the leaves. Often, plants are affected by insects: aphids, nematodes, thrips, mites.

If the plant is sick or has been hit by a pest, then it should be urgently treated with chemicals, following the instructions.
