Gardeners and ordinary people adore this flower for its riot of colors. Gatsania, perennial or annual, really has a bright exquisite beauty. And it blooms like a colorful daisy. These plants are originally from Africa, which is probably why they like sunny days.
The bright sun, which gives warmth, allows us to admire such a creation of nature. And in the cold season, we can also observe such a plant as gazania. How to save these flowers in the winter, so that later in the summer they decorate the garden plot? Such questions are often asked on amateur gardening forums.

Types of gazania
Gatsania belongs to the Asteraceae family. Such plants come in several forms: annual or perennial, semi-shrub or shrubby.
They gained fame thanks to the variety of colors. In fact, there are quite a few varieties of this flower, they can be counted up to fifty.
The most popular are shiny or harsh gazania. Our breeders have bred flowers of various colors. And now not only a monophonic chamomile, but also a motley gazania, the photo of which yousee in the article, pleases us. The main varieties are single-flowered, shiny, peacock, white, pinnate, etc.
Features of the plant
This interesting southern specimen has its own complex character. It manifests itself in the fact that if it is cloudy outside, the petals close, and the middle of the flower becomes invisible.
Initially, these plants, accustomed to heat and light, could bloom from sunrise to sunset, but in bad weather they are kept closed. But flower growers would like more. And then they, through trial and error, began to experiment on responding to weather conditions with this plant. And now, thanks to their actions, a hybrid called Talent appeared.
As a result, now you can admire the colorful shades of the flower in any weather. So our specialists, despite the capricious mood of the plant, quickly found a way out.
Love African daisies watering. It is advisable for them to arrange it in the heat systematically. If this is not done on hot days, then the flowers will become smaller and smaller before our eyes. And, of course, they will no longer be able to please us with their beautiful coloring pages.

Let's talk about hybrid and long-range glazing
Floriculture uses in our latitudes mainly hybrid and long-range glazing. The long-range gazania comes from South Africa. This type of gazania is a perennial. It grows with stems short and creeping. Blooms from August to early winter. These flowers are seven centimeters in diameter.
Hybrid glazing has a harsh structure, and the diameter of the flower is 8 cm. It can be set to any shade of orange, as well as white and yellow. Grows as a bush in a rosette of basal leaves.
The hybrid flower is distinguished by the decor of the leaves. They have a linear spatulate structure. Leaves with a hint of silver below, feel like velvet to the touch. By the way, this pubescence is not accidental. Thanks to him, the plant is not afraid of the cold. In addition, the leaves help retain moisture on the flower.
Hybrid varieties are more in demand among our compatriots. The fact is that they are perfectly adapted to our climate. They have large flowers and a large number of semi-double or double petals. A lot of hybrids and main varieties have been bred. And they bloom in white, crimson, pink, yellow, bronze-lemon, cream, orange, striped and spotted flowers.
Their names fit the color. For example, there are such names of varieties (variety mixtures): Solar flare, Solar dance, Marvelous miracle, Sunshine, Sunshine, Big kiss, Bonjour and so on.
How to care
After two weeks of planting, feed the gazania with mineral fertilizers. If the site has poor soil or flowers grow in a container, then use complex fertilizers, but also after a while, within 14 days.
Be sure to feed a plant such as gazania at the beginning of the season. Cultivation and care, properly organized, are the actions that will help her constantly delight you with her flowering.
Soil forgazania is the most favorable - sandy loam. It shouldn't be too wet. And, importantly, it should contain a lot of humus. When the flowers gain strength, top dressing can be canceled. Remove permanently faded inflorescences and flower stalks.

How do these flowers feel in winter
Such a unique flower as gazania, care, careful and thoughtful, is necessary, however, like all plants. But for you it will not be too burdensome. The plant needs light fertile soil with good drainage.
When the flowers mature, they become cold-resistant, they can be admired almost until the first frost. Although gazania, a perennial or annual, is a native of the south, it has already almost adapted to our latitudes.
Only when you already feel the onset of winter, gently transplant your favorite flowers into pots. If you have a glazed balcony and the temperature there is not lower than +10 degrees, then they will winter well in this place in order to return to the garden plot again in the spring. Remember to water moderately.
Try to transplant the flowers very carefully so as not to damage the roots. You can also use flowerpots in areas for growing a plant such as gazania. How to keep such flowers in flowerpots in winter? Don't transplant them out of their pots, just take flowers home with them.
Can a flower overwinter?
In order to keep the gazing until spring, there are several ways:
1. In winter, the flower will be good indoors. Only good will be neededlighting. The plant is unpretentious. If you live in a region with mild, wet winters and no frost, you may not even need to take the pot home.
Although they like warmth, as they mature, flowers adapt to the local climate. You can use special containers to grow them in the garden. And then, with the onset of cold weather after -3 degrees, pick them up, put them on the balcony so that she can get used to the new conditions of gazing.
The wintering of the plant can then continue in warm rooms, but only after the flower gets used to the balcony climate, where the optimal temperature for it will be considered 9-11 degrees with a plus sign.
2. But if you live where frosts are fierce in winter, gazanias are best grown as annuals. To do this, you can sow gazania seeds in early spring. Try to water the plants in winter, but very rarely. And make sure the soil doesn't dry out. Gatzania (growing and care in this case will not differ much) can grow if you either did not transplant it from the pot, or carefully, without damaging the roots, tried to transplant it.
Perennial Gazania is a low growing, bushy plant, so when transplanting it to open ground, separate the bushes carefully.

About seedlings
Gatsania is sown in the first month of spring. After the seeds have erupted, the seedlings must be pricked in greenhouses or in earthen pots. And as soon as the spring frosts end, plant them in the ground.
We advise youstill use peat pots if you grow a flower from seeds. This is necessary in order not to inadvertently damage the roots. Yes, and in this case it will not be necessary to dive. So you solve the problem of vital activity in the winter of such a plant as gazania. How to save it in winter, as well as how to grow seedlings from seeds, we examined.
And since April, the weather usually allows you to send seedlings to a cold greenhouse or to an open ground area. Seedlings must be gradually hardened off. This can be done from the moment the thawed patches disappear.
The shoots will gradually get used to the cold down to -3 degrees and to bright sunlight. If you notice that the temperature is lower at night, then use lutrasil to cover the young growth. When the temperature outside is more than +17 degrees, shoots should be expected in a decade or a little later.

How to propagate a plant using cuttings
Reproduction of gazania can also be done using cuttings. The middle of summer is just the period when gazania, a perennial or annual, quietly propagates with the help of cuttings, which are obtained from the side shoots at the base of the stems.
First, treat the cuttings with root-stimulating preparations, then plant them in the shade, so that the sun's rays do not fall on them. They need to get used to the new place. When you see that the cuttings are rooted, take a clod of earth along with the cutting and plant it in the place you have chosen.
This way on yourplot will always grow glazing. How to keep such a flower in winter, now you already know.

Where can I plant gazania?
They are planted on curbs, paths. Flower beds are arranged next to stones or undersized flowers. Unique flower arrangements with ageratums, lobelias and other floral creations will definitely not leave anyone indifferent. It turns out a wonderful spectacle that cannot be immortalized.
No one remains indifferent, contemplating such a gift of nature as gazania. The photo is proof of that.

Does gazing get sick?
She can catch a disease called gray rot. As you can see, like all living things in the world, the gazania plant can get sick. Growing (and caring for it) during this period will be a little more complicated because you will need to resort to the help of a fungicide.
Treat the diseased flower with its solution. Preventive measures will also come in handy. They are simple: make flowers grow in non-waterlogged soil.
Also protect them from aphids, snails, slugs, spider mites.
By performing such simple actions, you will constantly enjoy the bright exotic native of Africa, and will delight you at any time of the year. Winter is not terrible for her. So enjoy the view of these beautiful flowers!