Glue "Cosmofen" is a liquid transparent one-component substance with low viscosity. When using material there is an instant connection of surfaces. The adhesive seam remaining after this has excellent frost and heat resistance, and does not collapse under the influence of atmospheric precipitation.

Glue "Cosmofen": scope
The material is intended for industrial and professional use, in addition, it can also be used in everyday life for repairs. Glue "Cosmofen" is a universal tool and is suitable for connecting almost all hard plastics, polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride, polycarbonate, polyethylene terephthalate, plexiglass.
In addition, with the help of a substance, polyethylene terephthalate glycol, rigid polyvinyl chloride with seals and aluminum profiles can be attached to each other. The material is used in the manufacture of windows to connect vinyl fabrics. Liquid plastic "Cosmofen" is used to make pockets of advertising banners, with its help it can be glued in anycombinations of metal, glass, rubber, ceramic or leather surfaces.
The tool is ideal for joining small parts, and also indispensable for quick fixing.

Do not use the substance for gluing items that are in direct contact with water for a long time, parts that have a porous surface, and also in cases where it is necessary to obtain a plastic adhesive seam.
The material is suitable for bonding only chemically treated or painted aluminum surfaces, otherwise, if no preparatory work has been carried out, the adhesive bond will be fragile.
Glue materials such as A-PET and polypropylene may not be of good quality due to their chemical inertness.
Joints of surfaces with different rates of thermal expansion should be additionally checked for the quality of the adhesive seam, especially over time with further use in conditions of temperature fluctuations.
Cosmofen glue: specifications
The product is based on ethyl cyanoacrylate. The setting time is 4 seconds. The adhesive joint is rigid in the hardened state and has a colorless, cloudy color. The final hardening at a temperature of 20 C occurs after 16 hours.

Cosmofen glue: application
The surfaces to be joined must be cleaned and degreased beforethey must be dry. Acetone or other cleaners are used to prepare materials for gluing. During the fastening of the elements, they must be pressed tightly against each other, since the Cosmofen glue, due to its low viscosity, is unable to fill gaps whose width is greater than 0.1 mm.
The substance is applied in drops to any of the surfaces to be joined directly from the bottle, after which the materials must be immediately pressed for a few seconds. If the product is subject to stress during use, then Cosmofen-plus glue should be applied over a larger area.